
Mysteries of the past and dangers of the present

 After an hour or so, our little impromptu meeting concluded.

Jelo joined us halfway through, covered in sweat, and was visibly upset because we were nowhere to be found. He had searched the entire hospital from top to bottom. He glared at the three of us for not leaving so much as a note despite there being a pad of paper and pen in the room. As tall as he was, Ethan tried to avoid Jelo's gaze by hiding behind me, DJ on the other hand was barely able to keep his eyes open. If we were popsicles we would've melted at his fiery gaze. I had to apologize repeatedly for making him worry, and I knew very well that I'd be the only one to apologize anyway.

The doctors decided it was in the best interest of everyone to check out the laboratory. According to Miss Kagami, the building had been abandoned since October last year and was only being guarded by one security guard in case of trespassers. Since most in Valens had been evacuated already they were going to take the slight chance that there wasn't anyone there anymore. Ethan, unsurprisingly, volunteered that we go with them much to the dismay of the three of us. Thankfully though Dr. Peralta shot down his idea and instructed that what we learned, everything we know, stays between us until they come back from the laboratory. We agreed because they were right, it was better if we kept it amongst ourselves for the time being, after what we had was no more than a bunch of speculations and since they were so busy, after that conversation, we excused ourselves.

We went back to the doctor's mess, the whole place just sort of became our private room. Of course, we didn't mind sharing it but I think other people were wary of us since one of us got sent to the basement.

The food that Jelo had grabbed for us had already gone cold but it wasn't a problem for Ethan and me, we were starving. The last proper meal we had was breakfast at the hotel two days ago and back then I didn't even eat much.

Ethan gulped down what remained of his food and finished his drink, "Ahhh. That's good stuff! Though I'm still bummed out that they didn't let us come with them."

"You should've seen that coming," Jelo said as he flipped the page of the book he was reading, Peter Pan and Wendy. "They weren't going to agree to that."

"There was still a probability that they would've!" Ethan pointed out.

"Probability? Now you are starting to sound like Czyrus! Cut it out with the math stuff!" I said then proceeded to throw my pillow at him. "The only bright side I'm seeing with all this is that we no longer have to take that quiz in combinations! I could barely keep up with that perm-thingy as it is."

"Permutation," Jelo corrected, "And honestly, it's not that hard you know? That is if you listen in class instead of drawing weird stick men on your notebooks."

"I'm happy to inform you that I draw more than just stick men! I draw tanks too!" Ethan said proudly.

I shook my head, "I'm pretty sure that isn't something you want to be proud of buddy. Also, Jelo was probably talking about m- Woah!" I suddenly found myself on the floor after feeling DJ's foot on my back, kicking me off the bed. "Hey DJ! Watch it, will you?! You're not the only one on the bed you know?!"

I waited for a reply, a witty or sarcastic remark, but nothing, there was no answer. No reply.

Ethan went to his side and peeked and shook his head, "Shouting at him won't do you any good, he's out like a light!"

"Well that isn't a surprise," said Jelo, "After all, he didn't get much sleep. Our shift finished at four in the morning."

"Shift? What shift?" I asked.

"Oh right, he and I were on watch duty with Miss Kagami. He actually volunteered for the part! When I asked why he said other people looked tired and it was the least he could do."

Ethan furrowed his brows while looking at Jelo as if he was saying something incomprehensible, "DJ? Volunteered? Now those are two words you don't hear in the same sentence often."

"Daniel Johan Henderson, did something nice?" Ethan said before turning to our sleeping friend, "That's a first."

"There's no way that's why he volunteered, I mean come on, it's DJ we're talking about here! What was in it for him?"

"You guys... Is it really that hard to believe he did something nice?"

"Yes," both of us answered instantly and at the same time.

"As I said, it's DJ we're talking about here," I said and Ethan nodded in agreement.

"Well, he did, hooray our friend did something nice no strings attached. Anyway, I am going to sleep since I'll be on watch again," Jelo said then he occupied an empty bed, "Wake me up if you need anything, if the three of you decide to go exploring while I'm asleep, leave a note this time around alright, got it? I don't want to have to search the entire building for you guys a second time. I said, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Ethan answered, "Now get some sleep! You look like a phone running on one percent."

Oddly enough, the description fits. Jelo looked tired, not the normal Tiredelo look but more so than usual. It was eight in the morning, if their shift ended at four he must've gotten some sleep but he was already awake when I woke up. And If I recall correctly I woke up quarter to seven, did he even have any sleep at all? If not, what was he doing? Knowing this guy sleep would definitely be the number one thing on his to-do list after an exhausting job. I wonder, if he didn't take any rest, what was he doing around that time?

Even though I wanted to ask I couldn't, he was already asleep.

Since we were stuck in this room I had to find something to keep me entertained. Ethan had already found his distraction, he was busy stacking up a deck of cards he found in a drawer. I looked over to the desk and found the book that Jelo was reading there. I figured I had nothing else to do so why not read right?

Roughly forty-five minutes had passed since I started reading. I didn't even notice that much time already passed by! I also didn't expect to find myself interested in the story, before I knew it I was already halfway through the first chapter. When I was young, there was this old Insulian cartoon made in the 90s inspired by Peter Pan and Wendy and a bunch of other old-timey fairy tales. We would always wait for it to air in the afternoon, my mom even had this rule that if I didn't take an afternoon nap after lunch I wouldn't get to see it nor play with my friends outside.

I remember we were playing pirates one afternoon at DJ's house. Jelo and I were stopping Ethan from, as he liked to put it, reclaiming his treasures, which were his mom's cupcakes, from Pil the Prickly Island Loner, he had a mouthful nickname for DJ. When our mom's mentioned that it was almost time for the show, he suddenly broke character and dragged me to the living room and asked DJ's brother if we could watch it. Thea was mad at me because I accidentally hit her mom's coffee cup and it spilled all over her apron dress!

My eyes widened as I remembered her while reminiscing.


I closed the book and stood up. Many things flooded my brain. They said her condition was worse than before, that her wound wasn't looking like it was getting any better, and that her fever wasn't going down either. Is she in excruciating pain? Is she still dehydrated? What else was she experiencing? C-Could she really be infected?!

No. No. No! I can't afford to think this way. I can't! I have to be positive. It could just be a simple infection, that's why she has a fever. And the dehydration thing? She doesn't drink lots of water, that's got to be the reason for it. Yeah, that's right. She'll be cleared soon, this is all just a precaution the hospital staff had to take.

We're not losing anyone to this virus.

But still, I know I have to see her. I have to see her with my own two eyes.

As I approached the door Ethan looked at me and asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

"To see Thea," I answered.

