

Not the only one heartbroken

"Alexandra, get up; time for school." Alexander shouted from my bedroom doorway, his fists pounding on the door. Clearly doing that on purpose to get on my nerves. He knew very well that I didn't get to sleep last night. "Chop, chop. Come on." Groaning internally, I rolled over - bringing the covers over my head. I didn't want to go to school today. I was exhausted and I just wanted to rest.

That would have happened if the douchebag of my brother didn't trip me off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. "What the hell Alexander?! I could have broken something you idiot." I shouted angrily at him.

"We're werewolves, it will heal, slowly but it will." He just laughed as he crossed his arms together. "What can I say? I'm an awesome alarm clock." He grinned down at me and back up really quick when I threw a pillow at him.

"Get out so I can get ready. You don't want to see your sister naked, do you?" He widened his eyes in shock and scattered away from my bedroom, slamming the door close on his way out. I laughed and walked into my bathroom.

After my shower, I had dressed into my white vans' shirt and my shorts, a jacket wrapped around my waist with my black converse on. I looked into the mirror admiring my hard work. I looked hot in these ripped shorts; my booty doesn't lie. "Alexandra come on." My brother shouted at me again for the third time already.

I took one last look into the mirror before heading towards my bedroom door. "Let's go. Let's go. Let's go peeps." I said walking into the kitchen where my brothers were eating breakfast.

"What are you wearing?" I frowned and looked down at my clothes, do I look bad or something? "Clothes?!" I said slowly, confused about my brother's comment. Alexander laughed humorlessly, "I mean you can't go to school like that, go change."

"Leave your sister alone guys." My mom said getting into the kitchen. My brothers groaned but didn't say anything else because my mom shot them a glare. "Here, take this." My dad tossed a key at me when he entered the kitchen. I opened my arms and caught it. I looked down at it and saw that it was my car keys. "For real? My own car?" I squealed and did a happy dance before kissing my dad's cheek.

"I love you so so much daddy." I hugged him tightly and beamed from ear to ear, "I have my own car sucker!" I stuck my tongue out childishly at my brother and squealed, "Where is it? Is it outside?" I dashed towards the door and got out, seeing the car parked outside.

"Yes!" I unlocked the car and sat in the diver seat, my hands caressing the steer wheel and the leather seat. I started the engine and touched the screen, putting some music. Finally, I got to relax in my own fucking car.

The ride to school was peacefully. I like it like that in the morning. It helps me relax before school and think, think about how chaotic this day might be, I cried dramatically yet happy in my new car.

I pulled in the parking lot of the school building and parked my car in the front row. I put my ray bans on and checked myself in the mirror. Applying some eyeliner and red lipstick, I popped my lips together and got out of the car.

I picked my school bag and closed the door behind me. This year is going to be different. I'm going to start from the bottom and forget about everything.

I turned around the corner without paying attention and bumped into someone again. This is the third time in two days. The person caught me and pulled me back on my feet. "Thanks, and you are..." I raised my eyebrow and looked at him, waiting for his reply.

"The name is Jaden. Jaden Smith beautiful." He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Nice to meet you." I slipped my hand from his grip warily. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously. "You must be new here, right?" I asked with curiosity, taking him in as my hand brushed off the kiss dissimulative on my jacket.

He wasn't that bad looking, somewhat in between six feet with blonde hair and hazel eyes and to top that, a perfect sculpted body, Max body is better, "Is there something on my face?"

I blushed and looked away. "Sorry." I muttered softly. "What's your name beautiful?" Jaden asked seductively and I suppressed the need to roll my eyes at him. Can't he not? "Alexandra. Alexandra Armstrong. Nice to meet you too Jaden." I replied cockily the same way he did.

We burst out laughing at the same time and shook our heads at how stupid that sounded. "You seem like a pretty chill person; we should hang out sometime." He smiled at me. "Sounds like a plan Jaden." I told him with a genuine smile on my face and dropped it slightly when Max and his friends appeared in the hallway.

"You're not that bad, I hope." I joked and smiled at him, my eyes catching Max eyes boring holes behind Jaden's back, and I sighed. "See you around then?" Jaden smiled down at me and I nodded my head as we went in different directions.

I walked past Max and sighed when a hand grabbed my upper arm. "Max, please don't start." I said exhausted, knowing that a rant was coming, which shouldn't be happening either because we aren't together so we shouldn't be discussing anything and I'm ranting now at my own rant about Max possibly ranting.

"Who is he?" Max gritted out angrily and the boys he was walking with took that as a cue to leave. I pulled my arm down and yanked it away from his grip. "Wait, hold on." I scoffed, "I don't need to give you an explanation about anything."

"Stay away from him Alexandra, he smells like trouble." And with that, he was gone. Wait what? No demands or anything? Is he okay?

