
The Drama after the Fight

"It appears that the duel has been concluded."

Stated Lanlaris Daragan, nonchalantly, as he partially expected such an outcome, while Cardinal Karliana Kircheisen looked surprised and delighted at the same time because the Holy Son of the Hall of Kadath was someone with tremendous potential to become a powerful individual.

The only person with a sour mood, or rather, relatively sour mood, was Yvraine because she was hoping g that Samiel would kill Estrid during the fight, especially when she saw him using the Void Magic Spells and other more dangerous methods.

In the end, even this result was good.

After Estrid essentially admitted her defeat, Samiel came to her and started dispersing his curses and using the Void Magic to heal the wounds from the Void Magic. This was something he learned a rather hard way when he was severely injured by the Void Magic Spell, which he cast in the wrong way, and it backfired.

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