
The battle of the nest (part 1)

Astrid pov

It was a strange day indeed when the first thing Astrid saw when they flew to the island was hundreds of Vikings running for their lives

Granted, they were running from a dragon so giant that it was hard to comprehend but all the same the idea was strange, foreign even. As they flew in, Astrid holding onto Hiccup abord a deadly nadder, the twins on a hiddious zippleback, snotlout atop a monstrous nightmare and fishlegs on a gronkle, they could see two Vikings standing alone against the giant dragon, keeping its attention as the others escaped

Gobber and Stoick

Diving in from above they flew towards the back of the giant's head, each firing a blast as they flew past, taking its attention from the now stunned chief and blacksmith. Flying in they could see the hundreds of Vikings staring at them from below, Astrid could even make out the golden hair of her mother and aunt as they flew

"We're riding dragons!" Tuffnut yelled from atop the two-headed dragon with his sister, who they had already taken to calling Barf and Belch "We're Riding dragons!"

Yes indeed they were

As they moved a circle around the dragon, hiccup taking the lead began to shout out orders to each rider. "Fish legs break it down," he said, yelling to the larger boy who was already studying the large dragon

"Large armored head and tail for bashing and crushing! Avoid both!" the boy yelled as he watched the Dragon pick up an entire boat in its mouth and crush it, causing him to go slightly pain "It's got small eyes and large nostrils so it likely relies on smell and hearing!"

"Okay! Lout and Legs you see if it has a blind spot" hiccup ordered, pointing them in the direction to go "Ruff! Tuff! See if it had a shot limit! Make it mad!"

"That's our specialty" Ruffnut answered, although tuffnut immediately felt the need to prove he was more annoying by flying upsidedown and making a silly face

"Just do what you're told!" Astrid yelled over, enforcing hiccup's order as Hiccup steered the nadder in the direction of Toothless' roars as they split off in another direction "we'll be back in a bit!"

Within seconds they had moved to the flagship, where toothless was still tied up, surrounded in flames. Astrid and Hiccup swapped positions on the nadder as hiccup jumped onto the boat and waved her off yelling at her to leave him and go help the others

"Stay alive!" she yelled at him before flying off back to the others who were busy with the dragon. The twins were as expected great at annoying the dragon and were for better or worse under fire, although the dragon showed no signs of running out any time soon. However, on the other hand, fishlegs and snotlout were quikly discovering that the dragon seemed to lack a blindspot due to its six eyes and were only annoying it with their shield bashing

However soon things took a turn for the worst as the boys lost control over their dragons due to the constant shield bashings affecting them, Snotlout was thrown onto the dragon's head and fishlegs fell out of the sky as his gronkle fell from the sky in a straining flight. Fishlegs was only able to avoid getting squished thanks to snotlout using his position to slam his hammer directly into the dragon's eyes, but he soon lost his grip and was left hanging dangerously off one of the dragon's horns

Where was Hiccup!? Where was Delvin!? They were supposed to be here

Searching from the air Astrid could see no sign of her cousin but she did see the giant tail of the dragon slam into the flagship, throwing Hiccup and Toothless into the frigid water "Hiccup!" she let out a cry of distress and tried to fly over but was distracted as the dragon blew a blast of flame in her direction forcing her to veer left in order avoid being toasted

She could only watch as Stoick, still loving the son he had disowned, plunged into the water with a roar, disappearing into the ice and flame and not rising back up.

For nearly a minute all Astrid could do was hold her breath, as if she too were under the water. Until finally Stoick surfaced from the water throwing his unconscious son onto the shore

Only to dive back in!?

It took a moment but Astrid couldnt help but smile from ear to ear as a moment later toothless rose from the water like a spear, dragging the chief behind him and landing on the rocks, prepared to launch off as the now awake Hiccup scrambled onto the saddle. For a few seconds Hiccup and his father appeared to speak to each other before with a roar, toothless flew

"He's Up!" Astrid yelled to the others, unable to contain her joy, despite the fact that the others were still scrambling. Flying beside the twins who were presently still insulting the giant dragon who had decided to ignore them she pointed to the hanging snotlout "Go Save Snotlout!" she ordered

"I got it!" Ruffnut yelled, "No i got it!" Tuffnut argued as they flew towards their target, despite the fact that they were on the same dragon. They flew along the spine as Snotlout pulled himself up, running after them, only to catch him as he jumped from the dragon's back. "I Can't beleive that worked" both the twins exclaimed

However, as Astrid was flying after them she felt a pull. She noticed that her dragon wasn't moving, turning she could only see the huge mouth of the dragon as it pulled her in. she, or in actuality, her nadder, struggled against the pull as she drew closer and closer to her doom. But just as things were looking bad she heard a familiar whistling noise and the shouts of multiple Vikings

"Nightfury!" "Get down"


The mouth of the dragon behind her exploded as toothless landed a shot directly in its maw, knocking her free and sadly from her dragon. As she tumbled towards the dragon she couldnt help but scream but again that familiar whistling noise appeared in her ears as Toothless grabbed her falling form, dropping her gently to the ground with a toothless grin as he flew.

"Go!" She yelled after him and as Hiccup began a bombing run upon the dragon, clearly egging it on to fly after him

But something else happened

As the giant dragon began to widen its wings it released a deafening roar, sending shockwaves across the island… and something answered

The sound of wing beats

The Vikings of berk as one began to turn, looking at the horizon as it began to darken… and the hundreds of thousands of dragons that had flown away at the beginning of the seige… began to come back

And it was at that moment that Astrid could feel her stomach drop, she could even see the look on hiccups face as he saw the same sight, going completely pale, even toothless looked scared

How could one dragon rider fight that monster and hundreds of thousands of dragons all at once?!

But hope wasn't lost

Because just as the Vikings around Astrid had begun to crumble and even kneel as they lost the feeling in their legs, another sound answered

The sound of a horn, blaring across the island

And then from the other side of the island, bathing in sunlight, a rider emerged

Atop a golden dragon, wearing armor of dragon scales and hoisting a halberd high

Was her brother, Delvin

Next chapter