"What? Alright, then I am coming with you!" he said as he stood up.

"No, you stay here and tell them where I went if they wake up."

"We have pen and paper for that!"

There wasn't anything I could say countering that I was just thinking they would've been worried if they woke up and we weren't in the room, I forgot about the notepad. He must've been wanting to see her too, "Fine, but you're writing the note."

"I have terrible handwriting."

"You're still writing it." That was no excuse and besides my handwriting was worse.

After leaving the note the two of us locked the door behind us and headed to the conference room, unlike an hour ago it wasn't filled with hospital staff. This time, it was only Miss Kagami.

"Excuse us for intruding," I said before we entered the room.

To be honest, out of all the medical personnel, I felt most comfortable around her. But at the same time, part of me wants to distance myself from her. Confusing, I know. I was comfortable around her but at the same time, I wasn't. Also, I don't know why but she always seemed so oddly familiar, like I know she was always at Thea's place when her parents had a barbeque and that's where I know her from, but I don't know. I kind of always felt like I knew her from someplace else. Does that even make sense?

"Lanz, Ethan, it's you guys. What can I do for you?"

We looked at each other and nodded. I bit my lip and took a second or two to muster the courage to ask permission, "Would it be possible for us to go and see her too? We heard that Jelo saw her yesterday, and we were hoping to see her too."

Miss Kagami looked like she didn't know what to tell us. We knew getting permission wouldn't be easy but we still took our chance anyway. "I know you're worried. I understand how you feel. As much as I want to let you see her going down there is dangerous, it isn't safe. And besides, the only reason that Jelo was allowed to go in the first place was because of Rebekah. It was her shift during that time and she took him with her. The people still didn't like the idea of someone who wasn't hospital personnel going down the basement, so in exchange, Jelo volunteered to be on night watch with me. But even that didn't quell their uneasiness."

"give their approval

"Then we'll volunteer too!" I presented immediately, "Both of us! For three days if you want! Just please, please let us see her! "I'm normally not a pushy person but just for this I'll be one. Please let us see her! We just want to see how she's doing for ourselves. I know it won't make a difference but I want to see her, to talk to her. She is like a sister to me. She's... She's family."

"I have no idea how my mom is doing and my older sister is trapped in one of Estrella's labs along with my friend. I know everyone is struggling. We all are. My entire world is falling apart and if it continues to crumble I'd like to be prepared for the inevitable and not be thrown off another ledge." I clenched my fist and looked her in the eye, "My friends are the closest thing I have to a family right now. They are all I have left. I cannot lose them too."

"Please let us see her," Ethan said soberly, "It's all we ask."

I lowered my head when I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. I was about to beg once again when I felt Miss Kagami's arms wrapped around me. I was caught off guard!

Under her breath, I heard her say, "Honestly Diana, he's a carbon copy of you."

"Uh, M-Miss Kagami?" Ethan was flustered while I was still in shock but something else now overwhelmed me. Sorrow.

The tears I was holding back now flooded my face. I wasn't weeping but the tears wouldn't stop. I felt sick to my stomach, but I didn't know why. I was grasping for my chest as my lungs felt like they were tearing!

Images flashed through my brain. It was dark and cold. There were bubbles all around me as I desperately flapped around. I was at sea! No... Why am I at sea?!

A distant voice was calling out to me but I couldn't see where it was coming from, "Lanz..."


"Lanz!" Ethan called out, "LANZ!"

"Gasp!" And suddenly I was back at the hospital. Both of them had worried looks on their faces, "W-What happened?"

"What happened? You spaced out for a moment. What, did the sudden hug literally shock you?"

"W-Well you try getting hugged suddenly by a pretty lady let's see if you fair any better!" I wittily said.

What was that?

"Thank you for the compliment, Lanz, I appreciate it," My face got hotter as it started to blush when Miss Kagami said that. I was just speaking my mind, that's all! I glanced over to Ethan and saw he was making that cheeky face he always makes when he's got some dirt against us. He's not going to let me forget I said that for a while.

"In any case, my shift in the basement level is about to start. Unfortunately, though I can only take one of you with me and you'd have to stay down there until the end of my shift which is in eight hours," Ethan and I looked at each other looking confused. I wasn't mishearing things, right?

"I'm sorry, what?" asked Ethan, "Could you run that by us again, I just want to make sure I wasn't imagining things."

Miss Kagami smiled at us, "I'm saying, I'll let you see her."

My eyes widened upon hearing what she said. I was overjoyed! We were going to see Althea!

"The townspeople would most definitely disagree with this but if you were to help Bex and me they would allow it. We're running low on staff and are desperate for extra help. Originally there were two other people assigned to this time with us but they are from Oram and are now occupying the lower basement level after they tried to take a bite of a patient during surgery. Bex already recruited someone so like I said, I can only take one of you down there with me. If you agree to this one of you will go with me as a volunteer to the basement during my shift. So, do we have an accord?"

"Yes," we both answered.

"So who's it going to be? You have two minutes, if by then you haven't decided I'm taking either on-"

"We don't need to choose," I turned to Ethan who up and decided without so much as asking me. "Lanz'll go."

"Okay then," Miss Kagami said smiling, and then she turned to me, "We leave in two minutes. I'm looking forward to working with you. Do your best, okay Roboboy?"

"Y-Yes, I will- WAIT A SECOND! R-Roboboy?! H-How do you know about that?!" I felt so embarrassed! Ethan was already laughing, recalling fond childhood memories, for him, not me. It was a childhood nickname I had when I proudly said I wanted to be a robot when I grew up and drink lots of gasoline to be strong. I was eight.

How does she even know about that? Ah, it's Thea. It was probably Thea.

When two minutes had passed Ethan went back to the doctor's mess while I went with Miss Kagami to the basement. There weren't many people in the hallway, most of them were in the lobby guarding, others were in their rooms, and only a few were roaming the halls to probably either get food, go to the bathroom, or go to other places in the hospital. The staircase was long, dark, and narrow. It was so dark that I slipped and almost fell down the stairs twice! I know we're limiting the power usage since we were running on generators but walking up and down the stairs in this darkness is dangerous! Somebody could fall here!

Soon enough, we reached the upper basement level. Even before we reached the bottom of the staircase I already saw her on the other side of the glass, "Thea..."

I wanted to run but I'd just risk tripping on the stairs and falling on my face, or worse, getting a concussion.

Standing in front of the door to the basement preparing the protective equipment was Dr. Rebekah Santiago. A general surgeon and, as Ethan likes to call her, Jelo's sister-in-law. Outside the hospital, we endearingly call her Mai Bex. 'Mai' is short for 'Maisor', the Insulian word for older sister.

