
Chapter twenty seven

(Cassandra's POV)

I arrive at school on my bike and chain it to the bicycle stand with shaking fingers.

Most of my anger had bled out of me on my way here but the bits of it were showing itself in my shaky fingers.

"Cassie!" I hear someone call for me and I look back to tell Princeton to go to hell but it isn't him.

"Stephen?" I ask in confusion. We never talked outside of class and with the rumors about me that had yet to die down, I thought he would do well to keep his distance.

"Hi, how are you on this lovely school day?" He asks as he catches up to me.

I know I'm supposed to respond with a laugh or another witty joke but I'm confused and tired.

"What do you want?" I ask as we walk towards the building where our first lecture would be held.

"Oook, you seem like you're in a bad mood, more than usual if I might add. Is something wrong?" He asks in concern that just makes me more confused.

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