

"Of course, my lady. Thank you for your support," replied Minwoo, gently kissing Mavislin's hand.

"But on one condition."

Minwoo froze, looking up to the Valkyrie. Mavislin gave a warm smile, almost taunting the poor fellow.

"If the matter persists beyond my capability, I would have to ask Sir Baldwin Noble for backup," explained Mavislin, looking dead into the Marquess' eyes.

"That means the Knights would be fighting in the battle," replied Minwoo, looking concerned.

"Well, have you fought with them before?" asked Mavislin, intrigued at how worried Minwoo was.

The Marquess was silent as he tried to look for a reply for Mavislin. But none came out, unfortunately.

"Hey, you alright there?" asked Mavislin, out of curiosity.

"It's only if the Barren Pillars have fallen, right?" asked Minwoo, voice sounding desperate.

"Don't assume that my Barren Pillars are so easy to trample over. Don't forget that I'm in charge of the attacking piece for the Arks. If anything, the Pillars won't need much help from the humans or the underworld society," said Mavislin, her tone shifting from gentle cooing to a strict warning.

"However, with that much being said, I will not risk all of their lives by something that the underworld was supposed to clean up."

Her lips curled into a dangerous smile, her knuckles white from deep anger within her.

"The Barren Pillars will only ask for help when we are down with 20% of our total member strength."

Minwoo sighed, giving a face of disgust before replacing it with a heartfelt smile.

"Alright then, darling. You've got yourself a deal."

"You agreed quicker than expected," said Mavislin.

"What choice do I have? This problem is beyond the underworld's comprehension."

"Beyond, you say? There are many more things beyond human comprehension, my dear friend. The underworld, above-world... All of them are no match when it comes to beings from all over the Universe," explained Mavislin, looking out to the night sky.

"Don't worry, the things Baldwin has shown me have already scarred my eyes."

"Those are nothing compared to what's to come. The battles we face are only going to get tougher..."

"You can predict the future?"

"I've got a mate that can Time travel."

"That pesky boy..."

Mavislin smiled; thinking about that boy always gave a sense of relief.

"Humans are so contradictory. They try hard to trample others, yet they preach not to do the same to the rest. They will only save themselves and no one else. They take what is not theirs and are taken from by others."

"But we don't ever stop trying to reach our goals."

"Great minds think alike, and fools seldom differ."

"Then humans are the fools."

"Well, for the upcoming battle, it looks like I'll pay a visit to Earl Yan. A trip to the Teuton domain. I thank you for the valuable information you've given me. I'll do my best to aid you in the future. I owe you one," said the Valkyrie, getting up from her seat.

In a flash, Minwoo appeared behind her. As he gave an embrace to Mavislin, he whispered some advice in her ears.

"You may be a Valkyrie, a god of war. But when it comes down to it, you are still a lady, you know. So take care of yourself."

"Of course, I will."

"You are a foolish girl."

Mavislin turned around, ready to give a good whack towards the Marquess' face. He then caught her arms in the nick of time and brought her closer. His eyes seemed to flash a shade of purple before returning to their usual, inky black color.

"What's wrong, darling?" asked Minwoo, genuinely confused.

"Did you insult me?"

"Calling you a lady is one?"

Mavislin shook her head.

"Sorry, it must have been in my head," murmured Mavislin, unsure what to think.

Minwoo gave another hug to the Valkyrie.

"Goodbye, White Rat," said Mavislin, opening the window.

"It's been a while since someone called me by that name. See you later, sunshine," said Minwoo, waving back.

"And that's the only time I heard that nickname from a human," said Mavislin, smiling.

Minwoo looked confused as the Valkyrie happily stood on the windowsill of the giant window. She smiled at the man before plunging towards the moat around the mansion.

"Wait!" yelled Minwoo, immediately going to the Valkyrie.

The Marquess was surprised as the Valkyrie's wings sprung out in full glory. It was more than ten meters above ground, yet the Valkyrie soared higher than ever. Minwoo smiled at her, one that would be forever etched into Mavislin's heart.

The Valkyrie tried to force a smile as she tightly gripped a piece of paper that could turn the tide of the upcoming battle. However, Mavislin's heart clenched as she saw the Marquess smiling brightly.

"Thank you for the time spent today."

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