

AN: (Quick note. '()' will be used for sign language communication.

I should also mention that I am not all that familiar with sign language so please don't roast me.

Lastly, if accidentally put Akio instead of Kosuke at any point please point it out.)


Kosuke was the first to wake up the next morning. His first course of action was to secretly gaze at the face of his lovable maid.

He enjoyed for a moment the way her chest slowly rose and fell as her breath came and left her. He enjoyed her long eyelashes that rested and brought together the bundle of innocence that was Sora Katayama.

Soon however that time had to end as Kosuke made his gaze apparent. The moment she felt his gaze her eyelashes parted and her pupils turned to stare at him.

Her normally stoic and emotionless expression morphed into a smile as she looked into his golden eyes with her deep red ones.

"Good morning master." Sora's voice was soft and pleasant despite it being the early morning.

She shifted herself so her naked breast was now pressed into Kosuke's chest before she leaned in and gave him a soft chaste kiss that lasted only a second.

"Good morning Sora," Kosuke spoke, enjoying the soft feeling of her breast for just a second more before he and Sora both moved away from each other and got up from the bed.

The current time was 5:30 am and school started at 8:30. This gave them more than enough time to work out before school started.

In minutes the two were dressed. Their bodies that had been dirty from the previous night's activities had already been cleaned right after.

With a few bottles of water, Sora and Kosuke left the apartment and headed downstairs where a gym was installed.

Thankfully, as it seemed the two were the only ones present leaving them to have a nice small workout that lasted around an hour and a half.

Leaving the gym the two headed back up to their apartment via the elevator. Just as they arrived at their floor and the elevator opened, however, they were met face to face with a black hair blue-eyed beauty.

Kosuke immediately recognized the girl although he didn't let his gaze remain long. The girl on the other hand left her eyes on Kosuke for just a little while longer. However, in the end, she snapped out of her daze before she spoke with a calm tone.

"I apologize."

Seeing the girl step to the side Kosuke also spoke with a smile.

"Not a problem." Like that Kosuke and Sora exited the elevator passing by the beautiful girl and heading back to their apartment, where they would clean themselves up and eat before making their way to school.




"Guess who?" In the cool morning air, a mischievous voice rings out directly in Kosuke's ear.

He currently had his eyes covered by two soft and delicate hands.

"How could I possibly mistake your beautiful voice for anyone else's Zora," Kosuke spoke with a chuckle.

"B-beautiful?" Yozora whispered to herself while letting go of Kosuke.

Kosuke seeing he was free turned around to meet her and saw her red face. He was used to the sight as he would on multiple occasions compliment her.

"Good morning ." Mai who was to the side spoke taking note of her blushing face.

"Ah, yes good morning Sakurajima-san and you as well Sora." Yozora snapped out of her daze before giving the two a greeting her face still with a red tint.

"So do you plan to meet us here every day?" Kosuke spoke about the question he was curious about.

"Yeah, we live so close so I thought we could walk to school together every day." Yozora's face changed to excitement as she spoke.

"Mhm, well, in that case, we'll alternate I will pick you up tomorrow and the next day you will come here again." Kosuke made a decision, not wanting the girl to have to always wait for him.

"Works for me," Yozora spoke happily.

Like that the group left the apartment heading to the school. Along the way, they stopped at a convenience store where Kosuke bought some snacks for the two as well as for his new lover.




"Hey, Miyuki," Kosuke called out to his new friend just as he sat down for homeroom.

"Ah, hey Kosuke, so what is your schedule." Miyuki greeted him with a wave before the two quickly delved into a conversation.

That ended however when Shizuka walked in and started her lesson.

Homeroom was spent with Shizuka going over school events as well as assigning classroom duties.

When the class ended Kosuke and Sora walked with Miyuki for a while before separating when Kosuke reached their 2nd-period classroom.

This school was different in that the students moved classes instead of the teachers.

Kosuke took a seat toward the window with Sora on his right. People were quick to fill in the seats next to him but before they could try and start a conversation the teacher entered.

She was a young woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She stood at a height of 168 cm and wore a red sweater and a black tube skirt. Overall, even with her fairly modest proportions, she could be considered fairly attractive.

With a friendly smile, she picked up the chalk sitting on the rail under the board and began writing.

When she was finished, Yuri Koigakubo was written out in white chalk.

