
Less On


What else? The semi hyper lady was once again dazed at her place while the man just proceeded on his way. But of course, he didn't forget to bid his farewell. "Anyway, it's getting late so we get going, right? See you tomorrow and will be waiting for you to bless me with your poison, Azura." And with no other work or look, Theo flashes out just like a wisp he was.

Always came unexpectedly. Always gone unexpectedly. Though, among all these unexpected things, one fact was definitely expected. Azura's feelings for Theo were expected. Azura's falling for Theo was expected.

"Bye, Theo." Most probably, the lady said that to herself since the said man was long gone. But since she just wanted to repeat his name, she tended to have any excuse to call it. Especially now that she's been challenged by the said name, she was definitely going to sing this name like a song. And like an idiot of course which she was.


"And here is your food, all packed and puffed." The man perks as he places the packed food in front of his daughter who seemed to be tasting her own thoughts which only the almighty knows what.

Upon realising that the young lady was way too engaged with her own daydreams, the father decides to disrupt her. "Azura, Azura, can you hear me?"

Fortunately, his calling brought the lost girl back to reality as she blinked cluelessly. Frederick gave a skeptical look. Azura chuckles in a hurdle. "Yes, dad? Oh, thanks so much. I didn't really notice that you're already done with my lunch." The young lady takes the boxes and keeps them in her bag pack.

Frederick nods nonchalantly but then twists with his words. "Your lunch just doesn't seem like your lunch though huh? You should have said 'our lunch' no?"

Judging the poking of Frederick every now and then, back and forth, it was confirmed that the man was not as much of a fool as Azura was thinking. Like, of course he was her dad. If she was bad, he was her dad.

"As I said previously and saying again, of course it's all for me. Why do you keep repeating the same question every new day? At least find something new to bug. Be creative, Dad."

"Hmm, you're right. Alright so… Who is it?"

Azura is bewildered by her father and she she quotes, "Who is who?"

The father scoffs. "Who else? The one you have been feeding lately. Your friend, girlfriend or maybe… Boyfriend?"

The intense blush takes over the young woman right after as she hastily begins shaking her hands in the air and her father only giggles in reaction. "Jeez, I am leaving. I had enough of your jokes, Dad. See you and even though you're sometimes like a pain, love you."

"Well, that's not a joke. I'm actually also known as pain. Definitely see you and love you more." Frederick purrs as his daughter dashes out of the house. Azura was definitely not as much of a badass as Frederick and the man was going to prove it.


After the debate with her father regarding not having any friend, Azura was here at the university, excitedly looking for the same 'friend'.

However, she wasn't really able to find him when usually he was right there before her to welcome her. Especially when she came a little later and yet she wasn't welcomed by him. It really bothered her already.

Though, her eyes still couldn't bear not having a sight of the only man, or let's say, the second man Azura had jn her life because obviously no way she was going to avoid her beloved father.

It was both funny and sad at the same time that how she didn't have a woman as her companion to share her time with. Even if there were, they were there only to make her life miserable. She was literally convinced that beautiful and badass women were born to be her enemies with no valid reason.

"Looking for someone?"

"Gosh, Theo. You totally scared me."

The said man skeptises his expression. "Scared? Well, that makes sense because people do get scared when they lose things they love."

"Yeah, but the thing is, I didn't lose anything. Especially nothing that I love. Then why would I search for something?" Azura states as she begins walking ahead, having Theo following behind.

Theo adds further to her statement. "That's because you weren't searching for something but rather someone." The man purrs while indirectly pointing to himself and Azura goes tint red.

"Just stop daydreaming, okay? Well, enough with the jokes and let's just get ahead yeah?"

"Of course, your highness." The latter bows to the lady who huffs in annoyance but soon chuckles in glee right after.

The duo then make their way to their classroom. On their way, out of nowhere, Azura trips on her step and almost falls down before Theo holds onto her.

It could have been just another tensed flattening moment for them but Azura's reaction swifts when she notices that it was Theo to make her fall.

"What are you even on? Trying to break my nose or something?" Yells Azura angrily at the man.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just clueless. Couldn't really watch where I was going." Theo apologises and helps Azura stand back.

"You better keep your eyes open and live in reality, Mister daydreamer." Azura says while getting up and settling herself. As her face goes up, she notices a strange container leaning over the door of the class she was supposed to go in. She then straightens up and lands her eyes down where she locates the most expected person ever.


"Did you say something, Azura?"

Azura shakes her as an answer to Theo's question while still looking in the same direction at Cindy. Theo makes a puzzled expression. "Is everything alright?"

Nonchalantly nodding to the man, Azura quotes, "Yep, everything is definitely right. Just someone is gonna learn their lesson."

"By someone, you mean us? Because that's what we're here for. To learn our lesson. Right?"

Azura facepalms.

Next chapter