"Machi! You're late!"

Miss Kagami sighed as she looked at her phone and back to Dr. Santiago, "Cut me some slack, I'm only four minutes off the mark."

Dr. Santiago furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed me walking behind Miss Kagami, "What are you doing here Lanzie?"

Again with the nickname... "Hi, Mai Bex. I mean, doc."

She shook her head at me, "Don't you 'Hi, Doc." me! Answer my question, what are you doing down here? You're not supposed to be here! Wait for a second, you're not... Don't tell me..." It looked like she had realized what I was here for and turned her attention to Miss Kagami, "You. Out of all the people you could've picked to help us during our shift, you pick him?!"

"You," she said pointing to me, "Don't move."

She dragged Miss Kagami over to the side and talked in whispers, though, I could make out what they were saying, not intentionally though. I was near them and as instructed, I didn't move from my spot.

"We promised remember?! We're supposed to be keeping him safe! Not throwing him in the line of danger!" Dr. Santiago hissed, "We already failed to do that with Lottie, we aren't failing with him. We promised her we'd keep them safe!"

"And I intend to keep that promise, Bex." Miss Kagami replied, "I know it's dangerous and so does he. But I had a feeling that if it weren't this way, he'd find another way to get here. He'd force his way here. I'd rather allow him to come with me, to help us, so that I can supervise him and make sure he doesn't do anything reckless that could jeopardize his safety or anyone else's."

Dr. Santiago let out a deep sigh, "Convincing excuse Machi. Fine, it passes. He can stay. But you are keeping an eye on him and making sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Come on Bex, stop treating him like the same child all those years ago. He isn't the same boy who almost drowned anymore. He doesn't need a babysitter, he needs a sister."

It was kind of awkward. They were talking about me like I wasn't there. I suppose they didn't realize I could hear them, but still. One thing strikes me odd though, they were talking about me and my sister, and from the way they were talking, it was like they knew us for years and were close to us, yet I don't recall us having that closeness, I just got close enough to call Dr. Santiago Maisor a couple of months ago. But they even knew my sister's nickname. It might be years since I've heard it but I know it well, Lottie was my sister's childhood nickname. It was what our dad called her.

I knew I was missing something, but what? Should I ask? But wouldn't that be weird?

I don't know how to feel about this whole situation but all I know is that Dr. Santiago gave me the signal to stay so it's a win, I guess?

Miss Kagami then turned around and faced me, "Well, I convinced her. You can stay. Grab one of those and put them on. Once you're finished wait at the door and then we'll head inside. Stay close to me, got it?"

"Yeah, I got it," I said then took one of the personal protective equipment and put it on in a corner.

But before I could even get there I heard part of what Dr. Santiago was saying to Miss Kagami, " Honestly, you and I both know that you're easily swayed by him because he is almost exactly like her."

There it was again. I reminded them of someone, who, by the sound of things, was dear to them. Could it be my mom? I know for a fact that they have always been close to my mother. Ever since we met them during one of Ackerman's barbeques, they've always hung around my mom whenever she was around. That would also explain why they said I was like her, many have said I'm like my mom so it would make sense.

Everything almost fits but, then there's that name that throws me off. Diana. That's not my mom's name. That's my aunt's name. My mom's twin sister who passed away when they were young. Growing up, Mom always told me and my sister about her. It was like we knew her.

What was I missing here?

Though I wanted the answer to that question, I had a much more pressing matter to attend to right now. It was time for us to enter the lower basement level.

Dr. Santiago opened the door and out came the doctors, assistants, and nurses of the shift before us. We thanked them for their good work and then we went inside.

That's when I realized that though I had volunteered for this, I had no experience with this medical stuff. Miss Kagami seemed to have realized my slight panic because she tapped my shoulder and reassured me, "You'll be fine. Just stay close to me."

I smiled and nodded. I'm just going to have to do my best in assisting her and helping these people.

The entire level was filled with patients, all of which showed at least one of the three common symptoms of those that were infected with the virus. I did what I was told and stuck close to Miss Kagami. In each case, she was explaining what I had to do in detail but she didn't use medical jargon which was very helpful, it was easier for me to understand what I had to do and what things from the cart I had to give her.

I didn't know how much time had passed but I was getting more and more familiar with the way things worked. Eventually, we reached the person I wanted to see at this level.

"Hi, there eldest Ackerkid," Miss Kagami greeted her as she helped her up her makeshift bed, "How're you feeling?"

"Slightly worse than before, Mai Chi."

"I've got a surprise for you," she said before taking a step to the side to reveal me, "I brought your brother with me."

Her eyes looked so shocked and confused, she stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders. For a sick person, she sure does have a tight grip! "What are you doing down here?! Mai Chi did you bring him here?! You know that it's dangerous!"

"And that's exactly what I told him and what your Mai Bex told me," she smiled at her and patted her on the head, "You don't need to worry, I won't let anything happen to him. And besides, he's a good assistant, he'd make a good nurse one day!"

Thank you for the compliment! No, thank you for the job referral.

"We have to get started so I'm going to need you to calm down and let my assistant go. You don't want to tear your stitches, right?" Thea sighed before doing what was asked of her and sat down on her bed.

While Miss Kagami was asking her questions and conducting her check-up, I couldn't help but realize the state Thea was in. She looked like she had barely gotten any sleep in days. She was a thin person but now she looked emaciated!

"And your leg? Does it still hurt?" Miss Kagami asked.

"It does, but, it doesn't bother me as much anymore," she answered as Miss Kagami took out her old dressing to replace it.

When the dressing came off it revealed the wound that Uncle Paris had left her. I could barely look at it without flinching. She said it was a scratch but it looked more like a cut!

"Your stitches opened up," Miss Kagami noted, "I doubt this was caused by your sudden burst of energy earlier, Althea answer my question, did you walk again?"

Thea turned silent and was avoiding eye contact.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," Miss Kagami sighed and proceeded to stitch her wound back up, "So, can you tell us what happened? You normally don't disobey doctor's orders so it must've been important."

"That kid was choking," she explained as she looked towards the child Dr. Peralta was with, "I was the nearest person who knew the Heimlich maneuver and I just couldn't sit around while I knew I could help. I had to."

A smile formed on Miss Kagami's face, "Your parents would've been proud if they were here."

She finished up her stitches and looked at me, "Lanz, I'd like to ask you to observe the patient for a while. Can you do that for me?"

"What?" the both of us said.

"I said I would like you to observe the patient," Miss Kagami repeated once again emphasizing observing the patient."

Dr. Peralta, who was beside us chortled, "We really have to spell it out for you, huh? Dr. Kagami here is saying that you two can talk for a while. I'll help her out with the rounds."

