
chapter xxvi

On the ocean

Marco can't stand not having is gals mad at him, so he walked up to Jordan and Jessie, " I am sorry Uncle Marco wasn't thinking clearly, this is a family business, if they want jobs I make them Deputies under the Marshal, I talked with, " we do give chances to those who looking for a better life, that already can handle being a heart, take along I'd showing what we do, showing them we camp out, we work through the day, you have to have a heart to be a heart, right Pres? Asked. Jordan, "Correct you can't ride or die then being a heart not for you. Said, Preston, " You got to love what you do, to you not going to last with you don't, said. Kelsey, " I bet pretty boys won't last week with us, take your eyes off my wife, sisters, cousins Aunt, and mother, before you're fine," Dolton Edward Garrett what you are wearing on your back? Asked. Jessie. " I just saying the women in my life is off limit, said. Dolton, his cousins. His wife, nieces, sisters, Aunt, and mother hugged him. " i love you to gals, said, Dolton, " that my baby, your nephew. Said, Jessie. " and I love all twenty-nine nieces, nephews in-laws, great nieces, and nephews,, my sons, daughters, grandchildren and In-laws, dad. my husband and sister, said. Jordan, "Same here, said. Jessie, walked up to Chuck and Billy, "Introduce is in order. I am Jessie, my husband Hank, twenty-nine of our sons and daughters, lo g with our in-laws and grandchildren, there is an empty space but, our kids never said they want out, we talk about it decide to do a take along, said. Jessie, " and I am Jordan and this is my husband Thomas and twenty-nine of our sons and daughters, in-law, and grandchildren, it's a test to say I can do this and to us saying Good we see you, we talk with the family meeting, about doing a trail run, for know what we do, stay with the family, what you're name? Asked. Jordan, "I am Chuck nice to meet you, he said that you are his daughters is that true, asked, Chuck, " in a way we are his nieces he raised was in our youth, so more like a father to us, more like a grandfather to our kids, grandfather in law, and a great grandmother, he will let you know if we have come to a decision on doing a trail run, "[ mom and Jordan could you come to the helm please.] Said, Trent, " let's fish, said. Ryan, Marco pick him up," how old are my four new grandsons, asked, Marco, " you grandsons, if they walking and talking they not new four going on five, we not here to fish son, which one of your older siblings you want to ride with, sked. Jessie, "[please me you're on your way here, mom and Aunt Jessie?] said, Tanner, "I am Billy you got your own ship too? asked, Billy, " it belongs to Houston, we are back, { do not rush us son we heading there now,]" No Mommy I want my own horse, " we want another baby, said. Thomas and Hank, "Dad you not getting that, said. Kendrick, picks up his little brothers, "You want a horse huh, [ mom they want a horse and dad crying for another baby,]-["We get them a pony something that they can ride, Thomas you know the answer to that cry,] they walked in the door, Connor and Thristan cheered out, " you definitely know dad mom is not going to say yes, Jessup pick up his little brothers, " let's see what mom said, [ mom they want a horse, dad want another kid,] said. Jessup, "[ okay boys we get you s pony, Mr. Garrett you said twenty-nine is the number,] said. Jessie, they cheered out, " [Dad we reach Nebraska, ] said, Jordan, "[Mrs. Garrett, I know you want another daughter you both do, so why are you telling me no?] said, Thomas, "{ you know you want a gal Jessie, and thirty can be our number,] said. Hank, "Nice try we not having another baby, ]said, Jordan. " [ no, and no, have enough daughters and sounds, it's time to have more grandkids, and great-grandbabies,] said, Jessie, " [ we are at our destination tuck your shirts in, tighten your belts and gunbelts put your hats on, boys and gals we are representing Houston Texas law,] "[ you want me to wear a belt that was used on an outlaw by my mother rage to beat someone?] said. Cameron, "[ what is with you kicking men in the middle!? dad what you did to her that cause that,] said. Warren, "[ Cameron James Garrett stop crying about the past put your belt on so your pants won't be falling off, no child of mines is not going to show his birthday suit, and Warren went have you become so sensitive?] said, Jessie. " yeah I wondering that to mom, dear you not turning on me are you? asked, Tammy, "Dad are you okay, asked, James, " no, I haven't I am the same man you married, and got you with a child, yes son dad is good. answered, Warren, "[Mom you going to stop that right, how looks to us that our mother going around kicking people in their middle, ] they dock off at the shipyard, they walked up, Jessie clocked her eye at Warner, " how in the green heaven I give birth to twins?" here we go again, mom hears me okay. it wasn't in your destined to have twin boy and gal, it for you to have twin sons, okay we clear, you understand? asked, Warner, " make yourself decent son tuck your shirt in, mouth 2#, Sandra laughed, " how went from being called terror to mouth, " it can go back to that, said, Jessie. She walked up the ship, " she loves you boys, you bugged the heck out of her when you were tots, Jes tell your twin sons you loved them, "I love all my children, including mouh 1, 2, and 3 somehow thinks he a triplet, " they are my brothers, " you not a triplet Renshaw, you more brothers an sister then them, said, Jessie, " yeah Ren that cut deep, said, Renskin, " we don't get to get in that love Renshaw? asked, Jayden, " i love every single one of you guys, there isno favorites here in the Garrett clan, said. Renshaw,

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