
Chapter Seventy Four: Picnic Before Darkness

It was a calm and sunny evening in the park, seventeen girls sat on a large cloth sheet while in the shade of a large tree. The girls in the shade had baskets that contained food and drinks, they seemed to be on a picnic.

"It's tasty!/It's tasty!!"

Nana's and Momo's eyes shined while eating their eldest sister's dessert.


Lala laughed after hearing their nice words, she liked their praise..

"The flavor touched my tongue and exploded!!!"

Nana raised her hands to create a transparent explosion.


Momo continued to eat the delightful creation her sister concocted.

"Hmph!! It can't be that good."

Run crossed her arms over her chest…

"You can have this then, Run!"

Lala handed Run her dessert, she had yet to eat it.

"…Thank you."

Run turned red as she was stared at by Momo and Nana, they held gazes of envy…Run had more of their sister's dessert then them.

"Sister, do you have any mo-

Nana couldn't finish her question, she was slammed on the ground.

"Sister, do you have any more?"

Momo held Nana on the ground with her hands.

"Momo!! Let me go!!!"

Nana tried to grab at Momo, Momo deflected all of her sisters's attemps with her free hand.

"Nope! I gave my last "Ba-Boom" to Run."

Lala shook her basket after saying.


Run stopped the dessert from touching her mouth…

"She's extremely nice!!"

Kyouko appeared from behind Run.

"Thank you, Magical Kyouko!"

Lala became a bigger fan of Kyouko after meeting her in person.


Red Run put the fork back on the plate and glanced at Lala.

"…Isn't this the part where you share your dessert?"

Momo said before letting Nana free.

"…Lala do you want some?"

Red Run slide closer to Lala before putting the plate of dessert in the center of them.


Lala nodded with a smile on her face before turning to her two sisters…

"You can get some also, I should have made more."


The love Nana and Momo had for their eldest sister, shot up after hearing those words.

"…Do you want some Kyouko?"

Run asked the girl behind her.

"…Only a little piece, my hero should be bringing something."

Kyouko came from behind Run and sat on her side.


Momo and Nana sat on both sides of their sister.

"…How are we going to properly cut this?"

Momo asked a good question

"Its simple…Yami! Mikan!"

Lala called the two girls over.


The two girls turned away from the book Yami was showing Mikan. They got up from the other side of the large sheet and went over to Lala.

"Princess Lala/Lala"

Mikan and Yami said at the same time.

"Mikan and Yami, could you help us properly divide this? You can get some also!"

Lala pointed to the dessert in front of her, even though the dessert was large, it still could be easily eaten by one person.

"Let me see"

Mikan crouched down and looked at the dessert, she used her experience as a cook to properly to divide the food in her mind.

"Yami…here, here, here, here, here, here, here."

Mikan quickly pointed out places to cut.


Yami nodded and transformed her hand into a blade, she cut the exact places Mikan pointed to.

"Good job Yami."

Mikan saw the seven pieces fall towards the seven people the surrounded it.


The seven girls each grabbed their pieces, they opened their mouths before eating it.


Several booms sounded out, the park wasn't effected…the mouths of the girls were.

"It tastes good!!"

This was one of the few times Lala had ever tasted her own creation. Her sweet chef master, Rian Yuki was the one who ate her food. Rian may have a immunity to different things now…


Lala was the only person to speak, the other six ate slowly and nodded at her words.


Mikan turned, she felt the arrival of her brother, but she didn't see him.


Yami had finished eating, she would place the dessert in the number two spot of food she enjoyed, she liked her plums the most.

"…Oh, it's nothing Yami…I thought I felt my brot-"

Mikan stopped speaking, a sudden sweet scent erased the polluted air near her.

"Hmmm? Mika-"

Nana stopped speaking, a divine scent filled her nose…she could taste the scent without actually tasting it.

"Saki-Sama, are you alrig-

Rin stopped talking, she felt a scent invade her nose before it roamed throughout her entire body.


The otherworldly scent filled the nose of different girls at different times.


The imaginary sounds of clothing being torn filled the minds of every girl at the same time, the scent faded after the tearing sound was heard.


Mikan dropped on the cloth and wiped the drool from her mouth.


Yami muttered before falling like Mikan.


The smell made Nana feel like she hadn't ate in a week.


Kyouko's unsteadily got up and walked towards the place she rememberd the scent coming from.


The stomachs of the remaining six growled, they unsteadily got up and silently followed Kyouko. As the six followed Kyouko, the remaining girls joined in: Saki, Rin, Risa, Mio, Haruna, Oshizu, Celine, Mikado, Yui, and Aya followed.


Seventeen growls and roars were heard as they the sixteen girls were lead to a place by Kyouko. They moved liked zombies following a leader, they soon arrived at their goal…the Sweet Chef wasn't that far.

"That was quick, maybe I was holding back too much."

Rian put the last plate of dessert on the wide park table, each seat had a different dessert with a different color…each girls name was written in different seat's as well.


The girls didn't say anything, they took the seats with their names on it. Theirhands shook, they didn't touch the food yet.

"Hmm? You can go ahead."

Rian moved back, it was easier to get all of their reactions.


They all ate at the same time…


Yami's wings shot out of her back, she flew in the air and started to chase after a flying Rian.


Rian started counting…


Mikado's coat flew off her body, she explored a a golden planet with Rian.


Haruna's hair changed colors, she and Rian went to a purple and blue galaxy.


Saki's hair drills spun, she was sent back in time and was crowned Rian's queen.


Momo's tail stood up, she was thrown on her bed and jumped on by Rian.


Oshizu was sent into a game world, she clashed attacks with Rian.


Rin was sent to a dojo, she teamed up with Rian to beat every student.


Mio was pushed down by Rian while wearing a maid outfit.


Yui went to a cat festival with Rian.


A bigger version of Celine was patted and fed by Rian.


Risa was pushed down by Rian while in her school uniform.


Mikan walked the streets while openly holding hands with Rian.


Nana was hugged by Rian in her world of animals.


Run and Ren were seperated on her birthday.


Aya rode in heavy machine transportation with Rian.


Lala perfomed experiments on Rian.


Kyouko was kissed by Rian.



All the girls looks up as the transparent visions only they could see played in their mind, they quickly went back to eating.

Next chapter