Oh... Oh! Oh, that's what that was.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"Hey I ain't doing this for free you know?" said Dr. Peralta, "You're making me coffee once our shift is over Caldwell."

"You got it, Doc!" I answered then the both of them went off to go look after the other patients.

Thea and I were quiet for a while. I wanted to see her but I didn't know what to say to her. Nothing I could say would ease her pain and nothing I could do would do that either.

"Okay, this is awkward," she said, finally breaking the silence. "I am not used to this."

"Neither am I!"

"It's like we went back to being kids! Remember? Our parents always scheduled playdates for us but we would barely even talk to each other, let alone look each other in the eye!"

"Of course, I remember! I accidentally used your teacup one time to clean my paintbrush and you gave me a death stare!"

"It was a family heirloom!" she retorted.

"And I was seven!" The two of us broke into laughter while reminiscing our childhood.

"H-How..." Thea hesitated at first but eventually, she asked me something that I had a feeling she wanted to know the answer to as soon as she saw me, "How are they?"

"You've seen Jelo yesterday so you know how he is, though right now he's catching up on sleep. DJ too, actually that one kicked me out of the bed!" Thea laughed which put a smile on my face. "It hurt you know! And Ethan wanted to see you too but Miss Kagami could only bring one of us down as an assistant."

"What about you?" she asked.

"Me? Aside from my sore bum, I'd say I'm alright! I mean I did sleep for two days straight. Also, I have to ask, they sedated me! Was that even ethical?!"

"I think hospitals are allowed to sedate patients in limited circumstances if they're endangering themselves or other people."

"But I'm not a patient?"

"Erngg. Beats me," she shrugged. "But, you doing well is good to hear."

"I don't have to ask how you're doing since I've heard what you were saying to Miss Kagami,"

"Now it's my turn to ask something. Why do you call Mai Chi, 'Miss Kagami'? I get not calling her 'Mai', but why not Doc? She is a doctor after all."

"I... I don't know actually, it just seems more comfortable for me that way. And I don't think she minds."

That question caught me off guard, ever since I've known her she's always been 'Miss Kagami' to me. Like, I knew she was a doctor and all but for some reason it felt... How should I put this? Unnatural, for me to call her that.

"That's weird," she said before coughing.

Worriedly, I asked, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," she answered and let out a short laugh as he playfully pushed me, "Quit looking at me like that, will you? It's not like I'm dying or anything."

"I don't think this is the time to be laughing Althea!"

"Althea? Woah! It's been a minute since you've called me that. Not since we were what, third grade?"

"I stopped calling you that after we got lost in the forest though I'm pretty sure I called you that a few days ago."

"What? No, you didn't."

"Uh, yeah I did. I did when I was trying to stop you from running to Uncle Paris."

"Well, I'm sorry I don't remember that, I was busy panicking at the time!"

"Tss. Lame excuse!"

"Cut the sound effects, that's our Bookworm's thing."

"Which one?" I asked, "We have quite a few."

"Oh, you know which one I mean!" she remarked and then stared at the ceiling as if she was watching something on it, "Not since the forest huh? Oh man, that sure takes me back. After that incident, it was hard for me to even look at trees for a while. I was so scared at that time."

As I recalled that traumatic event, unpleasant memories surfaced, "You were putting on a brave face though because I had dislocated my leg and it was just you and me after we got separated from the others. I could see through your tough act and forced smile though. I just didn't comment or bring it up for both our sakes."

"For two days we wandered those woods hiding from the wild dogs and creatures we heard while also desperately trying to get to the main road. I remember both of us being afraid of wolves even though there were none in the archipelago! Then just right before we were rescued we encountered wild dogs."

"Yeah, and back then we had just found Ethan, DJ, and Jelo. DJ was so afraid when one of them growled that he threw rocks which angered the dogs. They chased the two of us to the waterfall."

"That was also when I found out that you had thalassophobia. I thought you were afraid of heights but you weren't shaking as much when we were hiding near the cliff and you could barely look at the water below us. But despite that, when they were lunging at us, you pushed me away to safety and ended up slipping."

"And you tried to pull me but we both ended up falling in the water together. I couldn't let go of you because I was scared, and because of that we would have almost drowned if it hadn't been for the rescue team!"

"Yeah, and if I remember correctly, you ended up in the hospital afterward and were unconscious for a few days. And come to think of it, after that you were..."

"I was what?"

"Oh, I don't know, I'm not sure but I guess you were different. Though that's probably what a traumatic event does to someone."

I was different? I guess I don't remember, maybe I didn't notice. But, I didn't feel any different back then, only that I was terrified. It felt like the water was going to swallow me whole.

"You just kind of flipped a switch or something. I don't know how to put it, but the best way I can put it is this," she looked me straight in the eye and continued, "The boy that came into the forest wasn't the one who left with me."

"I must've been more traumatized than I realized if I changed that much," I said trying to recall my past, "Though honestly, I didn't notice back then."

"I probably changed in many ways and didn't notice, but the most noticeable one was that I was having trouble even looking at a tree back then. It took a while for me to get better, remember?"

"Yeah, and when you were ready and finally got overcame your PTSD your family arranged a picnic in the woods."

She smiled as the memory of that day flashed by in her head, "That was one of my favorite days that year because aside from the fact that I didn't have trouble with the woods anymore but also because my younger sister wanted Ethan to eat her mud filled with rock pi-"

Before she could finish her sentence she coughed once again, badly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine, it's just a cough. I had it since yesterday," she answered and I took a peek at the tissue she used to wipe her mouth. What I saw scared me. She was coughing up a yellowish substance, normally one would think it was phlegm but no it wasn't. And what was worse is that mixed with it was blood!

"That does not look fine to me!" I exclaimed as I stood up, "I'm calling Miss Kagami."

I was about to go and look for the doctors when Thea grabbed my hand tightly, "I said I'm fine! There's no need to alert Mai Chi since she already knows about it!"


"It's been happening since yesterday," she told me as I sat down once again.

"That doesn't look normal at all! What even is it?!"

"To be honest, we don't know," she scratched her head trying her best to figure out how to explain things to me, "It doesn't hurt when I cough it up but I feel it in my lungs when it starts to build up. Because of it, sometimes it's hard to breathe. It feels gross coughing it up though."

She tried to put on a brave face in front of me but her hollow laughter could barely hide how she was feeling. I didn't know what hurt more. Seeing her in pain or her trying to hide how she was feeling from me.

"Thea," I called out, "You don't have to hide how you're feeling. You don't have to put on a brave face, not with me."

