
Volume III: Bonding Time Chapter 22: In The Air

Looking at my summons I said "Your name from now on will be Nocturne."

*Hoot* *Hoot* He hooted at me.

"You like that name huh." Then looking at him I said "Can you decrease your size?"

*Hoot* *Hoot* He nodded at me.

"Great, then decrease your size so that you will be able to preach on my shoulder."

Hearing that, he started to reduce his overall size from the size of a house to the size of a normal owl and flew towards me and preached on my shoulder.

Scratching his chin I said "You can stay with me all you want okay?"

*Hoot* He agreed with me.

Then I asked him "Hey, do you have elemental affinity?"

*Hoooooot* He nodded at me.

"Okay so which one?"

Without making another nose he flew away from my shoulder and hovered around for a second and took a deep breath and opened his beak to shoot water.

Looking at him I asked "So you have an affinity to water?"

*Hoot* *Hoot*

"Good then. That will be helpful in a fight."

He nodded at that and flew back to my shoulder to preach on it.

Then looking at him I asked "Hey, what do you say about going out for a flight?"

*Hoot* As he agreed with me.

"Then let's not waste anymore time." Saying that I took the summoning contract and went back to the house.

When I reached there, Tsunade was waiting for me there with Shizune. Hearing my footsteps, Tsunade turned around and said "Bokuto.... " But didn't finish as her eye's landed on Nocturne.

Seeing that I said "He's my summoning bird. I named him Nocturne."

"Where did you get the summoning contract?"

"It was inside the library."

"Mmmm, well, I haven't seen anyone else with an owl as their contracted animal." After observing Nocturne for some time she looked at me and said "Anyway, the thing is since your one year vacation is coming to an end in the next few days, and since you have a good aptitude in medical jutsu I've decided to stay in the village for four years and make you a master Medical Jutsu user. After that I will leave the village for four years and come back, so don't go and take some long term mission's while I'm in the village."


"Good, now you can do whatever you want."

After saying that, she left the compound with Shizune. If my guess is correct she's going to gamble first then after losing the money she has, she will get booze, I'm sure of it.

Sighing, I went out of the village with Nocturne still on my shoulder.

After reaching at least five kilometres away from the village I said to Nocturne "Come one, increase your size. Let's fly together."

Hearing that he jumped down to the ground and started to increase his size. As he reached an optimal size so that I could ride he stopped. Mounting on him I said "Let's fly freely, Noc."

*Hooooooottt* Making his usual noise he took off from the ground and we were in the air.

As we reached high in the air, I started to feel a cool breeze brushing past my face and hair. It is refreshing to fly in the air.


In Mountains' Graveyard, a mountainous region located at the north-most region of land between Takigakure and Otogakure, it has dense forestry and the bones of many giant creatures can be seen jutting out of it. It contains an abandoned mine system with lots of pathways to the outside.

Inside the mine after travelling for some time we will reach a laboratory. Inside the lab is a massive wall decorated with the Uchiha Clan symbol on top of it. Across the wall a man with white spiral mask stood with an overcoat. A couple of seconds later, right next to this masked man, a plant type humanoid came out from the ground.

Looking at the newly arrived, the masked man spoke "Got any information?"

"Yes, there's still fifty to sixty Uchiha that are still wanting to rebel against Konoha."

"Mmmm..... that's good news for us. After the failure of creating the Uchiha massacre, we're down to the last two pairs of Sharingan."

"That is true, and you will need more Sharingan if you keep using yours."

"I know."

The man then walked back and forth thinking about something and knowing that the plant based humanoid didn't say anything.

A couple of minutes later the masked man spoke "Zetsu. We will kill those fifty clan members in the spam of ten years. Even though it's a long term mission, we will have to stick with it. I can't get into that damn village after I unleashed the Nine Tails. Something is blocking me, and I don't know what it is."

"Ah... you did say that, some kind of barrier. Right?"

"I tried to look into it. But it's not a barrier made by fuinjutsu, it's something entirely different. So the best we can do is to lure the rebellious minded members and take their eye's after killing them. Until then I will manage somehow."

"As you say Tobi." After saying that Zetsu slowly sank into the ground and the place became silent.

In the silence we could hear Tobi speaking to himself "It's alright Rin, I'll see you soon. Just wait for me."




<Chapter 22 End>

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