
Chapter 47

Hadrian along with Alexander and Marcus arrived at castle next to a mountain,it was away from any human village.

Hadrian held his hand out and conjured a fog that went into the castle.Hadrian spoke up"Let's go inside,all of the guards would be sleep because of the mist."

Marcus and Alexander nodded,they entered the castle and it didn't take long to find Williamswho had silverr tips of the spears lodged deep within his flesh. He flailed about wildly as the chains snapped taut against steel spikes anchored to the ground and surrounding walls. William howled in pain and fury. Dark blood stained the werewolf's pure white fur.

More chains were anchored to the ground, trapping the werewolf within the clearing. His brawny shoulders drooped beneath the weight of abundant chains, which hung tangled about him like a spider's web.

Marcus and Alexander looked at Williams stste with sadness, Hadrian waved his hand as William fell asleep and he then removed the chains from him.

Hadrian gave Marcus a vial, that had William potion.Marcus slowly went to William and poured the potion into his mouth, then slowly William started turning back to normal with his

naked and writhing in agony upon the ground.

William was in daze not understaning anything,but he heard his brother and father voice saying"Don't worry we got you?"

They gently worked the barbed arrowheads from his punctured flesh and bone. Despite being gentle, every motion sent a fresh jolt of agony through his tortured body. Throbbing purple veins spread from each wound. Cramps and nausea gripped his innards.

Marcus worked the blood-slick bolts back and forth in order to extricate them without breaking the birchwood shafts.William clenched his teeth to keep from screaming, but he soon questioned"Where am I?"

But then he groaned and memories of his time as the werewolf flooded into his mind and he was horrified seeing the things he did, William in fear muttered"What have I done?"

Alexander helped his son up and said"It is not you son, you never had control of your body."

William didn't say anything, while Hadrian configured a cloak and said"Use the portkey and take him back, while I set up a golem for William here."

Marcus and Alexander nodded, they grabbed William and used the portkey to teleport away to there castle.

While Hadrian took out a small dummy that appears as a blank humanoid puppet.It was made mimic its target, from appearance and behavior,this dummy would actually absolute copy with flesh and blood.In this case William, but Hadrian made sure the blood of this copy of William was not useable to anyone esle.This copy would stay like this for next 1000 years without any issue, but only because it was only possible because of how much power Hadrian had.

Also Hadrian went to wake up the vampire guards and modifying there memories, just for security purposes.

Hadrian disapparated, he was being twisted and swirled into nothing within a swirling clear haze, accompanied with a loud rustling.

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