
Beach Date (2/4)

"I know you do."

"Is that so?" Masashi looks into her eyes with a smile for a few seconds before pulling her toward the water.

Although it's December and the weather is pretty cold, they don't really mind it that much. The [Gamer's Body] is pretty adaptive, especially with the overpowered stats that they both have.

They go deep into the water and play there in the water. They try some underwater kissing but are annoyed that the saltwater taste is so prominent and affects the experience.

They spent about 2 hours playing in the water.

After they're done they head to the showers near the beach.

Masashi walks out of the showers with a towel wrapped around his waist and waits for Mai.

Mai walks out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her hair and another around her torso.

"Let's go back. We'll get some snacks and maybe break the playroom in. I haven't been here since I got the place finished."

"Sounds fun! I want a pool rematch too. Our scores are 99 - 99. I will be the first one to a hundred." Mai says with a competitive flair.

Masashi just sweats a little thinking about his girlfriend's competitive side.

They got to the house and changed into some casual clothes.

Masashi wears a hoodie that Mai proceeds to steal from him. Then he just wears a simple black full-sleeved T-shirt.

They prepare a few snacks and spend the rest of the day in the playroom.

Mai wins the next round of pool with Masashi winning the one after, so even though she got to 100 first they're still tied.

Although the only reason that she won the first round was because of her distracting him with her ass while playing.

Wearing nothing but a hoodie while playing a game like pool should be banned.

Then she decided to take revenge on him by beating him the hell up in Tekken. Playing classics in an actual arcade machine is the best.

Masashi just obediently let her beat him up, not that he could do anything significant against her.

She just had the random button clicking down perfectly, Masashi couldn't even get up after she hit him once.

After having fun in the arcade, they get ready for dinner.

Masashi has a few dishes prepared in advance and just adds the final touches to them as Mai helps him out.

He puts everything in his inventory as they go down to the basement.

Mai finally sees the basement when they're done with the food.

The place is decorated with a few dim lights and countless red rose petals.

They form a path toward the center where there's a table and the petals are arranged in a heart shape around it.

It's called a basement but it's actually a single large room on the lower ground floor.

One of the walls is basically a window, overlooking the ocean side. It illuminates the room with the glow of the moon, making it look that much better.

Mai likes it so much that she instantly jumps at Masahi and starts making out with him right then and there.

Masashi just holds onto her as she wraps herself around him like a koala.

After a few minutes, they separate.

"This looks amazing."

"Of course it is, who do you think prepared it?"

"You and your narcissism?"

"You say it as if you aren't the same."

Mai just avails the right to not say anything.

Masashi smiles at her and pulls back one of the chairs, gesturing for her to sit.

They sit and eat the food, enjoying each other's presence and some small talk.

They enjoy the glow of the moon in the clear sky and finish up the food.

"Let's go for a walk, it'll be fun. Come on!" Mai urges Masashi.

"You sure? It's pretty late."

"Yeah, don't worry about it, let's go," Mai says, pulling at Masashi's hand.

They just walk on the beach in silence, the waves of the sea being the perfect lullaby.

Mai just hugs Masashi's arm and leans her head on his shoulder as they walk barefoot.

The feeling of the cold and somewhat damp sand almost feels soothing to them.

"Hey, Masashi?"

"Yeah, Mai?"

"What do you think about having kids?"

"For one thing I think we're too young for having kids. Plus we're basically immortal, we have literally all the time in the world to do whatever we want."

"Yeah… Immortality is an almost scary concept, don't you think?"

"It is, but only if you're alone. If you have someone to be with you, someone to support you throughout eternity, I don't think immortality is that scary."

"Yeah, that's true." Mai tightens her hold on Masashi's arm.

"Back to the kid's talk, we can have kids whenever we want. It's always under our control. I can creampie you all I want and you still wouldn't get pregnant if either of us doesn't want to.

"That's the power of the [Gamer's Body]."

"Yeah how does that even work, I don't feel like I can stop my heart from beating. So, I don't have full control over my body. How does the baby-making work?"

"Well I'm not really sure but I think that it has to do with your HP regeneration. Most of the time we keep it suppressed since we don't really get hurt or anything. At best we may have used it a few times for my sore muscles after an intense workout and even that was 8 months ago."

"I think I get it. When I let my regeneration run at full capacity, it also affects the egg inside me and makes it stay in an active state until it gets fertilized."

"Exactly, in a similar way, I can control my sperm to not fertilize you after I fill you up."

(A/N: I just pulled this explanation out of my ass since I don't want to make them have kids so soon. Birth control pills are useless to the gamer's body and they aren't using condoms. I had to do something so that they don't have to deal with early pregnancy.)

Mai falls silent after this, just enjoying the walk with Masashi.

Masashi brings out a glass of whiskey and takes a little sip as he walks with Mai.

"Do you just carry that around with you? Like a fully prepared drink?"

"It's just whiskey and soda with some ice."

"You weren't kidding when you said that you need the [Eiditic Memory] just to keep track of the stuff in the inventory were you?"

"How do you know that? I thought that I never said it out loud."

Mai just smirks and says, "I can read your mind just by looking at your face."

"I don't believe you. What am I thinking of right now?" Masashi says thinking of Mai's boobs.

"You're thinking about my chest," Mai says without even looking at him.

"Impossible. How can you do that? The connection is suppressed."

"I just know you that well, baby." Mai just looks at Masashi with a heart-warming smile.

Masashi's heart melts seeing the love of his life smile at him like that and he just pulls her into a passionate kiss.

She reciprocates by holding onto him and pushing their bodies together.

Masashi brings his hands to her ass and pulls her up to him.

Mai wraps her legs around his torso and hugs his neck as they continue kissing each other like crazy.

Mai rubs her crotch at Masashi's quickly forming bulge.

Masashi walks back to the house as they continue kissing.

It's a bit far since they've been walking for some time but they get there in a few minutes with Masashi walking quickly.

The moment they're inside the house and Masashi closes the door, Mai makes both of their clothes disappear into her inventory.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I finally started a Patréon account guys. I post some exclusive R-18 scenes along with early access chapters there. You guys can check it out if you want.


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