
Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Breath

This politicians are using taxes that they stole, some are from embezzlement but most of it all are illegal and now they are having fun, I should at least give them some back pain as a gift.

I'm still thinking of not killing, maybe this is what superman thinks. He has the power to become a God but still chose not to kill people as he had been lucky to have a good parents who raised him with righteous heart.

Me as someone born from a civilised family, I am thought how to be a good person and not to be with people with bad influence. In my previous life, I can say Im slightly spoiled and my parents never really made us suffer but discipline is the most important to learn in the family. We learn self-defense class but never even been into fight but that valuable lessons learn there have been with even on the other world.

Killing someone is not easy to do and taking a human life is still hard for me now that I have capability to just end a life with one punch. I thought in the past, killing is easy as much as the movies and stories shows but those movies are scripted and every situation is directed for viewers not to get traumatised.

For some who is just watching and reading about killings of human life with his own hands. It is easy to say the guilt that will follow can take a lifelong nightmare for an innocent person, thats why soldiers who have been to battlefield knows what PTSD does to their comrades.

A person killing someone with their own hands due to self-defense will follow them as a form of guilt. Only someone who has strong will or a insane person can take a human life and go back to proceed on their daily life.

Yes, I watched people getting killed and even helped with that but who knows if that doesn't scare me, I remembered the blood but at that time I've conditioned myself on what's about to happen and it's not like I've watched it. I just look and get a glimpse and then ignore and carry on.

Maybe if I get insanely overloaded, I will not be too different to Homelander. But I'm still aware of what I'm doing at my Overloaded state so now I'm ready to start absorbing solar energy to power-up my abilities.

Back to what is currently happening, I saw the target getting comfortable, I picked a stone and throw it like a meteorite and 'Bang' 'Plak', I think a few broken bones will do the work, ' I hope his spine have a few damage so my work can be called success' hahaha' my mind is still to evil.'

It's not my fault to think that, he used money and threats to bed girls that he blackmailed with her family, abused his ex wives and even funds a orphanage like it's the breeding ground for the gangs he worked with.

I keep on flying and throwing stones to the targets not killing them but they will have all the same injuries, spinal injury that will bed them on the hospital for several months and even wheelchair company can have new customers. Laughing at my own joke, I talked to Keeper about this target if where did he get this information from. Keeper said " Sire, most people on this list is known to have this crimes but get away with it by their connections and power and many people who knows this are rival who hid this information to fight them if push comes to shove for them."

" So you stole information from their computers?"

" Yes Sire, most of the victims this people abused have been silenced and the evidence mostly are not enough to convict them without bail."

' Hmm, they are playing with the law, they are experienced on doing this that's why they can get away with their people and enact revenge to some people'

The politics are complicated, the law favoured those with class and money and the poor can only be oppressed by the law that's supposed to protect them.

Some people who worked hard to change this are framed for more crimes or corrupted when they taste the power they are trying to fight. Capitalism, the world called that system.

" Keeper, investigate more of this but I want you to find the hidden people behind most of dark industry, if there is some secret factory, slavery on the jungle to work them to death and others like that"

" By all means"

I head to the north, I don't know where did Tony and Cap fought but it's better not to interfere yet with them as Tony is dealing his own problem of his friend's best friend assassinated his parents in cold blood and being used as a pawn by someone to fight his friend. His problem is not for me to mind as I more things to do like right now.

I only have my shorts, even my mask is set aside. I always my mask even if I'm not wearing my whole combat suit but now that I decide to absorb solar energy and to further control it.

I let the sunlight touch my body as I breath in and breathe out, this is something I learned from Thor for a short time so I don't know how to perfectly use it. As I kept on breathing, the energy is circulating in every part of my body. It is slow but this is what the technique supposed to, I persist on doing this technique for several more times before I opened my eyes.

" Keeper, what time is it since I started?"

"Sire, you've not been moving since 1 hour and 23 minutes ago."

' more than 60 minutes of focus, that impressive for me, but for Thor and other Warrior in Asgard it is puny' , I need to focus more, I only have 20 hours of sunlight as I am staying on the northern part of the world.

I picked up where I left on, breath in, breath out. This deep focus continues on for 6 hours until a drop of sweat can be seen glistening on my temples. ' I already miss Auntie Helen's cooking.

I go down from the mountain and saw a tavern that cooks food, I order a sumptuous meal and I was waiting of my food to be cooked while eavesdropping for information from some people talking, maybe I can't speak the language but surely I can understand them. Most of what I heard useless bragging of friends bragging to each other.

I noticed on the corner was a girl wearing baggy clothes with cap on her head, I noticed her because she's giving the same vibe as me when I want to reduced my presence and avoid attention. She looked at me also thinking that we have something similar, her eyes glowed white light and I also use my optic blast but not too attack her but to show that I can glow my eyes too.

I walked to her table and she was not too scared but waited for me to say something.

" My name is Cain, I am a super human who survive from the experiment from Hydra facility" I straight away give my name while my mask is aside as this is gathering of people, having mask is asking for attention.

She looked at me and said " Hydra experiment ? You are not inhuman?"

" Well no, but I know inhumans, I've never met any but I've heard some." I admit without hesitation as I know Quake who's power is the same as Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor fruit.

" You know where I can found my kind?" She ask warily.

" Kind? Aren't you still humans, even though you gain abilities unlike normal humans you're still not alien. You live here all your life and you have blood of humans just a little tampered on genes." I paused for her to take on my words " And no, I don't know where people like you is as you're the first inhuman I see."

She's a little disappointed to my answer but still look normal as she sees that I don't discriminate against her.

" Why are you here? Are you being hunted by some people?" It appears that my question is spot on as she shivered a little.

She nodded slightly as she ask " you said Hydra experimented you? How did you get out?"

" oh, I've been rescued by the Avengers but I think the organisation are temporarily disbanded. How about you?" I took the initiative to ask her story as she's still a little wary of me.

" I got my powers in an accident and when I accidentally panicked, I think someone saw me glowed with light, I know I'm different and superpowers are not unique only to me but I still know what will happen to someone like me who has no backing." She told me how she started to run away.

The food are ready and I invited her for the meal as I ordered many dishes. " Come eat with me and let's talk ourselves out"

We resume our chat when the waitress left us. " As I was saying, when I just move my things, men and women in black clothes told me they are FBI and want to talk to me. "

She carry on eating and telling her story " I spotted a warning with my vigilance and escape using my powers, they chased me and I keep on running until they lost me"

" maybe it was the Hydra who have been chasing you as they are only the most bold at chasing enhanced individuals"

When we finish eating as we talked I asked.

" So what is your plan now? I've been around here just yesterday and you give the impression you don't have any money. I'm not making fun of you, It's just that's how you look like, those clothes are not your size and how you devour food is like you have not eaten decent meal since you are on the run and hide." I saw her face get sad so I quickly told my excuse.

" Do want to follow me, I can teach how to make instant and fast money" I invited her on my journey as two people is better than alone .. sometimes.

She grabbed her baggy clothes while eyeing me menacingly. To indicate that she misunderstood my words.

" No, it's not what you think I'm not that kind of pervert" I quickly reasoned unless she misunderstood me and escape.

" I just want to say that I raid illegal base of some criminals and loot the wealth inside there" I whispered to her even if she knows what I do , she can't copy it unless she has the same strength or she is a Black Widow.

She thought for couple of minutes while eating and nodded slowly towards me. She can escape from the chase of Hydra so she has little confidence in escaping again if something bad happen.

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