Yi Ran and Tang Guan too were speechless.
Who would gift a mystic seed to someone else as a souvenir?
Zhang Wei was stunned and wanted to call back Gu Jin.
"Wait I will call him back and ask him to take this away."
Tang Guan, Xu Mingtao, and Liu Sunhao nodded.
However before Zhang Wei could even open his mouth to call Gu Jin back, Yi Ran said,
"I...I can't return this back to him."
Towards the end, her eyes were filled with tears and she gritted her teeth.
All 4 members were stunned when they saw tears in her eyes and Liu Sunhao instantly asked,
"What happened? Why are you crying?"
Yi Ran wiped away her tears and said,
"Leader I can't give it back. I don't have huge self-esteem like you all. I want to become powerful quickly and without resources, it is impossible to become powerful.