
The border and The adventurers' land

"Enough, Go back. The show is over," Connor shouted and the crowd went back muttering.

Riley came to him and grinned."So what is your name, master," he asked.

"It is Connor ward and I am not your master," he glared.

"The Ward family! What are you doing over here?" Riley exclaimed.

"Chance circumstances," Connor said without looking

"Is it perhaps....?" Riley started speaking.

Connor glanced daggers back at him and Riley waved his hands in surrender.

"Come boy, we need to get you some decent clothes. You need to be presentable," Connor called out to Osmond. They went to the market and then to a clothes shop.

"Give me your highest-pricing dress and do the same for the boy," Connor told the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was a tall, lean man with black hair that was combed neatly to a side. His face was light brown and without hair. He wore a maroon doublet embroidered with black roses over a yellow full-sleeved tunic. Studded black buttons that were fitted on the doublet reflected their faces.

"Yes sir," He said, going inside and coming back with some selections and laying them on the table in front. Doublets, shirts, cuirasses, dresses, robes, pants, breeches and tunics were lined.

Connor chose a red doublet embroidered with a gold dragon and with golden studded buttons. He chose a canary tunic made of silk. He needed a clean shirt to wear inside so he chose one that was white. He chose black breeches made of thick cotton and a square buckled leather belt along with all.

Osmond's eyes went to a dark green doublet with silver trees on each side and grey buttons. He chose a black full-sleeved tunic and grey breeches. He also took a belt that was black.

Next, for the shoes, they chose leather ones with long and pointed tips; Connor chose amber and Osmond chose ones that were ebony.

"We will take these," Connor said and placed the pile in front of the seller.

"Yes sir," the man said and bowed. He checked the prices and counted.

The man's face was sombre. He knew of the impending danger and he knew his lively hood will also be lost with it. Connor felt sorry for the man. "You should leave soon," Connor advised the shopkeeper, hoping he might survive it. The shopkeeper replied with a smile and soft nod.

They went back to their room and changed. Everyone has left the inn taking his advice of Connor. The only ones that were remaining were the slaves and Riley.

"We will go by wagons and carts. Whoever has any form of transportation now, they will be bought when we reach Pemphredo and the compensation will be reduced from your contract," Connor spoke and eyed the group.

The slaves glanced at each other and some of them went outside, to collect their mounts.

"Let us move," Connor Said and they left the building.

Outside, there was a wagon and five carts lined up. Osmond, Connor and Riley went to the wagon, and the slaves to the carts. Osmond wanted to call Kira to the wagon but decided against it because it will be seen as special treatment. She went to the carts, smiling.

'This wagon had cushions and it rocked less,' Osmond thought. Osmond sat on the back with Riley facing him and Connor in the front.

The wagon started moving and the carts followed behind. After some time Connor started to nod.

"What is your name?" Riley whispered without care for Osmond.

"Osmond," He replied and looked at him.

"What about your last name?"

"Ward," his eyes looked away.

"You are a ward too!" Riley exclaimed. Osmond looked at him and nodded.

"Then how come your eyes and your hair are not red?" Riley asked without tact.

Osmond didn't know that Wards had red eyes and hair. He didn't have his mother's hair either.

"Is he your father?" Riley asked, pointing with his face towards Connor and Osmond replied no by nodding.

"What about your father and mother then?" he whispered.

Riley lacked all forms of manners and right now he was being meaner than Connor. Osmond held back his tears.

'Men only cry when they were alone,' his mind whispered.

The wagon jumped over a rock and Connor was awake. He saw Osmond looking down and clenching his fists.

"Don't talk to the boy," Connor shouted to Riley.

Riley stopped talking and the wagon moved on silently. After some time, the wagon slowed down and Connor checked outside through the front curtains.

"Look outside boy," He commanded.

Osmond looked outside through the side window of the wagon.

He saw a fence. A fence made of long iron bars that were as tall as five adult men. A concrete gate blocked the entry to Pemphredo.

They came to a halt and a man came behind. He wore a black tunic and plated armour on top of it. An eagle with its wings spread apart was donned on his breastplate. He peered through the gap in his helm.

The man looked inside, checking the passengers. Connor showed him a medallion.

"Ye.. yes sir..." He muttered and stood his respect with his spear and body held straight.

"The ones coming behind are my slaves," Connor said and the man ran back scared and soon the wagon started to move.

The sounds coming were even louder than when they reached the first town. People ran up to behind and tried pushing things.

"Perfumes, perfumes."

"Take a necklace for your lady, sire."

"Plums, peaches, apples and oranges.

"Do you want toys to play with, son?" an old man said and shaked a wooden soldier at Osmond.

" Leave," Connor shouted and the people scattered. Some tried to follow and Connor glared at the.

"Well, he is a cheap sport," Riley muttered.

They stopped in front of the town hall and the men in the wagon jumped out.

"You people stay there. Try running, they will catch and throw you out." Connor said pointing to the slaves.

"Welcome to the adventurers' land," Riley said spreading his arms and not caring what Connor was saying.

"To your left, you have the forest of the left and to your right, you have the forest of the right." Riley continued.

"But going to the forest of right doesn't make you right.. get it ... Right .... Right forest." Riley gave out a cheap laugh and Connor glared at him.

"It was a pun," his smile was awkward.

"Well, don't do it again." Connor's eyes still glaring.

Connor opened the door and went inside.

"That man always like that," Riley asked Osmond.

The inside of the town hall was similar to that of the one in The first town but larger. They went to the accommodation section.

"Give these two a room for three dawns." Connor pushed in a coin.

"What, why do I have to babysit?" Riley protested.

"Find out how interesting babysitting can be" Connor grinned.

Riley felt that he was taking back at him for the earlier joke.

"Take care of the boy. I have to report to the king urgently," Connor's voice was now serious.

Riley understood that it was not a joke and he was getting a duty.

"I will," He said brushing his hair.

'I have arranged for my horse in The town of parting. I will only take the wagon till there. After that, a man from the estate will lead the slaves.' Connor took a mental note.

And so Osmond was forced upon another stranger yet again.

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