The smile on her face disappeared and she looked down, hiding her face in her hair, "Thea, you can't hide things from me. I know when you're not acting like yourself.



I grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. For the second time this week, I saw one of the strongest people I know cry. "Let it all out. I'm here. I may not be able to take that pain away but if telling me will help make you feel better, even by just a little, then tell me. I'll listen! I'll listen as much as you want!"

She slowly loosened herself from my hug and faced me, "You already lent me an ear and that is more than enough. Just you being here helps! Of course, the pain is still here but knowing that you guys care for me and want to be here for me gives me the courage to hold on. That's why I'm fine, I can take this. After all, we Ackerman's are known for our resilience."

I gave her a fist bump, "Of course, you can take this. You're one of the most resilient people I know! You're Althea Ackerman!"

She smiled and said, "That, I am!"

After eight hours Miss Kagami's shift was over, which meant it was time for us to head back up. I only spoke to Thea for about an hour at most because I wanted her to get as much rest as possible. It was still unclear whether or not she had the virus, but the odds are becoming higher though until the test results come out, we don't know for sure.

"Thank you," I said while Miss Kagami and I were walking up the staircase.

"What for?" she asked.

"For allowing me to be your assistant and seeing her. It... It really means a lot to me. So, thank you!"

Miss Kagami smiled and just patted me on the head as we continued walking.

After disinfecting myself once again at the restroom turned which was turned into a makeshift disinfecting area for the medical personnel I was allowed to go back to the doctor's mess to get some rest. When I got back only DJ was awake, playing with a Rubix cube. As smart as he was I knew he didn't know how to solve that.

The rest of the day was normal, well, as normal as a day in the middle of a zombie-like endemic can be. I slept for about three hours and had dinner in the cafeteria with my friends before Miss Kagami called me to the conference room and explained to me and Dr. Santiago's assistant a bunch of medical terms and first aid procedures to help with tomorrow's shift. It was a lot to take in but I understood everything she was explaining clearly.

The next few days went almost the same way. A few things changed or rather were added to our daily routine. The mornings were the same, I woke up at seven, eat my breakfast, take a bath, and headed to the conference room and wait for our shift to begin. In the afternoon, after our shift, we head back up and help the doctors do rounds in the hospital. Since the doctors were rotating between who would be in the basement, resting, and doing rounds, they were almost always short-staffed. After the rounds, it'd be dinner time by then so we take our meal and I would rest for a while before Miss Kagami would call me and Jason, Dr. Santiago's assistant, and teach us more things about emergency first aid.

It was now the evening of the 26th, a full week had passed by since I became a rookie medical responder. Is that right? Can I call myself that? Anyway, it's been a rough week.

"Okay, that's all for today's class. See you both tomorrow. Get some sleep, it's going to be a long day." Miss Kagami said and closed up her book and went to Mrs. Walker and Dr. Peralta.

Jason finished practicing his stitches and breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh man! Finally! I got it! Haha! And at the eleventh hour at that!"

"That's good Grayson, now teach me."

"I'd love to teach you man, but when I'm not forcing my eyelids to remain open," he looked so tired, I could tell he was barely keeping himself awake at this point. I mean I understand, after all, I didn't look any better myself.

"Show me tomorrow, right before the shift starts!"

"Sure thing."

"Alright, see you tomorrow then!"

"Where're you getting that energy..." he mumbled, "See you!"

As I walked across the hallway to get to the doctor's mess I bumped into Jelo and DJ who were on night watch.

"Hey you," said DJ who was carrying Thea's Arnis sticks. To be frank, I'm not at all comfortable with DJ holding any kind of weapon. Last time, when we were using arnis sticks in class he accidentally hit five people. Five people! Why Jelo allowed this I had no idea.

"Please, keep at least two meters away from me DJ," I said while carefully doing my best to avoid the sticks he held hanging at his shoulder, "Thank you."

"Oh right, I almost forgot to mention," Jelo said, causing me to turn around and stop walking. "I think Ethan's still helping out at electrical. If he is, don't lock the door when you sleep."

"Or can he just knock?" I suggested to which he agreed and we all went our separate ways.

When I got to our room sure enough it was empty. Ethan was still out. I wouldn't call what Ethan's doing helping because it was more like he was roped in by the technicians in the hospital because he wasn't doing anything but stacking cards on the table. Well, that plus annoying DJ every chance he got.

I did as Jelo instructed and didn't lock the door. I was too sleepy and didn't want my rest to be interrupted. If I were to lock that door, Ethan would pound it so hard I'd just get annoyed.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

It was about half past five in the morning when I woke up. Earlier than usual, but not too unusual. Before all this, I used to wake up early every Sunday because Granny Rose would always be waiting for me, Jelo, and Thea to accompany her to Mass. Then we'd have breakfast at her house, usually in her greenhouse. At first, we just accompanied her because her son moved away when she got married but even when they moved back in we still accompanied her every week. It sort of just became our routine to accompany her. I didn't think I'd miss waking up so early to prepare for it until I wasn't able to do it anymore. I headed to the cafeteria while the others were still asleep, I didn't want to wake them and I wanted to eat breakfast with them but I was getting hungry.

On my way there I bumped into Jason and his little brother Tim.

"Good morning Timothy!" I greeted the 12-year-old.

"Good morning Fran Lanz!"

I smiled as the brothers approached. Being called "Fran" was somewhat new to me. Fran is short for Franten, and you may have guessed it already but it's the counterpart of Maisor. It's the Insulian term for an older brother.

Then there was a slight pause and somewhat of dead air before Jason cut it off by speaking, "What? No good morning for me? That hurts man, and I thought we were partners?"

After we got our food, we sat on one of the empty tables and started eating.

"Why are you up so early anyway?" Jason asked after gulping down a spoonful of egg-fried rice.

"Well, aside from the fact that I used to wake up at five in the morning before the breakout, Ethan got back at around midnight earlier along with his new friend, Angus. At least that's what I think his name was. And it was more like he invited himself over to our room."

"Wait, did you say Angus? As in Angus Fritz?" said Tim.

"Yeah, I think so. Why? Do you know him?"

Tim let out a deep sigh, suggesting that he did know who Angus was, "He's an acquaintance."

"And I take it that you're not a fan of his?"

"If so, then you and me both," we all turned around as we heard Ethan speak from behind. Wow, he's up early. He sat down beside me and put his food on the table.

"Sounds to me like this Angus guy isn't very famous," noted Jason.

"Oh yeah," Ethan said in reply.

"He's, how should I put this? Chatty," said Tim.

Jason furrowed his brows, "Chatty? I don't see a problem with that."

