

Something shot up from below and hit Dragon-Erend square in the chest. Aurdis who was about to say something stopped because of that attack.

Dragon-Erend's body trembled in the air and then started to fall.

"Erend!" Aurdis screamed in fear.

'I'm fine.'

Unexpectedly, the answer from Dragon-Erend came almost instantly even though Aurdis was sure he was injured.

'Wait.' When Aurdis turned towards his chest, she did see a dark pink smoke where the shot had landed. But whatever that shot is, it couldn't break through Dragon-Erend's scale.

Aurdis heaved a sigh of relief as he held Dragon-Erend's huge fingers so she wouldn't fall.

A few moments later they landed on the ground with a bit of hardness, though Dragon-Erend was still able to land on his two feet indicating that he wasn't seriously injured.
