
Chapter XLV

Early morning

It was warming Hoilday,  the first Hoilday for their kids, while  they are in the bed sleeping,  Jordan and Jessie is cleaning the  house getting ready for the Holiday,  in Morgan town at Marco house he was closing the office and  for day, Josie walked up to him, " Marco wait, I would like to go  said,  Josie. He looked at her,  "  you don't want to spend the Holiday with your family? Asked,  Marco.  " is it okay,  they would understand . He opens the door and send a telegram to them,  back at the homestead Jordan got the telegram,  " he wants to bring one extra for dinner,  said.  Jordan,  " tell him sure we set a extra place in don't come until noon, said. Jessie,  she went to send it back,  meanwhile in the year 2000 D. C, inside of the house Jordan and Jessie is cooking Holiday dinner, while  the family is in the family room,  Marco pulled up at the house, he got our the carriage,  " anyone home dad and grandpa is here, said. Marco,  Jessie open the door for him,  they hugged him,  " happy Holiday dad, said. Jordan and Jessie,  Thomas and Hank walked in the kitchen, " welcome to the Holiday sir, said. Thomas and Hank, " thank you the same here. I can smell that through the valley.  Said, Marco,  "  can wait to eat, said. Devon,  " Same here. When everything is going to be ready? Asked. West, " few minutes son give us time, said. Jessie, back in the year 1880 D.C, they just put the Holiday bread in the oven, and a pot of coffee on the burner, last night while the kids were in the bed they got dinner prepared ahead, they are going to cooked everything, latter on today. The kids is running the house,  playing.  Back in Morgan town at Marco office,  " they said you can come,  you going to be in a house full of healthy happy little ones,  ready for this? Asked.  Marco,  " yeah,  should we bring  anything? Nope but ourselves,  they got in the carriages and left the town. The house is fill the small of Holiday bread,  they start to wake up, and walked down the steps,  " morning our little ones,  happy holidays,  said. Jordan and Jessie,   " morning mommy! They all said. They sat down at the tables,  they took the bread out of the oven in they cut it and put it on the plates and and give it to them and pour them some mother's milk,  they sat down at the tables and blessed the food,  they started to eat. Meanwhile in the year 2000 D. C,  "  breakfast ready,  I smell Holiday bread,  same plan always we go to town for lunch,  see the Holiday event, then back here for dinner.  Said, Marco,  they take the bread out of the oven,  "  everyone at the tables please  breakfast is ready.  " Holiday bread  you guys is going to love it,  said. Warren,   they sat down at the tables,  they cut the bread and passed the plates around,   " so why don't we remember that day mom or you? Asked. Devon, " you all was young and it slips the  mind, sag. Jordan,   they blessed the food and started to eat, " was she a friend or assistant uncle Marco? Asked. Tonia,  back in the year of  1880 D. C. They pull up at the house, he help her out the carriage,  they walked up to the house,  " grandpa is here,  what smells so good? Asked.  Marco.  Jessie opened the door for him,  " Holiday bread and I thought we said noon? Said. Jordan,  " I want to have breakfast with my family,  and playing with my little ones,  Josie my daughters and the queens of my heart  Jordan and Jessie,  the grandkids  Teeno, Heather,  Cameron,  weston, Joshua,  Chessie,  Trent, Trevino, Tiffany,  Warren and Warner the twins, Cora, Renshaw,  Francesca,  Renskin, Brett, Jayden,  Rico, Dayton,  Dolton, Levette and Jessup,  and Frankie,  Preston,  Nancy,  Devon,  Cullen,  Tonia,  Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter , the triplets, Aaron, Savannah, Clayton,  Nano, Railey,  Grayson, Daytona, Kendra,  Kendrick, Yonett,  Yohan, and Jesse. Everyone this is grandpa good friend Josie. Said,   Marco,  " nice to meet you please  have a seat it might be  clam but we made room,  said Jordan,  Devon was about, to take a  drink of his milk, " ah put it down Devon , said.  