
First mission

Next day Cardcrow didn't come to pick them .

It was Lutan.

Lutan :Listen you brats Cardcrow has gone for a secret mission. So today I have come to pick you up. You better learn to go there alone otherwise you may never go there .

Lutan opens the portal and three of them goes for training.

This went for some more months .

Cardcrow didn't come to pick them now .

Lutan did that job.Though he was always threatening to not come the next day he came daily.

Now the three of them started practicing meditation and some arts at free time in school and home. Though their physical strength and Their abilities to use energy were still not visible in their place but still little improvement could be felt.Besides their Memory power became sharp.They would instantly solve difficult questions . So they would study less and spend the saved time in meditation .

Next day the results came of the school.

All three of them were promoted with good grades.

They were celebrating and their families were happy too

Tuk : Look Drish How good I have become .

Drish : But I noticed you were sleeping most of the times during your study time and you went out everyday after lunch everyday even during examinations .

Tuk thinking," That was meditation.She must have confused My meditation practice with sleep. Well it happened to me in school many times.But Iam glad she didn't complained.If he did My meditation practice would be affected too."

Tuk: Well that what happens when you have a good brain.(Starts laughing)

Tuk's mom : Well Drish you have to be like your big brother .

Drish angrily moves away but she was happy too.

That day they didn't go to training.

Next day an Old man came to their locality and with a microphone starts calling out names of Jis Tuk and Mith

"Jis ,Deb and Mith , if you are listening to me please come out . "

The people of the locality were not understanding why was he calling out their names ?

Jis , Tuk and Mith came out along with their parents.

The old man asked the parents of Jis , Tuk and Mith to talk with him seperately .

They decide to meet at Tuk's house .

Sipping a cup of tea the old man told them," This may be the most surprising and weird way to announce but it is our Commitee's policy to announce results in such a way . And though its embarrasing but by announcing this way we want to encourage other children to work hard too ."

Jis's father told , " Results , What are you talking about ? Please tell us more clearly.

The old man told ," We had organized a National level competition and your children had participated in it and we are happy to announce that your children will now get an opportunity to study in the city of Washingnot for absolutely free . "

Jis Tuk and mith were confused but they couldn't say anything.They felt like like they were being controlled by someone.

Jis's father asked Jis ," What do you have to.say ? Say clearly .

Jis though didn't understand what's happening but against his will he said ," Yes we had given this exam and getting a degree from Washingnot

University will be great ."

Mith and Tuk said ," Yeah it will be great. we must go."

Jis's father said , " Well its a result of your hardwork so I won't stop you."

His mother also agreed.

Mith and Tuk's parents agreed too.

The old man ," Perfect so I will come and pick them after a week ."

The old man said ," I want to talk with your chold alone."

Tuk took him to another room along with Jis and Mith .

The old man said to Jis , Tuk and Mith "Did you realize who i was ? "

Mith : Who are you ?

The old man suddenly changed his face and it was Master Zoh.

Jis Tuk and Mith yelled in surprise

: Master Zoh

Master Zoh : Well This was my plan.

After a week bidding farewell to their families The three left .

Master Zoh took them to SGN.

He took them inside a luxurious hotel .

The manager of the hotel wished him good morning and a handed him three keys saying

" Here are your keys Master Zoh and our guests wull treated with proper care .You just din't worrt about that ."

Master Zoh smiled at him and took those keys .

Seeing the hotel the three were overjoyed with excitement.

Master Zoh Took them to 6th floor of the hotel.

He showed them three rooms and told them ,"From now on you will live here.You will wake up come here do your training and return here.This is your home and don't worry about other things.I will take care about it.

Tuk : But Master zoh , how will we talk to our parents without network.This place doesn't show mobile network. Do some other mobile operators work here ?

Master Zoh : No.We just don't need it .Don"t worry about that this hotel has an antenna that can recieve .You will be able to do that once you switch a small device in your rooms.

You aura have grown much and i brought you here at this moment because you will very soon start feeling your as your body part. Its a rule here that after the aura is felt you can't go back in your home until you complete your mission and learn its using efficiently. Otherwise things could be problematic .I hope you understand and Very soon you will have your so called "superpowers"."

Jis Tuk and Mith were happy after hesring this.They all smiled .

Master Zoh pulled out three shining fruits and asked them to eat it.They ate it and suddenly the felt dizzy and they felt like something was coming out of their body.Its like its their part and it burnt on like fire but it was not warm they couldn't feel it.

Mith: Master Zoh what is happening ?

Master Zoh : shhh .This is you aura . Congrats Your meditation has worked .

Saying this he left and the three were left surprised by this strange feeling .

Two hours later Zoh called Jis in a location .

Jis arrives at the location and meets

Akhand : Come and sit here Jis.

Jis : Who are these people ?

Akhand : They are geologists ,some are my old friends.They do research on new types of energies.They are currently working on a new electronic device which can fly and capture video

Jis was surprised.

Jis thinking : How can they make this device in this world .They are amazing .

Jis : Sir you asked me collect something from you.Can i get it now ?

Akhand puts out a box and gives it to Jis

Jis : Okay but what i have to do ?

Akhand : You have to give Mith this box . I already contacted him about this .And don't ask me any questions ? Get ready for your training .

Jis : Okay sir .

He went back

-to be continued

Next chapter