"My name is Yuri Koigakubo, I will be your mathematics teacher for this year, please take care of me." She spoke in a soft voice.

After that around half the period was spent with more introductions before everyone was told to stop as Yuri pulled out a piece of paper and took a few steps forward from the board.

Along the way, however, she slightly tripped on the leg of her own desk and took a comical fall straight to the ground.

The class went completely silent as they stared blankly at the display. A few seconds later however some of the girls in the front snapped out of it and helped her up off the ground.

"One class. I couldn't have just gone one class." As Yuri was being helped up she whispered to herself in self-deprecation.

Her previous smile was now gone as tears threatened to pour out of her eyes.

Yuri had always been a bit clumsy. It was perhaps what she was best known for in the school. She would find some way throughout the day to slip, fall, trip, etc. There have been many times when she quite literally tripped on air.

This year however she vowed to herself that for at least one day she would save herself from that embarrassment. Alas, her vow was for naught as she with a slouch walked over to her desk and sat down.

With a lifeless expression, she began speaking.

"A lot of your work at this school will be done in groups. This is to prepare you for your future careers, especially now that communication is a large part of the adult world."

"As such, I will assign you your first group, and you will do a small activity." Yuri continued to speak as everyone looked at her as if they were pitying her.

"Sawamura-san, Kojuro-kun, Kisaragi-kun, and Hanetachi-san." Yuri began listing names off one by one people started gathering in groups.

"Fujiwara-san, Shinomiya-san, Nishimiya-san, and Miyamura-kun." Kosuke's group was the last to be named as they too met up and sat at 4 desks in the back.

Kosuke looked back to see Sora giving three-word answers to the group she was with. Kosuke could tell that like always her full attention was on him.

Fujiwara-san or Chika Fujiwara was a girl with light pink hair that flowed down to her shoulders. She had a naturally cheerful face with big blue eyes. She stood at a height of 154 cm yet her breast was quite big. Perhaps apart of the normal uniform, she wore a black bow tie attached to the center of her square bangs.

The girl beside her, Kaguya Shinomiya, stood at a height of 158 cm and had black hair that flowed down to her lower back. Her eyes were deep red and had a sharp glint which combined with her slight frown gave an air of coldness. She although being taller than Chika lacked the chest-sized the pink-haired girl had. Despite this, her beauty would not lose to Chika.

The last girl who stood off to the side a bit was Shōko Nishimiya. She had chest-length pinkish brown hair and bangs that in the middle reached to her nose that sat in between her two brown eyes. Shōko could be considered petite as she stood at 162 cm and had a bust in between that of Kaguya and Chika.

Her hair effectively blocked off the view of her right ear where one would be able to see a blue hearing aid.

She was the last to take her seat as even then she kept her head a little low a slight uneasy smile on her lips.

"Woah, your Kosuke Miyamura, right?" The smiling energetic Chika speaks as she sits to his left.

Kosuke was sitting at the farthest right seat at the back meaning he was in a way surrounded by the three.

"I am, are you a fan?" Kosuke questioned looking at the girl's cheerful smile.

"Nah, I've just seen you on a few build boards." Chika without changing her expression spoke.

"I see, well it's nice to officially meet you Fujiwara-san," Kosuke replied.

"Mhmm, good to meet you too Miyamura-kun." Chika's smile widened as she spoke.

"You too as well, Shinomiya-san," Kosuke spoke to the black-haired girl who kept her eyes closed and her face neutral.

"Yes," Kaguya seemingly barely acknowledged him although Kosuke with his senses could tell she was mostly focused on him, perhaps curious.

Finally, Kosuke turned to the girl who was sitting right in front of him while her body was rotated to face the other three.

He could see a notebook in her hand as she was seemingly preparing to turn it in his direction.

Her actions ceased however as Kosuke instead of speaking raised both of his hands and started signing the words, (It's nice to meet you as well.) Shokō remained still for a short time with her eyes opened wide.

Outside of her family and a few doctors, it was not often someone would know how to sign. To help with this she had gotten inhumanely good at reading lips. She could even some of the times make out words just from the pitch.

That ability however decreased as she through some unfortunate events completely lost her hearing in her left ear.

Alas, communication was insanely hard as her ability to speak audibly was simply nonexistent.

