
Get Rid Of It

"What happened to you out there?" Blake's looked at the glacier who was still recovering from the earlier transformation. 

It was obvious his sudden transformation had shocked them both.

This was the same prophecy that made Roshan's father even think about having a child with a human, and after seeing half of the transformation himself, Blake's would be dumb not to believe the prophecy was real.

"If you killed Luderick in that state, you would have been gone, you'd turn full Demon overnight and--"

"I know." Roshan cut in sharply, looking away from Blake's. He doesn't want to be reminded of the monster he was out there tonight, and he was stupid enough to fall right into Luderick's silly trap.

"Listen, I appreciate your help in stopping me, but it wasn't entirely my fault out there. You saw what he did, he provoked my Demons on purpose by threatening to hurt Anna." He let out a harsh breath when he recalled Luderick's offensive words. 
