
'I am Not A Picnic Person, Love.'

She fell in his arms, closing her eyes.

"I wish you could come to the picnic." She said,

"I know, but I am not a picnic kind of a person, love."

"I know." She laughed, pulling away. "I won't go to a picnic until there is blood of my vanquished enemies served in a goblet!" She mimicked Klaus.

That was amazing!" Hayley was back in the room. "You are really getting better at the impressions!"

She laughed.

"Is Hope up?" Klaus shook his head.

"Yes…" Hayley told him.

"I am going to see her!" Klaus rushed upstairs.

"Come on, Caroline!" Hayley told her, "Elijah says he has given a message to Esther, and she will be over in two hours."

She yelled.

"Okay, okay…." She ran towards the stairs, and went to see the girls.

She went to help them get ready. After thirty minutes, Hayley was leading the party of five to the Bayou.

"So, this is my favorite part!" Hayley pinched Josie's cheeks.

"Me too!" Hope told Caroline. "You should see this, next to the lake…...I know that they burn dead bodies here….but it's a nice spot!"

Caroline smiled with uncertainty, she knew Hope was very well adjusted, but she hated the fact that Hope thought this as normal.

She loved the fact that Hope was getting closer to her. The girls were really liking Hayley.

"Come on, Hayley!" Josie held her hand, and pulled her towards the water.

Hayley looked back at Caroline, who was pulled by Hope.

"Okay…" Caroline smiled. "This is pretty great!"

Hayley smiled.

"I haven't had this type of picnic in ages!" She told Hayley. "This is great."

"Well, you are dating the right man!" She told Caroline, as she sat down.


Hayley and Caroline sat next at the end of the lake with their feet dipped in the water.

The girls were playing a game running around.

"Don't take off your shoes, girls!" Caroline shouted.

"Why?" Hayley asked.

"I don't know, something will bite, or they might step in something….."

"You are too uptight, Caroline!" Hayley laughed, "Klaus must really be crazy in love with you!"

"I am not!" Caroline laughed.

"Okay….prove it!" Hayley told her.


"Drink!" She handed Caroline the beer she was holding.

"I can, too, drink with the girls around!" Caroline told her. "I am a vampire, I don't get drunk…..not very easily anyways."

She told her.

"Okay…...then do it!"

"Fine!" She took the bottle. "I will."

Caroline took a sip.

"Well, and Elijah must be crazy to love you too…, you are always so informal."

"You are getting rusty on the comebacks!" Hayley clicked the bottle Caroline was holding.

"Being a teacher does that to you!" Caroline clinked back. "Cheers!"

"Don't go too far!" Caroline shouted again.

Hayley looked at her. Shaking her head.

"Habit!" Caroline told her.

"Maybe, it's for the best…..you being controlling."

"I am not….." Caroline was going to argue, "Okay….I am just not going to argue on that one!"

Caroline put the bottle down,

"Come here, girls!" Caroline shouted.

Lizzie and Josie ran towards the lake, and Hope followed them.

"What happened, mom?"


"You can't just let go?" Hayley laughed.



"Do you see what I see?" Caroline shook Hayley who was lying on her back, on a large rock.

Hayley got up.

"What do you see?" She shielded her eyes from the sun.

Finn Mikaelson was standing at the end of the reek.

"Uh-Oh…" Hayley stood in front of Hope and Josie.

"There you are…." Finn said smugly. "A School Headmistress and the Labonair Alpha."

He snickered.

"My brothers really chose leading women of the society." He pointed to both of them. "My mother wants you two!"

"What are we going to do?" Caroline leaned towards Hayley and whispered.

"Hold on, I have an idea!" She whispered back. She whistled loudly, two times.

Finn looked disturbed. Several werewolves came from the sides of trees and bushes.

"Take the girls!" She told them, The wolves came towards them , and covered them.

Caroline and Hayley came ahead,

"We come in peace!" Hayley told him.

"Good for you."

"Protect them like your life depends on it!" Caroline growled at the wolves. "Because, it does!"

One of them took a step back. They didn't take orders from anyone but Hayley, but this woman was fierce almost as much as Hayley.

Finn Mikaelson pushed Caroline and Hyaley into the Mikaelson Compound,

"I am here, Mother!" Finn shouted.

"Great!" They heard a woman say, "Bring them inside."

"Don't touch me!" Hayley pushed him back. "I can walk as I have legs, as you can see!"

Caroline held her arm, and marched towards the room. She just couldn't handle the craziness.

They entered the dining room, Elijah and Klaus were sitting on the table, Esther Mikaelson standing by the side.

"Anyone walking through that door, Mother!" Elijah's voice was booming, "Will not make me or Neeklaus weak!"

"We'll see about that,"

Klaus let go of the fork he was holding. It fell to the floor, and made a clicking noise. He didn't know she would find them.

"Let them go…" He said weakly, "We will talk this out rationally!"

"Look who is on his knees!" Finn laughed at them.

"Mother, let them go…." Elijah held the chair.

Hayley took the plate from the table, and slammed it in Finn's face.

"I said, '' Don't touch me!" She growled at him.

Klaus smiled.

Hayley and Caroline moved to the other side of the room.

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