
Chapter 8

[A/N:I am going to keep Nuala,I really thought up story for Yvaine.Again we will see,how this goes.But I need your thumbs up to continue with the harem,so do comment on this.]

While Nuala was escorted by Hadrian back to her room,as he was returning to his room,he passed by the Royal Garden and saw King Belor by the White Tree of Bethmora,it was a tall spacious tree of graceful form, white thin unwrinkled bark over white wood. In spring it bore numerous white flowers, but few of these ever fructified; what shape the fruit was is never described, nor was it considered to be edible. The leaves were laurel-like, dark green above and bright silver beneath.

Hadrian was alarmed hearing the King say"Amazing isn't she,you should have seen the real one.It was beautiful and made everything else seem to plain."

Hadrian with slight apologizing tone said"Sorry to disturb you,your Majesty."

Balor waved it off and replied"This tree was from a fruit from Aeglin before it disappeared.I brought the sapling to Bethmora and eventually planted it in Royal garden."

Balor gently patted the tree,reminiscing about the past,as Hadrian asked"Does anyone know how the Aeglin died."

Balor shook his head and replied"No,we don't know how it happened.But the world tree just died out leaving nothing behind,I was lucky enough to get a fruit of it."

Hadrian nodded and with hesitation asked"Can I ask you a question?'

Balor studied Hadrian replied"Go ahead."

Hadrian hesitated and asked'Who is Nuada and Nuala's mother?"

Balor noticed the boy was just curious and seeing not other intent replied"Danu,she was the goddess of Nature."

Danu the Irish mother-goddess,Hadrian nodded and replied"So that's why they are so powerful."

Balor eyes lit up as he nodded and replied"Yes,Nuala took after her mother being kind,while Nuada took after me.Both are excellent in everything they put there heart into."

Hadrian could see the pride when he was talking about his children,while he added with sadness"But being a goddess there mother couldn't stay with us."

Hadrian could see the sadness in Balor's eyes,as Hadrian saw the King slowly turn Back and walk away.

Hadrian looking at the tree thought"So they both are demigods."

Hadrian had little knowledge about the gods from his world,some these gods are beings of great power.So some of them are not technically gods.

Since none of these are the "correct" version of god. Rather, they are aspects of the power God as humans understand it.

Some of the gods or goddess are the children of  Ogdru Jahad or others Greater spirits called Watchers,who are said to be race of beings that were created by God,some of them are known in today's world as Satan and Pluto.Again no one knows if this so called God is even sentient or just

simply personified by those that worship it.

Death even told him,how power of God was stolen and it was used to create Ogdru Jahad himself.The Vril is also known as Flamma Reconditus, The Secret Fire, was the power of God himself.

Hadrian sighed"Such complicated history."

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