I walked into the homeroom and took a seat in the back next to Zoe and Chloe. Jaden who was sitting two bleachers in front of us turned to look at me with a smile on his face and then back to the front. The door opened and my eyes caught the person who walked in, who by the way looked beyond furious for some reason.

"What was that? Girl, tell us now!" Zoe and Chloe turned to look at me mischievously and I rolled my eyes at them. "Nothing, I just met him gosh. He said we should hang out sometime and that's it. We parted ways and I came here after." I explained, leaving out the fact that Max and I talked after, seeing that they weren't too keen of Max.

Max looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher, before walking away to sit next to Lucy. My insides burned with jealousy at the thought of Max being with her and I didn't like that. I tried to not give him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt like that and just focused on Jaden.

Jaden turned around and shot me a heartwarming smile. "Do you want to go out tonight?" I blushed when people looked our way and pressed my lips together while biting my bottom lip. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to play hard to get.

"I don't know. Maybe?" I didn't want him to think that I was easy or that there would be something more between us. I didn't want more drama clutching on my back. I had enough with Max and Lucy, this triangle was killing me enough already to go to a quadrangle.

"We can go to this new club?" He looked hopefully and I couldn't deny his request. He's so cute but Max is cuter. Wait what?! I think I'm going insane. "Okay. Sounds like a plan then." I muttered as the teacher spoke.

"Good morning students we're here today to talk about the activity tomorrow." The principal voice boomed in the microphone. "Today we have so much planned for you students. We think the best way to make us stronger is by doing more activities and bringing the students together occasionally."

The students groaned loudly. "First, we're going to have a little concert in the school football field and then we're going to have activities like football. Baseball. Touch ball. Volleyball and so much more." The principle stated. "Have a good day students."

The students walked out of the homeroom and made their way to the football field. I stood up and grabbed Zoe's hand, dragging her out of the homeroom.

"Let the activities begin!"

I stood on the bleachers with Zoe and Chloe, cheering for my brothers as they played soccer on the field. Did I mention without a shirt? Yup that's right. Without a shirt on. Every time I cheered for my brothers my eyes would catch movements of Max running down the field. Sweat running down his shirtless body, making me want to lick those delicious abs.

Time to time he would catch me staring at him, but he would either shake his head or just ignored me and kept playing.

I must say that that, hurt me a lot.

I groaned; I have a problem like seriously? When he is there, I find him annoying and exhausted, when he's not, I feel hurt and lonely. "Did you see that? Jaden was staring at you like a piece of meat?" Chloe dramatically said, breaking me out of my trance. "Trying to impress you with his goals but you're in la-la-land."

"Huh?!" I muttered not really listening. "Yeah, huh. Are you even listening to me?" She glared at me, crossing her arms together. "No?" I stated sweetly yet smugly, still a bit guilty about it. She tossed her hands in the air in frustration before shooting me a look. "Oh lord have sex already. This tension is killing me here."

I choked on my spit before looking at her weirdly. "What the hell are you talking about Chloe?" She shook her head in disbelieve. "Don't act like you don't know. I see the way you look at him." She looked at me like 'I dare you to say otherwise' look on her face.

"Who? Jaden?" I said with a confused look on my face. "Don't act dumb because you're not. You know exactly who we're talking about. Alpha. Black hair. Unmistakable golden eyes? Does any of that ring a bell to you?" She huffed at me.

"What! We don't have any kind of tension between us and less sexually." I cried out in frustration. "I'm with my sister on this one. You guys are like I hate you. I'm going to kill you and then I love you, fuck me." Zoe sighed dramatically, falling into Chloe's arms like she just fainted, laughing at me.

I looked away embarrassed of my two best friends. People were looking at us like we had just lost our minds. "I don't sound like that." I finally snapped. "You clearly need sex honey." Zoe said, nodding her head like she was professional in these kinds of things.

"I am not sexually frustrated!" I shouted at the top of my lungs at them and suddenly all the people on the bleachers turned to look my way and the students on the field stopped playing just to stare at me and my eyes widened in realization.

I blushed and muttered a couple of insults underneath my breath before stalking away from the embarrassment. Oh God, just what I needed. This is not my lucky day. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed deeply, maybe I was sexually frustrated?

No! What are you saying Alexandra? Are you even listening to yourself? I walked around, watching some of the other activities. "Hey, Alexandra. I can't thank you enough, you help me a lot you know. I can use you some other time when we have another school activity."

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she blushed, "Well if you want that is...." She muttered embarrassed and shook my head at her, she's something else. I sighed, "Fine," I groaned, "But I want food." She beamed at me, "Of course, anything for my nephew's...."

"No, Max and I aren't anything. Don't do things for me just because Max and I in some crazy way got ourselves mixed up in a situation we can't get ourselves out of." Karla sighed, nodding her head at me. "Yes, you're right, anyways. Thank you again and I hope that you can keep helping us."