"Being chatty isn't the problem here. Having a conversation is nice after all,"

"But you can't exactly call him just talking about himself on and on and on much of a conversation now would you?" Ethan cut in, "I got stuck with him because the other guys had enough of it."

"Well, couldn't you just tell him to stop?" I asked. Ethan and Tim looked at each other and then back at me, "What?"

"Don't you think we haven't tried?"

"I've told him numerous times that I can't relate to what he's saying because I don't know the people he's talking about, I also told him that I don't know the game he's talking about, and I have made it abundantly clear that I've got no interest in what he's saying. There were even a few times that I was reading a book in peace and he started talking, I found out a few minutes later that he was talking to me. I wasn't even aware we started a conversation!"

"You may have made it clear but what if he didn't get the message?" said Jason.

"Do you want us to spell it out for him?" Ethan responded, chafed.

"How can we do that without coming off as rude?" asked Tim.

"That's actually a good question. One to ask your franten," I said cheekily as I looked at Jason.

"How about we put this conversation on hold? And talk about something else for a while? Particularly a certain someone's birthday party?" Jason said looking at Tim who was trying to hide his smile.

Ethan's eyes widened as if they were going to pop out "It's your birthday?! Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday Timothy!" I greeted him as Ethan ruffled his hair, "How old are you today?"

"I'm thirteen."

"Already in your teen years huh? You're gonna keep growing! Soon enough you'll be taller than your brother!"

Then Ethan looked confused, "You're having a party? Is that even possible right now?"

"It's not a big thing. Our mom was one of the people who went out to grab supplies and food since our house was nearby so she grabbed our camping equipment and a few ingredients to have a small celebration," Jason explained, "Our family was supposed to go to Oram for his birthday to spend time with our family and have a celebration there but..."

"The Inmourti Virus happened and it kind of ran over your plans?"

"Pretty much," he responded to my comment.

"We'll be on the roof deck later tonight. If you're free I'd appreciate it if you'd come!"

"We'll be there!" I said, making Tim smile from ear to ear.

After we finished we headed back to our rooms to prepare for the day. Ethan and I went to shower. The bathroom would always be full except late at night and early in the morning so it was the ideal time to wash up. When we were walking back to our room after, Ethan suddenly stopped walking. We were just a few steps away from our room so I was confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked but got no reply.

His face looked like he had just eaten something sour. Curiously, I turned to see what he was looking at and found out why he was making such a face. There was a guy in front of our door and from the look on his face, I guessed that this was the famous Angus I was hearing about.

"Come on," I said as I pulled his arm.

"But it's so early in the morning for this..."

When we were about a meter away from the door, the guy immediately went to talk to Ethan.

"Good morni-"

"We're being called early today didn't you hear?" he asked, cutting me off.

"No, I didn't," answered Ethan.

"How can you not? I messaged you about it already! Didn't you look at your phone?"

"I didn't have my phone with me, Angus," so I was right this was Angus.

"You should always bring your phone with you, what if there's an emergency? How are people supposed to contact you?"

"I get your point man. Now, why are we being called in early?"

"They didn't really say, all I know is that they're waiting for us in the breaker room."

"Okay, just wait for me there," Ethan said before grabbing the door handle.

"Oh no, it's okay! I can wait for you!"

"You said they were calling us in early, so you should go on ahead."

"Yeah, it's fine. We can go together, Ethan!"

"Fine," Ethan said, "Wait for me out here, I'll just grab my stuff."


Ethan opened the door and went inside. I was about to follow him in when all of a sudden, Angus went in as well!

"You know, this reminds me of that one time our coach called us to train unexpectedly! He called for training at nine in the morning but I had woken up at a quarter before nine and our school was twenty minutes away! Oh man, I didn't know what to do back then!" he said loudly startling Ethan and waking up the two sleepy heads.

"What's going on?" DJ said after waking up abruptly.

"Oh, people were sleeping, sorry about that! You didn't tell me, Ethan!"

"I told you to wait outside!"

"Anyway, where was I? Oh right!" I blinked a few times, is this guy completely serious right now?

"I didn't know what to do! I told my mom about the surprise training the coach had set and she was going on and on about how he shouldn't have done that and that he should give the students time to prepare for it. I was already shoving stuff into my bag at that point!"

I'm sorry, but did I just turn invisible? Because I think this guy straight up didn't know I was here. I went inside and sat beside Jelo who was glaring at Angus.

"Name," he demanded.

"Angus Fritz,"

"Ethan's new friend?"

"Sort of?"

"Angus!" Ethan shouted, "Let's go."

"Yeah, I know. I was waiting for you!"

"See you later guys," Ethan said sounding so dejected, and then the two of them headed off to the breaker room.

"And he didn't even have the decency to say goodbye," DJ noted while scratching his head in irritation.

"Goodbye? He didn't even say hello!" I said, "Or let us say hello."

Jelo shook his head, "I don't think I can go back to sleep now."

The two of them went off to eat while I got my stuff and headed to the conference room.

That was quite the morning.

It was now almost time for our shift to end. Because Dr. Peralta and the other doctors went out to check the abandoned laboratory we work twice as long today. I didn't mind though I felt bad because that would mean that Tim would have to wait for us longer than expected.

It was about eight in the evening, Jason and I took a short break and I told him all about the morning fiasco. He laughed at my reaction to being treated as invisible and could understand a little why Ethan and Tim were both uncomfortable and awkward around Angus.

"That was quite the introduction you had!" he said while barely holding in his laughter.

"I'll say! If I hadn't stopped the door, he would've shut it on me! He even noticed me when the door wouldn't close! But didn't say a word to me at all!"

"Jason!" Dr. Santiago called.

"I got to go!" he said before dashing away with the cart.

Cough! Cough!

Harsh coughing got my attention. I looked around to find who it was coming from but had a hard time. The entire space was filled with patients left and right, I couldn't find who it was immediately.

Cough! Cough!

I scanned my eyes all around. It could've been just a cough, but something about it didn't seem right. It also sounded familiar, which got me worried.

Cough! Cough!

There was something about it that unsettled me. All I could think about was finding this person. Find them. Find them. Something wasn't right, and I knew I had to find them.

I scanned the room one more time and finally! I found him!

I immediately went toward the patient. He seemed like he was the same age or around the same age as my sister. He was coughing so badly! What was it about his cough that worried me? It was a cough! It wasn't like I hadn't heard one before! And it wasn't even uncommon to hear a cough here!

"Sir, are you alright?" I asked.

"Hrrmghh! Hrrmghh!"

He shook his head ferociously and he kept on reaching for his throat. He pulled on my arm, then started scratching and grabbing his throat again!

