
A Long Night

Ikaris ate a little, then slept for two hours to let his stamina gauge recover and then cast the spell until exhaustion again. It was harder this time because his Blood Energy was down to 2.6. The hunger was really starting to set in and he could now smell the blood of Ellie and Malia through the walls.

He looked at the time: 3am...

Feeling like time was passing at a snail's pace, he asked in a hoarse voice, his lips cracking from imagined dehydration,

"Magnus... Can I drink some blood now?"

"Not yet." Magnus replied absentmindedly, poking fun at his misery. "Now is when practicing your Blood Fasting Spell is most effective. It's when you feel this haunting hunger that you can wish so hard that you never feel it again. When your body shuts down from lack of blood, then your desire to go without blood will reach its zenith. Fighting!"

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