
Character Introduction: Merlin Rose

Voice 1: Who is Merlin Rose?

Voice 2: The head of the Rose Family.

Voice 1: And?

Voice 2: The first 'Rose' of the Rose Family.

Voice 1: What! How old is she?!

Voice 2: Hmmm… About 700 years old.

Voice 1: Damn man! How did she live so long?

Voice 2: She had learned a special art beforehand. It's called the Sacrificial Exchange of the Blue Water.

Voice 1: Sounds Ominous! Did she like… kill people to absord their lifespan?

Voice 2: Ah! No. You misunderstood. Actually, it had to do with energy… or more accurately, the energies. There actually exist two special kinds of energies in this world. Honestly, what I know is purely a theory as there was no way of proving it, but according to the book of 0th Knowledge about Death, there was a conjecture about life span related to Two Special Energies.

Voice 1: What were those energies?!!!

Voice 2: Life Energy and Death Energy.

Voice 1: Like Light and Dark Mana?

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