

'What happened?!'

Ian wondered when he looked down at his white transparent body. He knew that he was in the void again, however this time it was different. Since he can move his body and he could speak.


Ian was awakened from musing by the sudden loud laughter. It was so loud, that even the void shook because of it.

Grabbing his ears in pain, Ian looked up trying to find the source of laughter.

Taking a better look at his surrounding he noticed something which he didn't notice at first because of his shock. He wasn't alone in this black endless, void! An old man was floating not far from him.

Ian became a little weirded out because the source of the loud ear-deafening noise was the strange old man. He was laughing like a madman without the care of the world.

"Haha, I am sorry it's just so funny!" The old man noticed Ian and apologized while wiping down his tears.

Luckily, for Ian, the old man supposed his laughter a little which gave him a chance to have a better look at the weird man.

He had a round bold head with a scar on his wrinkled forehead. His eyebrows were bushy and long, even reaching down to his mustache and beard, on the sides. Actually, his beard and mustache had the same characteristics as his eyebrows, super long and gray. His nose was pointy and flat.

His height was only average so Ian was taller than him. But his body was robust and the long black and white clothes couldn't hide his packed muscles.

Ian's face churned, he looked at the strange old man in wonder and fell deep in thought

"Wait you look exactly like the old man from Bleach!" Ian shouted in realization which made the old man laugh out loud again.

'I must have hit my head because I started to hallucinate!'

Ian thought while trying to feel if his head is okay.

"Haha, you are not hallucinating, I am just as real as the global warming!"

As if he could read his mind the old man said while still laughing.

'Okay, I must have hit my head really badly, if I am able to communicate with a fictional character!'

The old man stopped laughing and looked at Ian strangely.

"Hey, did you listen?! Just as I already said, you are not hallucinating, and I am real as well!"

Ian still didn't believe him, but understanding that the conversation won't go anywhere like this decided to play along with the old man for now.

"Then who are you and how can you read my mind?!"

A big smile stretched under the old man's grizzled beard like he was waiting for the question.

"I don't often tell this anybody but since you wanted to know that badly I can tell you!"

He straightened his hunched back and puffed his chest out proudly.

"I am Izanagi the kami of life and creation and I can, of course, read the mind of my own creation!"

Hearing the reply, Ian became dumbfounded and the void became dead silent again since neither of them spoke.

"So you say that you are some kind of god or something?"

Finally, after a few minutes, the one who broke the silence was Ian.

"Hey, I am not 'just' a god! I am one of the last primordial deity!" He dragged.

"Oh, I understand..."

Ian was seemingly calm on the surface but there was a big turmoil in his mind.

'I am so fucked!' A few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.

'Somebody must have drugged me! A head injury is nowhere near enough to make me make up an imaginary friend who thinks he is a god or something!'

Without Ian knowing it Izanagi actually could hear his thoughts but decided, not to comment.

"Then if you are a that deity thingy just like you said, then why are you look just like Yamamoto from Bleach?!"

Ian calmed down a little after a few minutes and asked since it already bugged him for some time.

He wasn't that big of an anime fan but he still watched a few.

"Ho, ho, ho, I just felt like it but if you don't like it I can change it..."

As he was talking his body suddenly started to change. He morphed into an elderly man a few centimeters shorter than before. His eyes became blue and his hooked nose became more straight. His eyebrows, beard, and mustache became shorter and shorter until his beard completely disappeared. However, his mustache and eyebrows didn't disappear just became white and got more shorter and bushier. The scar on his forehead healed and instead, he grew a spiky white hair.

When he finished his transformation Ian didn't need much time to discover that he was looking just like Bang. A character from one of his favorite anime, One Punch Man.

"Eww, that was gross and surprisingly satisfying at the same time!" Ian said out loud while inside he was surprised by his imagination.

"So you ready to accept that I am a god?!"

Izanagi asked now in the form of Bang.

"Okay, okay then what do I owe this honor that a god like you visited me in my little and shabby dream?!" The annoyed Ian asked with a sarcastic undertone.

"Hmm, you died and I am here to reincarnate you..."

Izanagi's reply was flat and casual like he didn't care. But opposite to him, Iam became shocked and distressed.

"No, no I didn't!... I just finished with the therapy! And I was just about to go home, and... and..."

He tried to deny it, but he also felt that something is not right.

"And what? Because you never arrived at home!"

Izanagi asked trying to bring up his memories locked away because of the shock of dying.

"And... I was about to step out of the hospital... but..."

Ian fell to his knees and like a dam breaking, memories of the last few minutes of his life started to flood into his mind.

"I slipped on a banana peel and died!"


Thank you for reading! We already passed 1,5k under just one day! Yay!

Ps.: Only a chapter till reincarnation!

I like milk! If you too like milk then give a few powerstones!

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