
Chapter 90: Why did it turn out like this


Lu Xie and Ali had been lazing around in the castle after it was built the next day, the golems immediately returned to work after they ate dinner last night.

Her sleep was deep so she didn't hear any noise. Now she's just chilling on a mountain cliff where the waves of the ocean were calm. A nice place for fishing.

She threw the hook into the water and sat on a chair with an umbrella as her shade. The breeze softly pass her that made her hair flatter.

It was peaceful when she noticed a tagging on the line, she held the fishing rod and reeled in.


"Oh it's a big one," Lu Xie said happily as she reel in

[Come on host]


"Come to mama" Lu Xie pulled up a big fish that emerged out of the water

"Wow, what is this fish," Lu Xie said with excitement her eyes sparkling in amazement

[Hmm, it's like a swordfish but not a sword fish] Ali analyzed

"Hehehe you will be our dinner today fishy hehe" Lu Xie rubbed her hand together while licking her lips

"Let's put you aside and relax for a bit" she mumbled then put the fish in her inventory

She sat down in her chair and closed her eyes, she was wearing a male outfit in this world and had her eyes covered with a thin cloth. It's like she's used to this style so she wore it, and slowly she fell asleep.



On the surface of the water below the cliff, a small head was looking above the water as if curious. The head then saw that the person fell asleep it dive down the water and disappeared.

A few hours later,

Lu Xie woke up feeling refreshed and stretched her body "Hmmm, such a nice nap" she mumbled happily

"Time to go home" she stood up from her chair and put the fishing rod in her inventory then left

The golems saw their master return and all bowed "Welcome back master" they all greeted

"Good afternoon everyone, today we'll have seafood" Lu Xie took out the fish from her inventory and gave it to the cook golem

"I'll do my best," the cook golem said respectfully

Lu Xie had told them many times not to be respectful or bow but they won't listen so she just let them, she nodded and went to her room to take a bath.

"Ah this is the life"

[True, it's the first time I'm not working]

"We should do this more often"

[Nope, only today] Ali immediately refused

"Boo your no fun"

[And your not cute so stop pouting]


They both stopped talking and laze around, after soaking long enough she patted her body dry and put on her clothes and the cover in her eyes.


"Master, dinner is ready," a golem woman said softly

"Okay, I'll be right there" She responds

She went outside the castle and went to the town where they will all eat, this became a tradition to eat together in the center of the town.

"Since everyone is here, IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE TODAY'S SUCCESSFUL BUILT CHEERS!!!" Lu Xie held the mug of beer in the air

"CHEERS!!" they all joined and bottomed up the mug

"Puaahhhhh, that hit the spot hmmm" Lu Xie smiled as she took a bite of the cooked fish

"So good"

They all celebrate and ate their fill, Lu Xie had been slowly changing them and now they can feel hungry and thirsty, so they built a machine to give them fresh water.

They also built a farm for crops and animal farm, Lu Xie brought out chicken, beef, pigs, and other animals that are easy to take care of.

Everything was going as planned, they are now busy making the military base, houses, and also a shipyard for building ships.

She might go and explore if she got bored in this place, so far this place is taking shape from what she wanted.

"Hmm, maybe let's go and explore this sea when we have time right Ali"

[Of course, this is a vacation so let's go and explore this world] Ali said excitedly

"Hehe I agree for now let's focus build this into being an unpenetrable fortress for both pirates and the neighboring kingdom"

[I agree host] Ali nodded with an emoticon

Lu Xie giggled, she ate the last piece of fish on her plate and then drank the last sip of beer in her mug.

She saw that all the golems were having fun, she left first and went to bed because she was tired.


"I have told you many times it's dangerous on the surface! What if that human saw you and hunt you down!" a beautiful woman said worriedly with a hint of anger

"But mom that human didn't see me," the girl said with a low tone

The woman looked at her daughter angrily "Even so, do you want to wait until she knew that you're a mermaid?" she mocked

"Mom I'll be careful and besides I'm a lot stronger than that human" the girl said a little tough

"Baby, I know you're strong but I'm worried humans are not as easy as you thought" the woman sighed heavily

"Mom, I won't get caught I promise" the girl patted her worried mom's hand

"Alright, but if she senses something wrong leave immediately," the woman said seriously

The girl nodded, kissed her mother's cheek then swam flapped her tail, and left their home. She went to the surface near the cliff and saw the line again in the water.

