

[Time: 8:012]


Moving through the trees, Kina, Dezhong, and their Mutants stalked a large beast, most likely in the Intermediate tier, moving through the forest with its cubs following closely. The creature was shaped like a small rhino, having the usual stubby legs, hands, and stomach with a little horn on the front of its head. 

Aside from having rhino-like features, the beast had a long tail with a few bone plates covering it and long claws on its feet. Its eyes were sunk within its skull, meaning it was a near-sighted beast with poor eyesight. However, in the world of nature, one bad sense will be made up in the form of another heightened sense. If a creature such as the one below them had bad eyesight, it most probably had good hearing and smell with the extra defensive mechanisms its bone plates provided.


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