

Blake suddenly appeared seeing as the Primordial Minions we're about choking the lady on the counter to death because of him.

They had barged in the very moment they discovered this very private hotel hosting strangers...

Knowing the rules of the hotel– it is literally a taboo to reveal the presence of someone already lodged within the confines.

But these Minions we're no ordinary people, they were sent by these gods, striking as can be, these gods still acted in an enigmatic manner.

Blake came to the lady's rescue almost on time.

"You're looking for me!"

The burly man– also a Minion of the gods, immediately unclasped his hands upon the lady's neck allowing her a moment of respite, as he glared at the newcomer— Blake.

"So it is you! Here's this. I want you and your so called group to, leave this hotel and this town... I don't want to take direct action, so you should know what to do."

He spatted out his threats.

Next chapter