"Is he alright?" the patient beside us asked.


Something wasn't right... Something isn't right... SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT!

His face looked like he wanted to talk and scream but something was preventing him from doing so. Was he having a hard time breathing?! What should I do?!

"H-Hey doc! Doc!" the patient called for Dr. Peralta, the doctor that was closest to us, "You've gotta come here, this guy doesn't look right!"


"Lanz?" I heard Miss Kagami call but I was just focused on the patient.

His cough! It sounded so familiar like I heard this kind of cough before! But from where?! It had to be something I heard recently because I recognized it almost immediately! But from where?!

Think Lanz, think!

It sounds full like his lungs are full of water and he's desperately trying to get it out! Like... Like... Just like Thea's cough. That's where I heard it from. Only his cough sounds much worse!

"Lanz, what's going on?!" Miss Kagami said as she swooped in and checked on the patient.

"I-I don't know! I went to check on him because his cough sounded bad but he keeps on grabbing and scratching his neck!"


"MISS KAGAMI!" I said as I watched her tumble and hit her head on the cart I brought when the patient pushed her away.


The man leaned over his bed and started vomiting out the same weird yellowish substance that I saw coming out of Uncle Paris' body and Thea's cough. The only difference between the three is that with Uncle Paris it was liquid, like blood. With Thea, it was a bit lumpy, in a way like phlegm but not at the same time. But with him, it was viscous like honey.

It was obvious that whatever this was he wanted it out of his system but he couldn't. At least, not immediately.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Jason exclaimed.

The patient plopped down on the floor continuing to hurl out whatever it was that he was coughing up. Approached him but he just pushed me back. Jason helped me and Miss Kagami up but as we were about to go near him again, I heard screaming from another side of the room.


"Jason!" another assistant called while holding tightly a woman who was out of control, "A little help here?!"

Jason ran towards them taking away the scissors the woman was holding. She was holding it up against her neck, had it not been for Jason I don't even want to think what she might have done to herself!

Dr. Santiago and a nurse immediately ran toward us but Miss Kagami warned them, "STAY BACK!"

They stopped right in their tracks and the man that was vomiting suddenly stopped and plopped flat on the ground.

Miss Kagami went toward him to help but before he could even touch the man, I heard a crash on my left, Jason's cart had been knocked over by another patient!


My eyes widened in shock as another person started vomiting up the same yellowish substance.

In an instant, everything around me fell into chaos. People were screaming and running, and many of us didn't know what to do.

"MA'AM PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Jason pleaded, "Arghk!"

She kicked him away causing him to land on the bed but he quickly got up and tried to calm her down again.


"LUKE!" Dr. Santiago screamed as I turned my head only to find the patient biting the nurse's leg!

I hurriedly went to him and tried to pull him away from the patient but the grip on his feet was too tight!

"JASON, HELP ME!" I screamed.

"I'M A LITTLE BUSY HERE LANZ!" I heard him say while grunting from somewhere. I didn't have time to look for where he was.

Dr. Santiago soon came to our aid, the both of us desperately pulled him away from the patient who was crawling on the floor passing through his yellowish vomit.

"YOUR LEG!" she screamed and grabbed a disinfectant from the cart and doused it over the nurse's open wound.

As he screamed in agonizing pain the door to the makeshift isolation room was forced open. Mrs. Walker came in with a frantic look on her face. Covered in sweat and a panic she shouted, "THEY'RE INSIDE!"

Miss Kagami froze in fear, "W-WHAT?!"

This can't be happening... No... NOT AGAIN!


The information hadn't even been processed in my brain when someone screamed for help!

"T-they're infected..." the nurse, Luke, mumbled, "We're infected!"

"Luke now is not the time to talk like that!"

"Doc listen to me, you have to go! Take the assistants and all the people that have minor symptoms and go!"

"Cut that out! I am not leaving anyone!"

"BEX PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND EITHER BUT WHAT CHOICE DO WE HAVE?!" tears fell down his face but he didn't let the fear he was feeling take over him. He let his sense of duty impact his decisions and he put the good of the people ahead of his own, "Listen to me. We both know what this is. It's what the two downstairs experienced before the virus started taking over their bodies! If our assumption's correct this is the first indication that the virus has already spread and started taking control of the person's body!"

"This is crazy!" she mumbled, I could tell that she was already panicking.

"Bex, the hospital isn't safe anymore! You've got infected coming at you from the outside and the inside! You need to take the patients to a safer place!"



"BEX! LANZ!" Miss Kagami shouted as she ran towards us, "WE HAVE T- LUKE!"



"Who says I'll be locking myself in with them? I'll head to an empty room, barricade it and tie myself there. I'm already bitten so I'll likely get infected but I'm not giving up hope. I'll wait for you guys to come find me and give me the cure. Until then, I'll protect them and keep them here where they can't hurt anyone," he said looking at the patients, "I am a nurse after all!"

Dr. Santiago clenched her fist and nodded, "I got it. Come on Machi!"

She pulled Miss Kagami away despite her refusal to leave the side of nurse Luke.

"Boy, your name is Lanz right?"

"Y-Yes," I answered.

He smiled at me, "You must be her brother, I haven't forgotten her after all these years. Live for us, okay?"

I didn't know how to respond. Does he know my sister? And if so, why is he talking about her like that? As if she wasn't here anymore.

"Now go. GO!"

And just like that, I ran to get the people with minor symptoms out of the isolation area. We got most of the people out and then I remembered that Thea had the same symptoms. I headed to her bed and found her face covered in tears and tying herself to the bed frame.




"I KNOW WHICH IS WHY YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME BEHIND!" she exclaimed and then pushed me away.

And then I noticed her neck, it was full of scratch marks!

"Lanz please just go!" she pleaded, then she looked like she was having trouble breathing and started hurling!


I felt my knees give in and fell to the ground. No... She's... Infected...

"Tell me this isn't real... PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!"

"Lanz..." she approached me and hugged me tightly, "Stay strong. Keep each other safe. Stick together and get to Mare. That's where one of the safe zones is and likely where our families are. Stick together and stay alive. Please, please stay alive."

"We'll get there together! We'll make it there all together!" I couldn't keep the tears from falling. I didn't want to believe that this was actually happening, I want to think that this is just a nightmare and that this will all just go away!

"Shhh... Shhh..." she hushed, "Oh come on now, this isn't goodbye!"

Her voice was cracking, she tried her best to smile for me, "This is, see you again under better circumstances! This isn't enough to keep me down, you know that! I'm an Ackerman, and we are known for our resilience!"

She took a deep breath and looked at me straight in the eye, "Now go!"

