
Supreme - 7

In the endless darkness that had become Oarion's surroundings, a figure which perfectly melded in the darkness, only visible due to its eyes and mouth being vibrant white, these two features were heavily cartoonish in appearance, looking like simplified versions of their real life equivalent.

However, it didn't take much of a genius to understand a bit of what was going on, Oarion ended up here after using Hunter's Dream on Himari and was now faced with a being emmiting a lot of power, this was the so-called well.

However, now seeing it face to face, Oarion realised that Izado had been way off in his description of the being, even if Oarion had managed to get it out, the results wouldn't have been as expected, this wasn't the perfect tool to cause chaos, quite the contrary in fact.

"You dare touch Himari?" spoke the figure in a strange but quite definitely feminine voice, Oarion couldn't respond at all, in fact, he couldn't move, this wasn't his true body.

"Just you wait, just wait until I can get my hands on you!" it shouted before Oarion was flung back to where he originally was, in the same position he had been before activating Hunter's Dream, except that immediately after coming back to his senses, both his arms seemingly vanished into a fine red mist and knocking him away from the blonde girl.

The process of regeneration took even longer to complete this time around and he took clearly feel that the amount of anomalous energy the blonde haired girl had was growing at an insane rate, the well was manifesting itself.

'Mindless... What a joke' thought the venerer as he recalled Izado's words, did he know or not, about the well's true nature?

"Alright then" spoke the venerer, deciding that it was time to truly try and kill that girl, the well had no more value and the girl herself never had any.

"Hunter's Recall: Red Death" spoke Oarion, Himari could only see a red flash before the venerer was right in front of her.

She saw his fist about to collide with her head without her being able to react but it never reached her as the venerer was pushed back once more, this time by a kick to the face.

Tappu Daburu had arrived just in time and once again caved the venerer's face in, her hits however, didn't carry the same properties as Himari's and the damage healed instantly.

Not losing any time, Oarion shifted his arms into blades that extended a long distance and swung them around, cleaving through the surroundings buildings with ease, in response, Tappu simply punched through the blade as she questionned the rookie behind her.

"What's Tsuki's status?" she first asked.

"She... She's fine" responded Himari, a bit hesitant.

"How about you, are you injured?" she then said.

"I'm fine" responded the girl immediately.

Analysing the anomaly in front of her, she quickly noticed that he seemed a bit battered, a strange thing considering his ridiculous regeneration.

"Did you hit him?" questionned Tappu.

"Yeah, I hit him a few times" answered the rookie.

"I see, listen here..." she quickly explained her plan as the anomaly seemed to be preparing something, his body shifting uncontrollably.

"Hunter's Recall: Prickle" he said out loud before bursting with dark needles in every direction, none reaching any of his targets but the high amount of needles everywhere hid his form for a bit, allowing him to use something else.

"Hunter's Recall: Stalk" he whispered, his body become invisible.

He slowly approached Tappu Daburu, aiming to get rid of her immediately as Himari was nowhere to be seen, she must have taken the chance of the needles appearing to go away with Tsuki.

However, the moment he approached her he received a quick hit, custom of Tappu's ability to deal a strike a second time, using it to detect him, she wouldn't have known that he was invisible but she didn't let this revelation surprise her as she immediately attacked the now visible Oarion.

Unlike what Oarion had expected, her strikes didn't seem any slower than last time, even appearing as if they were even faster, on one of punches, one sent toward his stomach, she muttered something and once the punch connected, instead of just dealing damage on the point of impact, it also struck on the other side, perfectly mirroring the attack, crushing his body from both sides.

She attacked must faster than he could but he could change his form and jumped back by turning his legs into that of rabbits before sending forth drills at her but as could have been expected, he was disrupted as she activated the second hits of her previous attacks, disrupting him and allowing her to get close again.

Despite his best attempts, her superior agility and ability to just hit him whenever she wanted made her a diffcult foe, when mixing some of her mirrored punches, she could sever some of his limbs, the only thing he noticed out of all of this was that the mirrored punch couldn't be used as a second punch.

But considering the amount of normal punches she had landed on him, she could probably make him explode at any moment.

She made a small sign before saying something, causing the world to slow down for the both of them, only that one could still move at normal speed.

"Bullet time"

Just like during their first encounter, she sent an ungodly amount of punches that didn't seem to have any effects, this time walking around the venerer and punching him in every direction so that he wouldn't be sent flying like last time.

When time flowed normally again, Oarion blew up into blood and as he was quickly regenerating, he noticed the sudden appearance of the blonde girl.

'Fu-' he almost spat out loud as she struck him as he just finished regenerating, he was unable to strike back as Tappu activated many second punches, blowing him to pieces and with Himari hitting him, his regeneration was stopped, allowing the two of them to punch away without him being able to do anything about it.

His regeneration also governed his shapeshifting and his shapeshifting governed his special abilities, he could only endure as he received actual damage, something few venerers had ever received and those that had, had failed their mission.

'Am I... Am I going to get killed by these nobodies? People who don't hold a single connection to mov or anything else?' thought the venerer or rather, the human part of the venerer.

'No, this is but a stepping stone, this is not my end...' Oarion steeled his resolve as he came to realise something.

he had heard Izado speaking of these techniques in the past, Supreme Self and Supreme Construct, the greastest heights one could attain through anomalous energy, technique reserved for humans only.

Oarion was technically both human and anomaly but in truth, it didn't matter, he was a venerer and nothing was closed-off for the evolutionary masters that venerers were.

As he ressembled nothing but a pile of gore, filled with shards of bones, he spoke up, despite the lack of mouths or anything else to speak with, he spoke a few words.

"Supreme Construct: Tower Of Babel"

Make sure to check my other novels!

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