
Chapter 75

Alex had dropped him home that day and had given him a kiss on the lips with the promise that they'd talk later. He didn't. Not a call or text and due to the anxiety he couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned the entire night, refreshing their school page every two minutes to see if there was a post about him or maybe a video.

The most obvious question was how Alex found out. There was only one answer. Beck must have told him. That was the only way he would have found out. And then the thing about him finding about him and Beck. What they did. Beck must have blurted out what they did when they were probably arguing and now he had to deal with it.

He thought he had it bad with Cynthia, but this was way worse. He had to interact with Alex every day. It wasn't like Thomas who only wanted him when he felt like. Alexandre was the boyfriend he had cheated on with the ex he had a personal grudge against. He was going to go crazy.

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