
The Play 2

Becca created a whirlwind where both of them can stay for a while and hide. The wind is strong that both of their hair flew like crazy. Bcca made both of them disappear and flew to the sky.

Mark was about to sleep but he thought of Destiny and wanted to check on her. But it's so weird that he couldn't trace where she is. He concentrated and felt Destiny is safe and okay. He thought that It's just a glitch on his powers since he is tried and needs rest.

Becca, Becca!!!!! Destiny shouted since she's so afraid. She hates flying but with Becca she can do anything. You're alright!, Becca added and held Destiny's arms wide. She kissed Destiny inside the whirlwind and both felt like in cloud 9. Wow!!!! Hihihihi! Destiny cried and swam inside the whirlwind hole. Haha!!! Becca is laughing and feeling happy that Destiny accepts her for who she is.

The whirlwind stopped and both are safe on the ground. Destiny smiled at Becca and took the girl's hand on her. They walked back to their room together holding hands. Martin saw the girls and shrugged his shoulders. Ms. Hawkins just got out of the phone and told Martin about the news earlier. The next day all the news, papers and social media coverage were about the battle that happened in the skies all through-out the world. Some man saw Jesus putting a stop to something and though people didn't believe the old guy, he said that he saw God bigger than the world, picking up angels from somewhere.

Mr. Pepito is a Mexican maintenance guy at a school and saw the vision or premonition right before his eyes. He even took a picture of Jesus but the photo was blurry when the investigators tried to check on them later on. Newscasters said that Mr. Pepito is just hallucinating and since his old maybe he needed to get an eye check-up for his own good too.

Anyway, Ms. Hawkins was getting hysterical when the news said that all needed to hide or something but they were all busy with the workshop she didn't know what's happening outside the world.

But everything is under control now. Ms. Hawkins talked to Jessica and decided to head back home tomorrow. The worried Drama Club teacher wants to make sure that everyone is okay and nothing bad will happen to them when they travel back home. It's a long ride home so, it's best to do it sooner than later. Becca's dad called her and said that we need to wait until Sunday to go home. Roads and bridges are blocked and are under construction due to some disturbances and chaos that happened today. No one saw what happened but trees, debris and structures where hit by sort of like bombs or heavy objects and the roads are smashed.

The bridges are also cracked on their sides, so, something must have happened which we didn't see but definitely transpired and real because of the aftermath. Becca talked with Ms. Hawkins and Jessica about what her dad suggested. The family private plane will pick them up on Sunday afternoon. All is for the best. Than to travel by bus which is unsafe for everyone, we will fly by plane. Awesome!, Jessica said imagining the blue skies and spectacular scenery above the ground.

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