
Chapter 7

"Except you, you stay." She said looking at the executive that had spoken up earlier. Now he was shiting his pants while all the other people in the meeting quickly left. But in their minds, they were laughing at him wondering what he had done to piss the president off.


12:47 Pm {Beatrix Pov}

After bathing with her cute baby boy and recharging herself with leonlites she sadly Had to part as there was a lot of paperwork she still had to finish before the weekend. Paperwork truly was the bane of all leaders.

But after she finishes she can go and cuddle up to Leon all night and watch him sleep. Since she only needed around three hours of sleep to function fully for the day she can spend the rest of that time taking care of her son.

Sigh, she would have never of thought she would have seen the day. She was over 200 years old yet she had never been in a relationship nor had she ever fallen in love. But as time went by and she saw all her friends creating families of their own she decided she also wanted one, something she could call her own. She had other family members but they've not spoken in 20 years because of a disagreement they had a long time ago.

So after consulting her friend for over 2 years she finally decided to have a child. And she can say with all her being that that was probably the best decision she had ever made in her life.

" Ahhh, I wish I could see Leon right now but I need to finish my work, I also need to figure out what I'm getting for his birthday. Sigh getting presents is really hard. Maybe an art set, or more toys. What about clothes or maybe...."

{Ring, ring}

As she was thinking about what to get her baby boy her smart watch suddenly activated. Indicating that someone was calling her and that someone was one of her friends. Besides them the only ones who have her number are Lucia and if it was her she would have just come to me.

Seeing the caller ID she sighed before answering the call. The person who appeared on screen was none other than the beauty and Heir to the Hasegawa Fortune and Director of one of the best hospitals in the country.

" To what do I owe the pleasure, it's not every day that you of all people decide to call me. If it's about Leon's birthday then you can forget about flaking your coming even if I have to drag you to the party."

" Haha, it's nice to see you to Beako, and don't worry I'm not going to miss it for the world. Speaking of the squirt how is he doing the last I saw him he was being taken out of the pod."

"He's okay, really cute too, he'll definitely capture a lot of girls' hearts in the future. But of course, I'll be his most important woman."

" I see, it looks like becoming a mother really changed you, I can't wait to see him, but as you said before I did call you for a serious reason. But before I tell you...promise me you won't do anything drastic like I don't know blow up a building or kill an innocent family."

" Why would I do any of those things Chisato, I may have been a bit Reckless in my younger days but I've matured since then but your eyes are telling me if I don't promise you then you probably won't tell me so fine I promise not to blow up a building or kill an innocent family. Now, what is it." Chisato could only sigh before laying it all on her Friend.

Meanwhile, Beatrix was silent throughout the whole story her face didn't even move a single inch. But Chisato had been friends with beako since they were toddlers she knew her friend was angry. But before she could try and calm her down the call ended. She tried calling again but it looks like her number was blocked for the time being.

" Dammit, sigh there's nothing much I can do now. Looks like I'm gonna have to find a new Cardiology surgeon. In any case, Alex can deal with the aftermath, this is none of my business anymore." She could only pray For Dr. Wayat will be given a Quick death.


When Beatrix ended the call. She didn't do anything for the next few minutes. Her breathing was normal yet her body looked a bit tense.


A cracking sound could be heard. It was actually the chair Beatrix was sitting on, to be more precise it was the armrest her hand was holding onto. Slowly but surely as her hand clenched harder more cracks could be heard. No one would expect such a delicate-looking woman to have such strength.

Beatrix's body started to shake. And oddly enough the more she shook the more cracks could be heard.

That was until Beatrix Eragon, Mother of Leon Eragon and Head of the Eragon family couldn't hold it in any longer.


The whole estate suddenly shook like it had been hit by an earthquake. All the residents who were either asleep, patrolling, or doing their nightly duties were immediately terrified. And grabbed anything stable.

Lucia the head maid seemed to have sensed her mistress's distress and anger as she immediately dashed to her office at non-human-like speeds.

All around the Mansion shadows that were hiding in the dark immediately acted and also started heading to Beatrixs office while other shadows headed to Leon's room.

When Lucia finally made it to Beatrixs room she didn't knock and immediately entered to make sure her mistress was okay.

When she entered the office, everything was now basically destroyed, the walls had large cracks in them the chandelier had broken and shattered into a million pieces, and books were seen in every place besides where they should belong.

The Hardwood desk that was made from some of the strongest wood in the world was now no more and the only thing that basically survived was the chair the mistress was sitting on, but even then that was on its last lifeline.

She finally looked at her mistress, her eyes were covered by her hair but she could see blood. The mistress had bitten her lip hard enough to draw blood.

Lucia immediately approached Beatrix not even afraid that she would get hurt. She had that much trust and loyalty for her.  She took out a Hakerchife and slowly dabbed the wound and wiped all the blood off her lips.

It was then that Beatrix heard her mistress whisper.

" Call all the shadows and tell them that were going on a hunt tonight."

Lucia's eyes widened before they narrowed, huge amounts of killing intent radiated off her body before she stood up and left.

" As you wish Mistress, Should I also inform Mia and Lea to stay by The young master's side tonight."

" That would be for the best." Nothing else needed to be said as Lucia left the office. If Leon had been there he would have been shocked not only because he had never seen his mother with anything other than a smile on her face but Lucia as well had never been so serious or scary.

In any case, Leon who was asleep had no idea that a manhunt was happening because of him nor did he feel the massive earthquake that had just hit the mansion. He was too busy dreaming about whether Goku or Saitama would win in a fight.

Dame look like Mama Is Pissed. There will be torture scenes in the next coming chapters so if you don't want to see it then skip it.

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