
Chapter 18: A Rather Disappointing Evening

The Quinn Residence, Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota...

By the time Layla got home, it was on its way to being quite late as she took note of the porchlight and the screen door being propped open. She could tell by the lack of Brutus, the slobbering rottweiler, being in the back and chained to his house, that Jarrett had returned home for the evening. She sighed as she made her way inside dreading having to clean up yet another round of mess that the two of them would leave behind but she'd been much too busy with her thoughts to care very much as she moved quickly through the house and toward her bedroom passing a half slumbering Jarrett along the way as he lounged in his armchair with Brutus at his feet like before. She took note of the loud volumed television in the background but ignored it as the frequent snoring on the part of her passed-out drunken father seemed to be competing with it in some odd fashion.

Layla tossed her book bag into the corner of her room and locked her bedroom door behind her. She made her way toward her bed and flopped down amid the pillows and the fluffy duvet that lined the top of it. She found herself thinking back to the previous night when everything seemed to have been so perfect following her shift at the diner. She sighed amid the pillows that lined her bed unable to shake the feeling of longing that had overtaken her as she fought against the memory of the kiss that had been on her mind since it happened.

Brick was a handsome man, despite being significantly older and whether she wanted to admit it or not, he was a good kisser. Layla rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling unsure of what to make of the past few days. It was a close call when she was being grilled at work and if only Phoebe knew how much she had been plagued with not only dreams about the handsome bad boy biker and his exceptional kissing skills, She was sixteen and already dealing with the ramifications of puberty and hormones.

Layla's mind kept replaying the intensity of her first kiss over and over again.

In all the years she'd known herself, she'd never imagined she'd ever experience anything as remotely electrifying as that kiss she shared with a man she personally had not known, but somehow knew everything about from the moment they met. She couldn't deny the odd and almost magnetic pull she felt whenever they were near one another and how he never seemed to take his eyes off her for very long.

She recalled the way he felt beneath her fingertips, the coolness of the dark leather, the scent of sweat and cologne mixed with his natural musk, and the way he seemed to growl when they were pressed against one another. She definitely felt the coolness of the brick wall against her back and the sharp parts digging into her skin, but there was also the pressure from the warm male body in front of her as her breasts crushed against the leather vest and chest of the impressive biker man.

He was physically excited about kissing her, she could feel the sudden sensation of something hard pressing against her at her thighs and the low groan that escaped from his lips had gotten her attention. Had they not stopped themselves, she wondered just where it would have led...still. He was a much older man and possibly had his fair share of women all over the place. She doubted very much that she had THAT much of an effect on him.

Layla sighed for a moment.

She knew all too well it was to be yet another sleepless night if she didn't find a way to get some relief but with her drunken father home, there was no way she was going to take a chance on attempting to do so with him well within earshot.

She came to the conclusion that a cold shower was just what she needed despite her mind once more taking her back to the handsome biker and the various questions from her closest friends about the encounter.

The man known as Brick seemed quite capable, given the roughness of his hands and the way in which he carried himself. He was quite tall and his build allowed for a pleasing assessment of what he could possibly be capable of when one looked upon him. Layla bit her bottom lip as an unsavory heat flooded her as her mind drew her back into the scene of the kiss. She could feel the beating of his heart, a thunderous sound that seemed to be only matched by her own in those strange few moments when it had been as if the entire world, or at least the world as she had known it stood still.

{"What are we doing?"} whispered Layla attempting to shake herself from her memories. {"He's old enough to be your dad's age....well at least the age of a big brother...if you had one."}

She recalled the kiss again and again and try as she might dismiss it, she couldn't deny the attraction she felt to the older biker who seemed to be everything she had ever wanted to be just by his own merits. He'd been wild and untamed from the looks of him, free to come and go as he pleased with not a person to say otherwise.

The furthest she'd ever traveled even when reaching her teenage years had been the diner and school. Her father would have been at the diner the moment he heard about the junkie and found himself with yet another excuse to have her hold up in the house while he was free to do as he pleased.

Layla sighed feeling the onset of her previous frustrations return.

She wanted out of this town, out of her father's house, and out from under his thumb as soon as possible and as far as she was concerned she didn't want to even have to think about returning to this place.

Once more she thought of Brick and what it would have been like to go for a ride on his motorcycle. The wind in her hair, the absolute freedom. Dare she say it, but she was beginning to feel envious of the wild bunch that had rode into town and taken off again with not a care in the world. If she were braver she might have asked to tag along with them.

Another sigh escaped Layla's lips as she resolved to take a cold shower and turn in for the night.

She wasn't in the least looking forward to yet another dismal day in Temperance.

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