"Of course, look Karla, I really appreciate you as a person and I don't want that to change because of Max, don't put your hands in fire for a person like him, you're going to get burn. The disappointment is real, don't try to fix things for him. He's an adult and can do that himself if he wants to."

"Alexandra!" Someone yelled from behind me, and I turned around to look at Mara. "Come quick!" She reached me and doubled over as she panted hard. "Are you okay?" I asked stepping toward her and put a hand on her shoulder as I frowned down at her. What is happening? "Mara, what's wrong?" She gasped loudly as she tried to regain her breathing and leaned up straight. "It's Max, him and the new guy, Jaden, are fighting!" She exclaimed loudly and I widened my eyes, rushing past her.

"Alexandra wait!" Mara shouted behind me as she tried to catch up with me. A big circle formed around the fight as shouts and yelling's went off.

I pushed myself in the group and squeezed through the people to get to the front. Max was on top of Jaden, his fist colliding with Jaden's face repeatedly. "Max! Stop it!" I made a motion to go forward but I was grabbed. "Stay here, it's dangerous." Karla said as she grabbed my arm, and we watched as Chris and Justin pulled Max away from Jaden. "Stay away from her! Or next time you won't be lucky! Get off of me, I'm cool!" Max shrugged them off and took off running.

I looked at Jaden and then at Max in between, I didn't know who to go to. My mind was telling me to go to Jaden and my heart was telling me to go to Max. Last time I listened to my heart and ignored my mind, I got hurt. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't stop myself from going after Max.

When I came to look for him, he wasn't anywhere to be found. I swear I just saw him walking here. I found his clothes on the ground and slowly leaned down to grab his clothes, call me a freak but I couldn't help but take a whiff of his scent lingering on his clothes.

My eyes snapped open when I heard a snap and looked up, golden eyes staring back at me. He moved his head and mentioned me to follow him. I looked around and followed behind him, his clothes still in my hand.

When we were at a good distance he morphed back into his human form, and I ran a hand through my hair as I looked away. "Why did you wanted me to follow you?" He walked toward me and when he was close enough, he stopped. My heart skipped a beat when I thought that he would do something but instead, he grabbed his clothes from my hands and put them back on.

"I can ask you the same question, why did you follow me? You could have gone to Jaden, but you didn't, why?" He replied to my question with another question and stepped back, putting space between us.

"Because I, I..." This time, I couldn't hold myself back. It wasn't him; he was the one putting space between us this time, not the other way around. "I will always choose you over anyone else." With that, I sealed it with a kiss.

Max pulled away from me with a scoff and shook his head, this is what rejection feels like? This is how he felt all the times you rejected him. "I never thought you were a liar." He laughed out shortly and gave me a short sarcastic smile. "You didn't think twice, when you had to choose between your family and I."

"Are you even listening to yourself? It's my family, I couldn't just leave them. It was hard for me to choose them instead of you." I pinned my fists on each side of my body as I glared at him. "You aren't being fair."

"If you were put in a situation, the same position you put me in, which one would you have chosen? If your parents were still alive, your sister, your aunt. Would you have chosen me?" I barked out at him, my eyes glinting with so many emotions. "You aren't being fair."

"Fair?!" He stepped toward me, "I would have chosen you without a second thought." He glanced down at me, and I tried to relax my quivering lips, "You changed me, you weren't the only one. You weren't the only one broken and I hate it, I hate how you painted me as this bad guy who broke your heart, when you did the same without hesitation."

"Max I...." I started to say but flinched when he gave me a look that made my heart ache, "You talk about it being hard for you, only you. You think about yourself, your pain. What about me? What about my pain? You're selfish, that's what you are, selfish."

"Max, they are family. I just couldn't. Why can't you understand that?!" I took a deep shaky breath as I released it heavily, my teeth grazed down my lips as I ran my fingers through my hair. "It hurt me when I chose them over you, I had this ache, this misery, it might not have been worth it but they're family."

"You were the only person I truly had left, and you choose them over me. You want to know why I became a jerk. It wasn't only because my parents died, it was because the only person I thought that would be there for me, chose her family instead of me." He gritted out hurt and pained.

My eyes filled with tears at that, I never knew that this is how he felt. That he took my choosing harder than I thought he did. I had hurt him when I made the most regrettable decision in my life. I somehow felt broken, breathless, I felt like I was dying. I told myself repeatedly that it was worth it, that I had to do this because I loved my family, I didn't want to lose them.

Somehow, even though I pumped that through my head every single day of my life. I couldn't help but think that choosing my family was the wrong decision. He shook his head and turned around, bursting into his wolf and disappeared through the woods. The tables were turned and now, I was the one that was left heartbroken.

What game was he playing at?

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts
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