
the 4 kings

And well that was the most important thing that was the story.

Now let's talk about the 4 kings who are in power in the central area of ​​the island.

The first king would be, the king of the forest malfurion, he is a night elf, even though he is supposed to be weaker than when he fought illidan, he can still be considered one of the strongest in the domain, he is ruling the forest zone and as the story says, he mostly stays in the area where he and the night elves live, he only comes out if there is a conflict in the center of the forest.

Even though he is weaker at this time, it doesn't take away from the fact that he is one of the most skilled combatants in the domain both physically and magically.

The nature magic of him is said that he can create a huge forest out of nothing and control all the vegetation that he created.

No one knows what exactly his weakness is... so.


The second king, the king of the desert impurus, is an earthworm of more than 50 meters long, his affinity is the earth and it is said that he is an expert in surprise attack from the earth, he is one of those who does not leave from under the ground if it is not something extremely important, he prefers to send one of his subordinates to interfere in the central zone of the desert.

Impurus is a king who doesn't care about anything he only cares about himself, and because of that he is one of the most dangerous kings taking his surprise attacks and the great control of him with his affinity to earth.

Impurus also has very strong physical and magical defense, he has a powerful bite that is said to be able to devour a king rank and kill him with just the pressure of his bite and not to mention his large number of super sharp teeth, his normal speed to a light king is still faster than a high rank...so.

It is said that where there is a great sandstorm in the central zone of the desert, it means that it is impure nearby.

The only weakness of him would be that by always killing his enemies before he can fight so he possibly lacks battle experience, but no one can check that since he always takes it under the ground.


The third king, the king of the jungle Regulus, is a Nemean lion, his affinity is lightning, even though he is the youngest of all the kings, his strength is not the weakest, it is said that he can fight against the malfurion of this time and come out in a tie with a very wounded malfurion, since when Regulus became king of the jungle he challenged malfurion and even though he did not want to accept the fight he had to, since the great silver dragon king said that I wanted to see a fight between kings... so.

He is the king with the greatest strength at this time because being a Nemean lion he has a great physical and magical defense, and let's not talk about his strength and speed, these in themselves are already strong but joining them with his affinity to lightning .

The lightning from him... is said to be able to create electrical storm that can damage several kilometers while he just stands by like nothing.

His only weakness if we can call it that is his proud and arrogant personality, said by Tsubasa that even he is one of those who attack first and ask questions later.


The fourth king, the snow king ah tai, is an ice demon Titan, his affinity is clear ice and he is the most recent to be named snow king, he became king about a year ago after the previous one king disappeared or I don't know since tsubasa didn't tell me... so.

It is one of the strongest monsters in the domain with its great size and both physical and magical strength, its body is strong that every time it hits the ground it causes a giant tremor, its defense can be compared to that of Regulus but lower, speed and even if his great size says otherwise he is very fast but he is only the third fastest of the kings.

The ice magic from him... let's say in order to fight the first one you have to go through a snowstorm created by him that can make a high rank monster turn into a block of ice.

He is one of the few kings who prefers to fight with his fists than with his magic but not if the situation calls for it he can use different attacks with his ice magic or protect himself with it.

His most notorious weakness is that being a great titan of more than 30 meters in height, it is very easy to attack him... expensive if your attack exceeds his reaction speed.

[ah tai]

And those would be the 4 domain kings, each one is strong in his area.

As he came out of the mist of the cave he can't help but think of the Kings.


'Hahahahahaha... I can't wait to fight each of them and beat them' - I thought while not realizing that I was becoming a fight freak... not that I care.