She surfaces her head slightly and looked at the human sitting on a chair near the cliff she was curious. Why does that human cover his eyes? Is he blind? She liked to ask but held back she just silently watched.

Then she noticed the line got pulled, she saw a fish on the line trying to get away, but the human was reeling the fish out of the water at a fast speed.

The mermaid watched how easily the human caught the fish, seeing the happy smile on the human she also smiled subconsciously.

She liked seeing the human smile it's just that it was sweet and carefree, the human caught her attention when she was swimming past by this place.

She had heard a lot of stories where mermaids are caught by humans to be sold or eat them. She was scared at first but after she observe this human she felt relief.

Then heard the human say that the fish was for lunch, she didn't mind since they also hunt for fish like them and ate them raw.

The mermaid saw that the human is going to sleep again she shook her head helplessly, she glanced at the human again before diving back into the ocean.

She returned to their home in the deepest part of the sea, it was hidden from all other sea creatures.

"Mom I'm back," the girl said as she entered the door

"Baby, how are you?" her mother asked worriedly

"Mom, I'm fine I watched the human far away," the girl said helplessly

"Just you going to the surface is already enough to worry me," her mom said seriously

The girl didn't speak but coaxed her mother and prepared their dinner.



In the Fiery Skull pirate ship, they sailed through the dangerous waters where sea creatures lived and destroy ships that cross their territory.

"Hahahahah, Captain a merchant ship is up ahead" a lookout shouted from above

"Aye~ what is the course?" the woman laughed

"Southeast, captain" the man shouted again

"Change course to southeast, at full speed" the woman shouted at the person on the stirring wheel

"AYE CAPTAIN" the man turned the wheel southeast

"Men get ready for another ship to capture" the woman order

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN" the crew all shouted

The crew laughed holding swords and ready the cannon, with metal balls. The merchant ship was setting sail when the crew heard laughter.

"CAPTAIN A PIRATE SHIP HAS SPOTTED US" a man shouted hurriedly

The captain of the ship looked at the pirate ship heading toward them, "IMMEDIATELY PREPARE TO RUN FULL SPEED AHEAD" he shouted

"Aye captain" the person on the wheel stir the ship

The merchant ship started to move faster, "Come on put your strength into it" a woman shouted below the ship

There are people below the ship who are going to row large paddles to move quickly, they all use their rowing skills and magic to move the paddles.

"COME MEN SPEED UP!!" a man shouted

"AARRGGGG" the people respond and move their hands and upper body forward and then backward

In the pirate ship, "Captain they are trying to run away" the lookout shouted

"MEN FULL SPEED AHEAD!!" the woman in red clothes shouted

"ARRGGG" they used their magic to blow some wind to the sails

"AHAHHAHA HERE WE COME!!!" the crew cracked up

The merchant ship didn't get away far when the pirate ship, started to attack the ship with cannon balls.



The pirate ship got near them and some pirates jumped onto the ship, "Ahahahah today is another great day" a man laughed that terrified the people on the merchant ship

"Stop right there pirate!" a mercenary shouted

"Well well well what do we have here" a woman chuckled

"Leave this ship or I'll kill you," he said coldly

"Hahaha leave this man to me you guys go and see if there are any goods here and women," a broad man said as he stepped forward with his large sword

The mercenary put on a stance and dashed toward him.


"Hey, you're a newbie aren't you" the broad man mocked then pushed him away

The Mercenary jumped backward but got attacked by the broad man's large sword.


The mercenary blocked it but he knelt on the floor trembling, he was new to the job and didn't engage in battle before.



The two fought but the broad man was relaxed taking his attack while the mercenary was breathing heavily.

"Hey, are you not done yet," a woman asked the broad man

"Almost just a sec" the man replied

Then looked at the mercenary "Sorry boy but I'm tired of playing around" he said as he raised his sword and slashed him forward


"Let's go," the man said then left with the others

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