Her disability had been made clear to the class so it wasn't unusual for Kosuke to already know.

When she finally snapped out of her shock a smile overtook her face as she slightly raised her face.

With her hands away from the notepad she began also signing.

(It's nice to meet you too.)

(I'm a big fan... of your work.)

Shokō with a fast pace continued to communicate with Kosuke. Her cheeks couldn't help but turn a slight shade of red. Not only was she really happy at the moment but also Kosuke's charm wasn't something a normal girl like her could just shrug off.

Kosuke felt Chika and Kaguya also staring at his face a bit. It wasn't to the level of them being fascinated as they themselves had seen a lot of different people. It was only to the level of admiration as Kosuke was definitely by far the most attractive man they had ever seen.

(Oh really, what's your favorite?) Kosuke questioned the smiling Shōko.

(Definitely, Kaiju jr's. I watched it all the time as a kid.)

Kaiju jr's or Kaijr's was a kid show about three kids who after stumbling upon strange stones at a lake near their neighborhood got the abilities of different Kaiju or giant monsters.

The stones just so happened to contain the power of the three strongest Kaiju who were against the others plan to take over the human world.

The kids would use their powers to fight the other monsters off and protect their world.

The show, of course, being for children lacked blood and gore and the monsters were never really killed. Instead, they just sent them back to their home planet.

There was plenty of power of friendship moments as well as well as enemies switching to the side of good.

The directors to cater to an even bigger audience even added mecha elements.

Overall the show was really popular among children, especially with two of the actors being the well-known Mai Sakurajima and Kosuke Miyamura.

In the end though when they started to grow up there was one last final battle where the three would pass on their powers to the next generation of brave warriors.

Like that the show was able to continue for as long as they wanted. In Kosuke's personal opinion though the show degraded when they left, a thought many would easily agree with.

(That show with the monsters? I remember it. I didn't like it much although my younger sister watches it a lot.)

The one to sign wasn't Shōko or Kosuke but Chika who was watching the conversation.

If one paid attention they would see Kaguya also slightly open her eyes from time to time paying attention to the exchange.

Shōko was yet again left in shock at how yet another person knew how to sign.

Even with her disagreement on the topic of Kaijr's she couldn't help but smile.

"Ughh, so teach? What are we supposed to be doing?" After around 2 minutes of the students just sitting there, someone finally spoke out to Yuri who still had her head buried in her hands.

"Ahh, right. Sorry class, WOAHH-." In her hurry, Yuri stood up fast before trying to take a step toward the podium.

Yet again the teacher managed to trip on empty air taking a miraculous fall to the ground.

This time however the two girls who helped her initially were quick to help her again.

When Yuri was back on her feet her already hopeless expression had turned even more so as she lifelessly gave our directions before tirelessly stumbling her way to her desk.

The activity they were told to do was to make each other's faces using different angles. The result was quite funny, especially since none of the angles were the same meaning they had to be very creative in how they put it all together.

The first round was Chika making Kaguya, Kaguya making Shōko, Shōko making Kosuke, and Kosuke making Chika.

The results were interesting, to say the least...

(It's ok, mine is not too good either.) Shōko desperately tried to tell the lifeless Kaguya who looked oddly similar to Yuri at the moment.

Kaguya's finished product depicted an extremely narrow head with the left side having a very sharp jawline while the other's was circular. The facial features were not much better as one of the eyes was circular while the other was represented by a single slant.

Her try at Shōko's hair ended with a bunch of straight lines going off from the top of her head in weird directions.

Chika who saw the depiction of 'Shōko' tried her absolute hardest to stifle her laughter.

(Well, this is certainly...abstract.) Kosuke signed although he was met with no reply as Shōko continued trying to comfort Kaguya.

(You're quite the artist huh?) Chika signed while admiring Kosuke's as perfect as possible handy work.

Unknowingly the group had gone to only using sign language to communicate, even when they weren't talking to Shōko. Kaguya too had been swept in.

(Something like that, yours isn't bad either.) Kosuke too admired Chika's depiction of him.

Round two:

(It could be worse... Is that a beard?) Kosuke raised an eyebrow at the straight line coming off his chin as he questioned the even more depressed Kaguya.

(Well, It's, unique?) Chika meanwhile was trying to pacify Shōko who was repeatedly apologizing after she showed her drawing.

