
5 Gentle Fist

"Don't listen to them. I think you're eyes are pretty...", Choji said in a very low voice that it was nearly a whisper. Still, Hinata was able to hear it and it made her raise her eyebrows. She wasn't the slightest bit affected by their taunts. She was way too mature for that but it still felt good being complimented so she smiled at Choji and said, "Thanks. But you shouldn't also listen to them too much. Don't get too affected when they call you fat. Instead, just accept it. I know it's not easy so think of it like this, you're not fat, just chubby. And you're cuter when you're chubbier."

Choji listened intently and by the end, he was nearly moved to tears. He didn't say anything and Hinata also didn't speak any further. The two feel into silence but not the awkward silence but instead, the peaceful silence. They then continued eating their chips until finally, the day passed and it was time for both of them to go home. Choji shyly asked if Hinata was free anytime soon and if she wanted to meet again then promptly said his goodbyes and dashing off towards their home.

Meanwhile, Hinata smilingly walked back towards the Hyuga Compounds. Today had been good for her because she had managed to make her first friend in this world. She even got to act cool by saying all those inspiring and moving speech. She couldn't help but wonder if she had created an awesome image in Choji's mind. That would've been cool.

Anyways, as she got home, her parents asked her about her day. As a kid, she did her part and happily narrated everything that occurred when she was out. She stared with her little exploration to the village, then how she got tired so she asked bodyguard-san to buy her snacks then how she met Choji, chased off his bullies and then became his friend.

"Ah! I forgot to ask for his name.", Hinata suddenly said as she remembered. She already knew who Choji was but it would be weird to others if she knew without asking. Next time, she plans on properly asking.

Her parents simply chuckled at that and just told her to ask next time. They then curiously asked on how did he scare the bullies. She just nonchalantly said that she cracked the ground with a punch which scared them too much that ran off crying. They grew confused from this and for a moment, they thought their daughter was lying. However, bodyguard-san suddenly appeared beside them and whispered a few words. Their eyes then widen at the discovery before looking at Hinata in wonder.

"Wait, did she know of your presence? She said a while ago that you bought her snacks?", Hiashi suddenly asked.

"It wasn't me Clan Head. She activated her Byakugan and easily found me.", the guy said with a bit of awe in his voice.

Hinata's parents grew confused and amazed. They asked, "Hinata you can use the Byakugan already?"

Hinata nodded. "Show us"

And that, she did. After she did so, they were amazed and started celebrating that they got a genius daughter. They then also remembered the bodyguard's story of Hinata using chakra to enhance her punch and got even happier.

"So you used chakra to strengthen your punch?", Hiashi inquired.

Hinata lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry. I promise I won't use chakra again until you allow me to."

Hiashi smiled and said, "It's okay. We only didn't let you to use chakra so that you don't hurt yourself. But it seems that it's not a problem at all, seeing how you easily did what you did."

He then pat Hinata's head. "Well, I was planning on starting to teach you the clan's Gentle Fist. Seeing how much of a genius my daughter is, I have no doubt that you'll master it quite easily.", he said with his tone becoming a bit more proud in the end. Hinata also couldn't help but smile sheepishly.

"Let's go.", he said and grabbed her hand. Meanwhile, Himawari just smilingly watched father and daughter bond together.

A few moments later, they arrived at the training ground Hinata had unlocked her chakra in. The cracks were still there but it should still be good for use. Hiashi let go of Hinata's hands and stood in front of her. Before he was going to officially teach Hinata the clan's most precious technique, he first wanted to demonstrate to give Hinata a clearer idea on how the technique looked like.

He first got into a stance with his palms facing outwards before suddenly becoming a blur. All Hinata could see was faint afterimage while all she could hear was the sound of Hiashi's fists swooshing in the air.

"Daddy, too fast! Too fast! Slow down a bit!"

(A/N: Sorry, couldn't help it.)

Hiashi chuckled a bit and decided to slow down to Hinata's level. Thus, Hinata was finally able to see how the Gentle Fist looked like up close. After seeing Hiashi perform it for a few seconds, Hinata only had one thought in her head and that was, 'Fast'

Even when Hiashi had lowered his speed to Genin levels, he was still absurdly fast. Hinata was amazed since she didn't think it would actually be this fast. No wonder she could only see a blur a while ago. She probably wouldn't even be able to see Hiashi if he used Chunin level speeds, much less his peak speed.

After performing, Hiashi then taught Hinata the basic stances and had her perform some specific exercises. According to Hiashi, it was to train her finger's and hand's speed and flexibility which was a must for the Gentle Fist. For now, he also restricted Hinata from using chakra because he wanted Hinata to fully learn the physical part of the technique before the chakra aspects which was basically injecting chakra in the tenketsu.

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