I wanted to stay with her, I wanted to take her with me, but I knew that I couldn't. I knew that she didn't want that.

"S-See you later."

Leading the people out, I kept an eye out for the Inmourti on the ground floor. Miss Kagami led them out of the hospital from the emergency room since the front was the one swarming with the infected.

"LANZ!" Jelo's voice echoed throughout the halls.

"OVER HERE!" I said waving my hand, making it easier for him to find me.

Soon enough Jelo and DJ were with me, "WHERE'S ETHAN?!"


We were about to run to the breaker room when Jelo grabbed my shirt and with a worried look on his face asked, "Where's Thea?"

I didn't know what to say. Scratch that, I knew what to say but not how to say it.


"She said she'll see us later... Under better circumstances..."

Jelo let go of me and looked like the weight of the entire hospital was dropped on top of him.

"You mean she's-"


DJ couldn't finish what he was saying because the head technician's voice grabbed everyone's attention. We went to see what was going on and arrived to see the head technician being held back by Ethan and some other guy.






Wait... Did he say, Timothy?! Does he mean Tim?!


"That's enough!" a woman screamed holding a baby in her arm and a young girl tugging on her skirt.

"Darling..." the head technician called out, "Tim is..."

"I know... We all do."

"Tim is..."

"Jason!" I mumbled, he looked so out of it. How could he not after hearing what happened to his brother?

"Being angry won't change anything, all we can do now is keep the rest of our family safe. It's what he wanted right?" she then faced Angus, "Don't think I don't share the same feelings as my husband, I'm angry too. He is my son after all! Asking me not to be angry is almost the same as asking the leaves of a tree not to fall! But what I'm not going to do is hate you, or be angry at you. I'm sure that you meant no harm and didn't want it to come to this so I'm going to be the one to tell you that you made a mistake, one that cost a lot of people a lot of things you need to think about what you've done and what went wrong and learn to live and move forward."


"THEY'RE COMING!" another technician said as he came in running causing everyone to run away.

We ran out of the hospital, Miss Kagami was waiting for us there.


"ETHAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Jason shouted when Ethan disappeared to who knows where.

He came back with none other than our trusty wagon, "I AM NOT LEAVING THIS BEHIND!"

He stopped beside Jason's mother and sister, "Ma'am, get in!"

"Just do it, Mom!"

She didn't protest and just got in the cart holding the baby and Jason's little sister. Ethan and Jason pushed the cart with all their might.

"INCOMING!" the head technician shouted pointing to our three o'clock.

"THERE'S MORE COMING BEHIND US!" Miss Kagami shouted.

We were surrounded! There were more of them than there were of us!

Jason and his dad looked at each other and nodded, "Lanz."


"Take care of them for us."

Ethan and I looked at him all worried and fearful, I already knew what he wanted to do.

"JASON NO!" I shouted.

"DAD! FRAN! COME BACK!" the little girl screamed.

"GET BACK HERE BOTH OF YOU!" their mom pleaded.

"HEY OVER HERE! OVER HERE! WE'RE OVER HERE!" Jason shouted getting the attention of all the infected, but the infected weren't taking the bait.

"This won't do!" the other technician said before running off, he went to where Jason and his father were along with the other two guys.

I could see that Angus was hesitating but just as when he was about to run towards them as well Jason's father shouted, "ANGUS STAY WHERE YOU ARE!"




Angus wiped his tears and answered, "YES SIR, IT'S THE LEAST I CAN DO FOR YOUR SON!"


"OVER HERE!" they kept on shouting until they got the Inmourtis' attention and they were all chasing after them.

"Let's go!" Miss Kagami said and we started running again.

"Mom," the little girl called, "Is Dad and Fran Jason coming back soon?"

"Yes sweetie, they'll be back soon. Won't they, Angus?"

"Y-Yes ma'am, they'll be back as soon!"

"Are you my new Franten?" the girl asked Angus.

"I-In a way, I am."

The trip to town wasn't easy, we had to avoid the inmourtis that were around every corner. Whatever this was had already spread fast! It took us a few detours and a slight shortcut through the woods before we finally reached the town!

"WATCH OUT!" DJ shouted right before pulling Miss Kagami out of harm's way as Innouri lunged toward her. They fell flat on their back and quickly got up.

"No..." Angus whispered, "We're surrounded!"

"THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" Miss Kagami exclaimed.

"Push the cart, push the cart, push the cart, push the cart, PUSH THE CART!" I shouted and then we ran as fast as we could, doing our best avoiding the inmourtis coming our way.

We made turn after turn after turn and ended up at a blockade! The road was under construction and that was as far as we could go!

"What do we do now?!" Jelo said in a whisper, not wanting to cause panic to the little girl.

"Sweetie, close your eyes," her mother said.


"Because we're playing a game. A guess game!"

"Okay!" then the little girl closed her eyes, "What do I do now?"

"Can you guess what I'm holding?"

"You're holding Ian, Mom!"

"Other than Ian," she said, grabbing my frying pan. "Can you feel it? No peeking. Think about what this is quietly."


"Think Jelo, think!" he mumbled to himself, "What should we do?!"

Beep! Beep!

All of a sudden we heard the horn of a vehicle, and it sounded like it was coming our way. And a few moments later, a jeep ran by with the driver constantly honking causing the Inmourti that was going after us to follow it.

When the Inmourtis were far away we could finally breathe a sigh of relief!

"Whoever that was just saved our behinds!" DJ said before plopping to the ground, "Ah, my legs gave in."

"I know what this is! It's a frying pan!"

"That's right sweetie, it's a frying pan, good job."

We carefully got off that road and Miss Kagami led us to the street of the building where all the other people were.

"They're just a few blocks down the road. We'll be there in fiv-"




Ethan was so surprised but I unexpectedly cut him off.

The jeep that passed by earlier passed us by again only this time it stopped just before it hit a pole!

"Somebody get that driver's license!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Hold on..." Jelo said as we watched the doors of the jeep open, revealing the driver, "Isn't that..."

Ethan's face changed expressions. He looked like we was irked, "Paige."

"Seriously?!" I said and turned to look again, it was indeed our friend Paige!

The passenger seat's door opened as well and out came a wobbly familiar figure, "KJ."

"It's KJ!" I repeated and we ran towards them.

"Are you okay?!" Jelo asked KJ who glared at him.

"Do I look like I'm fine?" she stated, "Do not, and I cannot stress this enough, make her drive! You'll be holding on for dear life!"

"You're welcome for the free ride, Mai."

"Where have you guys been for the past week?" Ethan asked.

Paige and KJ looked at each other, KJ sighed as she turned to answer his question.

"You're going to want to sit down for this one.

Next chapter