
One on one pt.2

(Back to where Beomgyu's father entered the hospital bedroom)

Beomgyu's Pov

"Are you out of your mind?!" My dad shamelessly yelled at me and embarrassed me in front of the cop standing near the cream leather sofa. "And here I thought you finally learned your fucking lesson!"

"My decision is final." I gritted my teeth and looked at him without blinking. "I won't be marrying anyone just because you want me to. Especially from the family of assassins who work for you!"

"You really are testing my patience."

His voice was lower but his jaws tells me it's the calm before the storm. And I was right.

"From now on, I'm stripping you the rights to spend my money and every single thing you bought and treasure will be on hold. Or sold if I feel like it. For instance, your beloved customized racing car for example."

My blood boiled and I'm pretty sure it's shown all over my face. However, he just doesn't care. The audacity of this man to smirk afterwards has really made me lose the last shard of respect I have for him.

"You can't do that…"

"You know I can and I will." He crossed his arms over his broad chest, which crumpled the lower part of his black shirt under his informal grey suit jacket. "I've gave you time to think it through because your mother begged for it but look at what your stubbornness got you. Patience is not a strong suit of mine so I hope you have the papers signed by then."

I'm so pissed I couldn't talk back without letting my tears flow out in frustration. The least I wanna see is my own father mocking my vulnerability because he thinks it's a fatal flaw and can be exploited by his enemies.

"And who the fuck is this?" He eventually asked once he realized there was another man in the room besides us.

"That's not Soobin!" He immediately drew his gun from his waist and pointed it to the cop's face.

The guy's cheeks turned pale as fast as he instantly raised his palms in the air.

Even though I've heard so much evil deeds my father has done for the sake of his money, I still can't believe he would really do something like this regardless of my presence because it's the first time I've seen it.

"Stop!" I groaned as I tried to sit up. "He rescued me from my misery. I owe my life to him."

It's still impossible to move my hips at all but luckily he actually listened this time around and put down his deadly weapon.

"Are you sure he's not an accomplice? How come he was able to save you instead of the person who has been there for you?"

"It was Cass." The cop interfered and slowly lowered his arms. "She asked for my help to corner the suspect because that bitch's quite crafty."

"Oh, so you're one of Soobin's men?"

My dad's demonic expression slowly brightened up and gestured for him to sit on the sofa next to him.

"Tell me more about it."

My brain froze at that moment and as much as I want him to shut up about the details, there's no way I can reach out without making it all obvious to my dad.

"I heard the suspect is still on the loose because we had to prioritize Beomgyu's safety while the cops are busy chasing her," he began spouting lies which helped a lot but I just know they're all gonna come back and bite him in the end.

"Yes, I'm grateful for your efforts and tell your boss that I'm grateful for the siblings' combined efforts to save my son." He said and kept smiling the whole time.

My heart sunk seeing how much adoration he has for Cass's brother. It feels like if he could trade me for him he will.

Just because I have opposite interests and beliefs. Additionally, I look more like my mom than him, so my facial features are more feminine.

My dad began talking about random things, while testing the range of his intelligence. I was worried at first, however, he managed to zigzag his way around the tricky parts.

The old man was totally impressed, but one request got his round eyes looking at me for assistance.

"Can you call Soobin for me?"