Jordan,   Jessie served them a piece of Holiday bread  and  coffee,  "  oh my queens did you bake.? Asked. Marco,  " will its first timer at that, if they  like it, that warmth out hearts,   " what we think of mommy bread? They all shake their heads and smile as they study eat,  meanwhile in the year of 2000 D. C, " aw mom I love this bread,  said. Clayton, " how you came  with this Mom and Aunt Jessie? Asked. Susette, " will your husband and siblings and cousins were picking eaters, so do get them to eat we had  to come up with ways, some bread that is sweet and healthy , sugar powder, fruit and nuts. Said, Jordan.  "  see them enjoy it warmth our hearts,  said. Jessie,  " I can't even taste the fruit,  said. Railey,  " a course would you eat it nephew if you did? Asked.  Jessie,  "  probably not,  mmm this is my favorite Holiday when mom and Aunt Jordan makes Holiday bread and Uncle Marco take us to town, said. Cora, back in the year of 1880 D. C, they finished eating there breakfast,  " good job guys now  you can have your milk, they drinks some of  their  coffee and got up and clear the table, " do you need help? Asked.  Josie, " ni we got it, said.  Jordan and Jessie,   they finished there milk , " mommy.  " if you all done  you all can go play,  they got up from the table in ran into the living room, Marco chase after them, " you have adorable  kids Jordan and Jessie,  said.  Josie, " thank you,  they said.  Jessie wiped off the yables and Jordan  covered the rest of the holiday break and put it in the freezer,  they got the kitchen clean up, Marco walked back in the kitchen, " we are going to town this afternoon for lunch, and a holiday show. Said, Marco, " bad idea they  young do you really feel like chasing after 44 boys and gals,  we still experiment on taking them into places,  said. Jessie,  "  mommy and mommy  I the holiday this is something special I want to start doing with my family every Holiday,  said  Marco,  they looked at each other,  " yeah we get that, we have nothing to cantian them in keeping them from running off, said.  Jordan, " you just get my babies ready dad will  worry about that, said. Marco,  " you will huh, dad you had a hard time giving bathe  the other day.  Said,  Jessie.  Meanwhile in the year 2000 D. C theY were at dressed in their best,  all in the wagons heading to Morgan town,  first they are going to get some holiday pudding from the towns pudding,   then they going to get lunch," this time we don't have to put leeches on yo on maybe you two. Said, Jessie.  " who idea was that? Asked. Dolton,  " we weren't not having you all run around knocked every one out of the way, sizes it was your grandfather idea  . " excuse us were just being kids mom, said. Francesca,  " dear mom and Aunt Jordan know that,  said. Jessie,  "but still you not going to be acting like wild children that wasn't brought up right,  said. Jordan,  back in the year of 1880 D. C  as they got them clean up and dressed,  they ran down the steps,  Cameron walked into the room ," hi Cameron don't you  look al handsome,  " mommy,  mommy,  he cried. " yes Cameron  go have a set, he jump up and down throwing a tampered,  she walked down the steps looking at him, " what I said  son, she not going to hurt you,  can you say thank you  back, he ran up, to her grab her legs and start to cry,  " son, grandpa  friend  not threatening,  and mommy needs to get herself ready,  she sat him on the couch,  he howler and cry for her,  " Grandson why we putting on a fuse, Ms. Josie  not going to take you form her, but grandpa  will he tickled all of them, Josie laughed,  Jordan and Jessie walked down the steps,  "  we are ready  dad what is this invention of your? Asked,  Jordan.  He hold up kid leeches, and vest. He put it on them, " grandpa Ms. Josie is treating us out so we need you to be on your best behavior everyone,  they walked out of the house and they put them in their wagons and they left the heading to Morgan Town, meanwhile in the year of 2000 D. C theY arrived in Morgan town,  they got out of the wagons and walked into the towns bakery,  " my favorite family and the babies grew up and had babies of their own,  and there new ones.  Said, the Baker, " yes they all grown up with family of their  own, these six are the new edition Kendall, Joseph, Roselin, Jestina,  Ryan and Bryson, they have at hi., these are our six Rayne, Randolh,   Isabelle, Martina, Connor and Thristan,    they wave at him, "

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