
Black skull's destruction 4

At first, Cassia was immensely worried that someone far stronger had come to finish her off. She had already survived for quite long, she even escaped a Triadon-Envoy because she realized that she might not be able to defeat who ever it is...

Her journey through this trial felt so alone and deadly. Her newly improved strength had been her key hope to survive plus, her defiant will to be alive.

But after Blake appeared, she was utterly helpless...

But then, she sighed... relieved that it was Blake.

Where they had appeared was a small opening through jagged edifice of rocks. It felt rather spontaneous.

She felt quite happier to have seen her people whom she knew, not those she didn't who in the end turned out to be enemies because they tried to kill her.

"You've grown much stronger..." Blake commented and Cassia blushed.

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