Like earlier, Chika and Kosuke's drawings were well made.

Last round:

"KAGUYAAAA- IS THIS HOW YOU SEE ME KAGUYA?!" A near tears Chika repeatedly shook Kaguya whose face returned to one of no emotion.

"I am a Shinomiya, I have no need to waste my time in pointless artistic endeavors." Kaguya getting over her bad artistic ability outright denied its use in her life.

Shōko on the other hand had taken on Kaguya's previous down fallen expression and was being comforted by Kosuke.

Soon enough class came to an end with the class all standing up and getting ready to head to their next class.

Just as Kosuke, Chika, and Kaguya were about to begin walking Shōko suddenly went in front of them blocking their way to walk.

Her next actions were something she would never have even thought of trying just a few minutes ago. Her beyond painful childhood wouldn't let her lest she have to relive those traumatic memories.

Even now with the kindness, she had been shown in that short time her heartbeat quickened. Her mind kept telling her to stop. To give up. It kept telling her that her useless existence has no right to further taint other people.

Yet at the same time. An overwhelming feeling of regret overcame her every time she even thought of stopping.

To her, it was something selfish. Something that she hated herself even more for doing.

(Please. Please be my...friend.) As soon as she finished signing the word friend her overflowing emotions began to take effect on her physically as tears started flowing out of her eyes.

"Whaaa. No need to cry, of course, we will be your friend." Chika surprised at the sudden event jumped to the crying girl trying to understand what was happening.

Kosuke who could tell that the girl had gone through something also stepped up to her.

While Chika was desperately waving her hands in the air, Kosuke reached out his left hand and began using his index finger to wipe the girl's tears.

When Shōko finally began to move her head up she saw the face of Kosuke who smiled down upon her like a ray of sunlight in complete darkness.

She unknowingly got lost in his eyes as she looked at her reflection in his pupils.

"There's no need to ask, we're already friends aren't we?" Kosuke whispered.

Even if it was just her reading his lips Shōko felt like she could hear his every word as clear as day.

This wasn't her imagination however as Kosuke was manipulating his voice in such a way that even she who was considered clinically deaf could hear him perfectly.

Shōko continued staring in a daze at Kosuke. Her face was morphed into a giant smile although tears continued to pour down her cheeks.

Eventually, however, she finally snapped out of it as she took a few steps back and repeatedly bowed to Chika and Kosuke before ultimately running out of the classroom in embarrassment.

"Ughh, what just happened?" Chika groaned in confusion at the recent turn of events.

All the while Kaguya stood behind her. Her face showed relief.

Kaguya was not one to let people close to her. It was something she developed as a result of her upbringing. Her unapproachable aura usually prevented people from even trying to get close to her. Even if one was to push last that they would still be met with a thick ice wall that completely blocked their path.

As of now the only one who was successful in breaking that wall was Chika.

So when Kaguya saw Shōko begin to cry when outright begging her to be her friend, immense guilt flooded her.

She did not want to further hurt this already crying girl.

Thankfully, Shōko left before she was forced to. She knew she may do something she would regret in the future but she at the moment was relieved that a crisis was averted.

"See you two tomorrow." Kosuke waved off the two girls as he met back with Sora who immediately went to his side.

As required to leave the classroom Kosuke passed by Yuri who was slouching deep in her chair.

Looking at her pitiful sight Kosuke couldn't help but to take an apple out of his bag before putting it on top of her desk.

Yuri who felt the vibration raised her lifeless face before staring at Kosuke in awe.

"I must be dreaming, for such an attractive prince to visit little old me," Yuri spoke with life returning to her eyes.

"Take a break teach." Kosuke could only chuckle as he gave Yuri a pat on the back before leaving the classroom and making his way to his next class.


AN: It takes a lot of research to make sure I'm getting the character's personality down right. As such it may take a bit of time to come out with chapters, at least in the beginning stages when I'm setting things up.

Now a quick question for you, my readers. I initially planned to make a day pass every chapter but it may take a long time for chaps to come out as they would each be 5,000+ words.

So my question to you is would you prefer shorter chapters like 3k words or longer ones with a longer wait? Respond to the one you want below.

Shorter chaps, the day is broken up into multiple chapters.

Longer chaps with the whole day being one chapter.

Next chapter