
Chapter 21( After Fjerda attack)

Fjerda was in chaos the attack on one of their capital and strongest fortress made them recall of their forces back.The number of Druskelle that died that day were huge and Jarl Brum received severe burns all across his face.Jarl Brum was the worst of them.He was a legend, the monster waiting in the dark in stories.The drüskelle had existed for hundreds of years, but under Brum's leadership, their force had doubled in size and become infinitely more deadly. He had changed their training, developed new techniques for rooting out Grisha in Fjerda,infiltrated Ravka's borders, and begun pursuing rogue Grisha in other lands, even hunting down slaving ships, 'liberating' Grisha captives with the sole purpose of clapping them back in chains and sending them to Fjerda for trial and execution.

After having lost so many Druskelle their attacks would be less,but that wasn't all the Fjerdan actually fell for Hadrian's trick and blamed everything on shu,the main suspicion was because of Bo Yul Bayur and his son Kuwei,since only once who knew about Jurda Parem was Shu Han and Kerch.But Shu was their main focus,since their death pretty much cast huge doubts especially since Fjerda was close completing the Jurda Parem with Kuwei,his sudden death was a huge setback.In their mind Shu killed them to make sure the Jurda parem drug is not finished.

They already lost a large part of Ice Court with this incident,now they could never rebuilt it back to it's former glory,sure they could use Grisha.But this would create issue questions could be raised about if Grisha were originally used in the creation instead of their god Djel or Saint.

Hadrian returned back to Black Mansion,where he saw Nina waiting for him.Hadrian asked"Are the Bo Yul and Kuwei, okay?"

Nina nodded and replied"Was slightly dizzy for a while,but both of them were shocked they were now in Ravka.Both have questions about how they arrived here,although we gave them small description of it.The whole thing is still unbelievable for them."

Hadrian could understand what they were going through,Nina then with a smirk asked"So how was the fireworks?"

Hadrian smiled and said"It was good,they won't be bragging about the Ice court for a long time."

Hadrian opens the cabinet, snatches the pensieve and brings it infront of Nina,after which Hadrian touches his hand to his temple extracts a glistening silver thread and casts it into the basin..He closes the cabinet doors, putting unnatural darkness .He tips the silvery-blue liquid into the basin. As the Pensieve swirls,Nina looks up and then plunges her face into the basin, falling into...

Nina saw the whole memory in third person,she felt vindication knowing that horrible place were Grisha were tortured was destroyed.

Nina returned from the memory and said"That's a really nice memory."

Hadrian nodded agreeing with her,as Nina added"Indra has been flying around looking for you."

Hadrian was not really surprised Indra was his Thunderbird,Hadrian is standing near to a boulder,then he saw Indra coming down from the sky ,the magnificent Thunderbird-a creature like a large albatross, its glorious wings shimmering with cloud and sun-like patterns.As the Thunderbird flaps its wings,the surrounding fills with a torrential downpour, thunder, and lightning.

Hadrian creates a magical umbrella, shielding him from the rain.Nina and Genya were watching this smiled at the sight,Genya couldn't help feel awed by the scene infront of her,after all after Morozova no one was able to create an animal amplifiers.

While Kuwei who walked out saw this sight was shocked and astounded, breaking out of his state asked in Shu"What is that?"

Nina replied in Shu"A Thunderbird one of Hadrian's creations."

Kuwei was looking at Harry as if he was his idol,while Bo Yul who was using wheel chair said"This is unbelievable."

Bo Yul Bayur was Fabrikators himself,a Alkemi to be precise.All Fabrikators sometimes dreamed of reaching the peak of Fabrikators like Ilya Morozova himself,but no one was capable of it.But now someone has reached it,Bo Yul Bayur with just this he could easily be considered a Saint.

Nina smirked and thought"If you think this is amazing wait till you see the Dragon."she looks to the lake where she spoted Katara poking out.

Hadrian's eyes on the Thunderbird up high spoke up" Come on-come on... Down you come ... Come on."

Slowly the Thunderbird calms itself, lowering down to stand on a large rock in front of Hadrian. As it does, the rain dies down and is replaced by a brilliant, hot sunshine.

Hadrian produces a handful of grubs from his pocket,the Thunderbird watches intently and slowly eats it,while Hadrian strokes the Thunderbird with his free hand,calming him, affectionate.

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