
Light Footsteps

"If he sees you, your reason for coming here will surely be misinterpreted," she quickly said, "aren't you a man of royalty yourself? I don't have to explain everything in detail to you."

"Correction, we're from different royalties, different royalty means different rules." He snapped his finger at her face, startling her as she blinked with obvious perplexity. His attitude right now wasn't something she'd want to handle, especially at a time like this.

"We're not done with our conversation," he cocked his head at her, there was not a single trace of smile on his lips as gestured towards the balcony door with his brows, returning his gaze back to her, "get rid of him instead, not me." 

He was stubborn, and relentless on not leaving the balcony.

Azazel pretty much understood her situation, he would have left if she didn't stop trying to chase him away. 
