
Chapter 23( NSFW)

Are kids his age supposed to have something that big. I mean he's not even 10 yet. Even ichika isent 1 tenth of that." she looked down and saw the thing that was grinding on her before. She estimated it to be at least 6 inches plus it had a pretty thick girth.

"He's already above average, what will he gown into when he hits the end of puberty.' She shuddered just thinking about it.

Leon looked down to see what Chifuyu was looking at and was shocked to see his penis was erect. 'This was the first time in this life that it had happened.' He hadn't even noticed.

He thought for a second before looking at, Chifuyu he got close to her ear and whispered." If I help you finish can you also help me Aunt chifuyu?" He asked in a rustic voice. Chifuyu shuddered and thought about it for a moment before replying.

"Only this once ok. If you help me ill help you."

Leon nodded in joy and listened for anyone outside. Seeing the coast was clear he opened the locker surprising Chifuyu. He stepped out and flipped her so that now Leon was holding her by her hips. Her ass was in the sky and her head was close to the ground. He was about to re-enter the locker but noticed a double locker right next to it. He immediately abandoned the idea of re-entering the small locker and made his way into the much larger and spacious one.

Chifuyu was shocked by the sudden switch in position but immediately adapted. She had seen this position in a porn video once so she knew what Leon was planning.

She looked at his erect dick and saw how it twitched in anticipation. Even when she was a few centimeters away she could feel the heat it was producing.

She took a deep breath before gathering the courage to start first. She first approached it before sticking out her wet tongue and placing it on the tip. She licked the precum that was at the end and gulped it down.

The taste was hard to describe, it was salty yet also sweet which confused her as normally there not supposed to taste or smell nice but Leon's did.

She actually liked the taste and the previous reluctance slowly faded away now replaced with confidence.

She stuck out her tongue again and slowly slid it across Leon's dick and gradually made her way up to the glands gliding her tongue right to the end before shoving the tip in her mouth trying to mind her teeth.

"Guuh, that feels good Aunt Chifuyu." Leon exclaimed feeling for the first time In two lives what it feels like to get a blowjob. From a beautiful woman no less. He knew most women didn't like giving guys head so he was pretty lucky to get it from a woman of her caliber.

The two of them hadn't even noticed that 30 minutes had already gone by but they didn't care.

Saliva started to build up in her mouth and drip out from the openings, but she didn't mind it and kept sucking the tip before pulling away creating a pop sound.

She grabbed the base of his dick with her fingers and almost let go from the heat. She could feel it convulse and twitch in her hand. She started to stroke it up and down causing Leon to groan multiple times.

She opened her mouth and let some saliva drip from her mouth before going back in, but this time she was going to start moving for real.

Leon hissed from the sudden sensation of his dick being engulfed, it was hard to imagine She wasn't experienced, or maybe it was just his lack of it that made it feel like the best thing in the world.

Leon groaned as her mouth moved wildly. He gave in, gasping and trembling with pleasure. Her hands weren't ideal either using one of them to grab his balls and fondle them.

"How does it feel Leon?" Chifuyu panted taking his cock out of her mouth." Does it feel good when I do this?"

"Yes, God yes Keep doing that please Chifuyu." He said and Chifuyu went right back to sucking his dick like a lollipop. Her soft lips he was kissing only minutes prior were now sucking him dry. His girth stretched her lips open and Leon was engulfed in a wet, and warm fleshy texture.

Leon decided to do his part as well. He looked at the cloth that was holding him back from seeing Chifuyus's vaginal lips up close.

He took a breath before deciding to tease Chifuyu a bit, he leaned in and placed his mouth over the cloth. He dragged his tongue across it and could already taste her fluids mixed with chlorine. She was already wet from the earlier foreplay and she was so close.

Feeling Leon finally moving Chifuyu also started bobbing her head up and down the shaft. Her moans caused her mouth to vibrate causing Leon to feel even greater pleasure.

Leon not wanting to lose finally had enough and used his teeth to move the think fabric to the side. He finally saw her pink fleshy lips, it was beautiful and already twitching in anticipation. Her bulbous was also swollen.

Without further ado, he gave her pink lips a long lick before his tongue found the opening and explored her steaming insides.

"MhhhAhhhghhh!" Chifuyus's body convulsed and twitched from Leon's unfair attacks on her pussy. As he was licking Chifuyu out he noted her asshole and thought to tease it like she did his balls. With his thumb, he sucked on it making sure it was lubed up, and slowly started to insert his thumb into her puckering ass.

What he didn't expect was Chifuyus's quick reaction to her ass being fingered.

"Mgmmmmmmmmgnooddd" Chifuyu let out a mighty roar. Or At least she would have if not for Leon's penis still blocking her mouth.

Chifuyu had just experienced an earth-shattering orgasm from just Leon inserting his thumb in her ass.

"What...the hell was that. Was that what an orgasm is supposed to feel like." Her mind was in utter shambles and her body was in a state of pure ecstasy.

'Looks like she likes it in her ass, but I still haven't cum yet.' Leon thought before pushing Chifuyus body down, forcing the inches she hadn't swallowed down her throat right to the base. All 6 inches were lodged in there and she hadn't even noticed.

"Does she not have a gag reflex." It was surprising to him but not unwelcome. Since Chifuyu had stopped and he was almost there to get her attention he gave her round juicy ass a quick slap.


Sorry for the delay. As compensation Heres 3 chapters.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts
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