
Chapter 9 - The Dragon Who Lies Under Valis

"We're here." The carriage driver called out to the vehicle's occupants.

"Finally, my legs are killing me."

No one laughed at Miyuki's utterly terrible joke.


Leonidas, Sakuta, Lillith, Avery, Miyuki, and Evelyn all ventured throughout the castle's corridors, all heading for a door.

It was a rather large door, roughly twelve feet in height and five feet in width. The wood and steel looks as if the door hadn't been touched in years. It looked as if it built yesterday.

"Well, is everyone, ready?" Leonidas uttered, with dread in his tone. He proceeded to open the heavy doors, leading down a dark pathway.

"Luminous, could you please light the way?" Miyuki had asked of his new ally.

"Sure thing." Luminous then glowed intensely and brightly, single-handedly lighting up the whole path down.

"So more hallways?" Sakuta asked, jokingly.

"I guess we'll find out." Lillith added, sitting in a wheelchair as well.

The whole party then followed Luminous through the doorway.


"How many decrepit halls are we gonna walk down?" Miyuki was still in a wheelchair, being pushed by Avery.

"I don't think it'll be too long Miyuki." Avery replied.

"She's right, it shouldn't be too long before we enter Valis' lair." Leonidas spoke, holding onto Luminous.

"I don't really appreciate you using me as a lantern."

"My apologies, but I'm sure you'll do just fine." Leonidas lightly scoffed.

"So, is anyone gonna talk about how, sorry Evelyn, but how dumb that there's like alot of things named 'Valis'?" Miyuki finally decided to speak on something that's been on his mind for a time. "So the kingdom is named Valis, the king and family name was named Valis, but both were named after this dragon, Valis? Even the language is named after the dragon."

"He's kinda right." Sakuta added.

"He does have a point." Lillith chimed in to their slight mockery.

"I do believe the kingdom and family name was named after her, the dragon. So yeah it can be confusing I assume." Leonidas finally replied to the three of them.

Avery looked down to Miyuki. "It's kinda funny to think about."

"Wait guys, I think I see an actual light, it's kinda green-ish?" Luminous, still being held, finally saw something.

"We must be here." Leonidas stated.

The party finally made it to a large opening, that led to enormous cave, lit with green fire in lanterns. There was what seemed to be a stone bridge that led to the main area of the cave. But who lied there, was a gargantuan, absolutely colossal, crimson-red dragon.

She was asleep. Her wine-colored scales seemed to be as tough as the strongest steel. Her almost-black horns, which were afixed to the backend of her head, were quite intimidating. She had dark brown spike-like fins running down her back. She was terrifying to say the least.

"So, who's poking the bear? Waking her up to be exact." Miyuki asked he laughed, but quickly stopped as he was still in tremendous pain.

"I'm assuming you nominate me, Miyuki. I'll do it." Leonidas stepped over the small bridge that led to the large beast. He slowly crept further and further, until he could feel her breath on his body.

"Uh, Lady Valis, we need some help, if you don't mind?"

She didn't budge.

He got closer and petted her snout. "Lady Valis, we need your help, if you don't mind? It's extremely urgent."

Her eyelids opened, her chartreuse-green eyes are bright, beautiful even. She glanced at the group, then over to Leonidas.

"Lady Valis, we need a very small portion of your blood, to heal three of our most important persons. Evelyn Valis, the princess of the kingdom, Lillith Eloise, the heir of the Eloise family, one of the five royal families. Then finally, Miyuki Azagawa, the hero of the kingdom." He looked her in the eyes, making sure his asking of her was clear.

"Hmph." She rose up, stretching slightly. Valis sat down on her hind legs, putting her front claws down, that were connected to her wings, and she held herself up in a sitting position. She looked how some dogs do when they sit. Valis further observed the party. Her figure was massive.

"For James' daughter? Then I will, and for the other two, I can as well. And the boy, he's the kingdom's hero? Quite a long time since I've heard someone be hailed as a 'hero' in this kingdom." Her deep, feminine voice roared throughout the cave

"Damn, she can talk!? And she sounds intimidating, but in a good way. Like that gave me shivers. She sounds like a domme." Miyuki made a dumb remark.

"A... domme? What's that?" Lillith questioned.

"Uh, Ōjo-chan, that's not important right now." Sakuta replied.

"Miyuki, you really are strange." Valis added. "So does anyone here have a blade that could pierce my hide? That's the only way you can get my blood." She moved her left claw further towards the group, as if she was offering for that to be cut into.

"Leonidas, use Miyuki's blade. It was a hand-me-down from me. It was made from the strongest Valinine steel. It'll do the job." Sakuta took ahold of sword which used to belong to him, and brought it to Leonidas.

"I think that could work. Go ahead." Valis said as closes her eyes.

Leonidas unsheathed the sword, and then made a small incision into her thick flesh. A sliver of blood trickled down her claw. He grabbed a small goblet to collect some of the blood, quickly filling it. "Thank you, Lady Valis, you are truly gracious."

"It was no problem for me, I would do anything for James." Valis replied.

He continued over to the three who needed the blood. Leonidas stared down at her, then gave the vessel to Lillith first.

"Take a big gulp." He said as Lillith stared at him, with shock in her expression.

"A big gulp!? What the hell!?" Miyuki shouted.

"You need to, I don't make the rules." Leonidas replied quickly.

Lillith obliged, and took the vessel to her lips.

After a few seconds, she returned the goblet, gulping.

"Gross." She said.

"I understand." Leonidas then headed to Miyuki, giving him the cup.

"Fuck. Alright." He grabbed it and took his sip. "That tasted gross." He gave it back to Leon. "Zero out of ten, wouldn't try again. On purpose that is."

Lillith fell from her wheelchair, clutching her stomach. She shrieked, pain filling her whole body.

"Are you okay?" Sakuta went to her aid, holding her in his arms.

"It'll take a few seconds to be allowed into your body, then in little time, you will heal." Valis stated, licking at her cut.

Lillith then stopped.

"Wait, I, feel better." She got up and touched her stomach, where she was stabbed. "It's gone!"

"It works! Thank you Lady Valis and thank you Leonidas!" Sakuta ran over and shook his hand, turned, the bowed to the dragon.

"It was our pleasure."

Leonidas smiled at Lillith, then Sakuta. "That's great. Now time for the princess."

He walked over to Evelyn, who was still unconscious. He opened her mouth slightly, affixing the brim of the goblet to her lips. He poured a small bit into her mouth. She then swallowed the viscious liquid.

Miyuki got out of his seat, and quickly went towards his love. He held her hand with his own. It was still warm. He noticed Evelyn's breathing got a little faster.


"Evelyn?" Miyuki ran his fingers though her hair.


"Evelyn? Are you waking up?" He gripped her hand tighter.

She opened her eyes.

A tear fell her cheek.

A tear fell down his cheek.

He stared into her beautiful, emerald eyes.



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