
The Light Pink Rose

Rosina and Draco stared at one another inside the carriage returning to their residence. It didn't take long before both of them burst laughing.

"I didn't realize you're good at acting," Draco commented and shook his head. The image of Rosina's loved face made his heart flutter, but simultaneously, he cringed.

"I could say the same thing to you. If they only knew the real reason behind this marriage," Rosina stated between laughs while drying the tears from her eyes from too much laughter.

"That's funny, but they gave us their blessing," Draco stated with a smirk and showed Rosina the royal paper that contained the Monarchy's approval of their wedding.

"Indeed, but your mother was quite skeptical about us," Rosina stated, deep in thought. It was evident that the Queen didn't like Draco very well. She could somehow take a hint why the Queen questioned Draco's loyalty since his status as a Lady's man spread throughout the realm.
