
Chapter 5: Kurenai*

--- * means that there is some R18 stuff here ---

After freshening up, I quickly went to turn in the mission scroll, before staring to make my way through the halls of the academy, walking towards the Genjutsu wing, looking into each classroom, hoping to find Kurenai. It was still mid afternoon, so the academy was still open for a hour or so, but Genjutsu Classes were usually over by this time, and the teachers were grading theory papers or writing student reports to be turned in to the Hokage.

Looking into the last classroom, I saw Kurenai sitting at her desk, furiously writing something down.

Knocking on the door, I let myself in, before closing the door behind, walking towards the desk. Kurenai looked up and gave me a smile, before returning to write her report. I pulled a chair over, sitting and watching Kurenai work.

Noticing her familiar ticks, mainly how she pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes, and rhythmically tapped the point of her pen on the paper. Seeing these familiar actions, things she did whenever she was deep in thought, I smiled. Quietly standing up, I walked over to the window that was overlooking the training grounds, watching as the students went through their warmups.

A hand gently fell onto my shoulder, and looking over I saw Kurenai standing next to me, observing the students. "Nostalgic, isn't it? It feels like just yesterday I was running laps around the grounds, learning the basics of how to be a shinobi."

Chuckling, I turned my gaze back to the students. "Honestly, I couldn't wait for the academy to be over, to be able to go onto a mission. But... yea, I miss it. How simple life was, how pure I was."

"Well, I only have one report left, so let me finish that. Then you can take us over to Yakiniku Q. Apparently it's a famous BBQ place, where you grill everything yourself."

Nodding, I gestured over to her desk, "Well get to work then. I'm starving!"

Chuckling, she sat back down, filling out the report. Sitting back in the chair, I waited for her to finish.

Kurenai didn't make me wait long, as she quickly finished. Quickly sorting the papers into piles, she handed me a stack, saying "We need to drop these off at the Hokage's office. Then we will be good to go."

Nodding, I grabbed a stack, following her out the door. We walked the halls in comfortable silence, before reaching the Hokage's Office. Knocking on the door, we waited until it was opened, stepping in. The Hokage sat behind his desk, signing a paper before putting on a small stack of papers on his left. Then he grabbed a paper from the tall stack on his right, sighing.

"Please tell me you aren't here to give me more paperwork."

Chuckling, Kurenai placed the small stack of paper in front of him. She gestured for me to do the same. "These are the reports of the graduating class' on their Genjutsu, History, and Cultural Study. The larger stack are the males, the smaller stack females."

The Hokage sighed, before looking up. "Ah, Kokoro. You and Kurenai going somewhere?"

I nodded my head. The Hokage chuckled, before making a shooing gesture. "Go have fun, you two."

Kurenai and I bowed, before exiting the office.

"So where is this... Yakiniku Q?" I asked Kurenai.

Grabbing my hand, she started leading me out of the academy, and out onto the busy streets of Konoha. I stayed quiet, allowing her to lead me to our destination, mainly because any attempts to talk would be quite difficult due to all the noise.

We arrived in front of an unassuming building, with a small sign reading "Yakiniku Q".

Kurenai led me into the building, before stopping in front of the receptionist desk.

"Reservation for Kurenai Yuhi."

Nodding her head, a young woman led both of us to a small room in the back, opening the door to reveal a small table with four cushions on every side. Kurenai walked in, before turning to the woman.

"We are going to get the Beef Platter, Mixed Platter, and a Flight of Sake."

Nodding, the woman bowed before closing the door. Silence descended in the room. I sat opposite Kurenai, watching as she stretched before sitting opposite me.

Smirking, she spoke. "What? You said you were starving, so I took the liberty to order for us. Besides, its not really a self grill BBQ if you don't roll out of it, now is it?"

Shaking my head, I gave her a smile. "So are you going to uncharacteristically avoid the reason we are here?"

Her smile fell, and she stared at me. "Are you really happy with where you are, Koko? She's barely ever here and she's red listed. Why do you cling to her still? Isn't it obvious she doesn't really care for you?"

Raising an eyebrow, I replied "I can't say I'm ecstatic with where I am in life, but I want to talk to her when she gets back. If she doesn't want to... then I'll move on. I'll try to, anyways."

Before Kurenai could reply, we heard a knock, before the door opened, revealing two women, one holding two trays filled with meats, while the other had a large tray with different small bottles of sake. After placing them on the table, they bowed before closing the door.

Grabbing a bottle of sake, I uncorked it before taking a big swig.

"Ah... that hit the spot. Come on, Nai, drink, eat. I gave my answer. It's been a long time since it was just us. No need to make the atmosphere so gloomy."

She picked up her chopsticks, placing some meat on the grill. With a wry smile, she watched as I took another swig, before she snatched the bottle from my hand a gulped down the rest.

"No fair~ That was mine, Nai~"

Giggling, she grabbed another bottle, before taking a sip. I grabbed one as well, but instead of a sip I downed half of it. Probably because I hadn't had anything to eat since morning, I could fell the heat of the sake traveling through my body, before noticing my heart speed up. Uncaring, I took another sip before grabbing a piece of meat, flipping it and searing it before quickly eating.

For a short period of time, we just drank and ate quietly, but before I knew it, Kurenai's face was a shade lighter then her eyes, indicating she was drunk.

"Koko~ come here, I'm cold~"

Stumbling over to her side of the table, I leaned onto her, and we started drinking again.

"Hey! That was my meat~ not yours~"

Saying so, Kurenai placed her hands on my cheeks before placing her lips on mine. Before I could react, her tongue was in my mouth, trying to fight my tongue for the piece of meat I had placed inside a few moments prior. Not expecting that, she won that fight, pulling away and grinning at me.

"That tasted wonderful~"

Forgetting to breathe, I stared at her, not knowing what to do. The small, rational part of my mind was telling me to stop, move away. the lonely part of me, who wanted a persons warmth, was encouraged by the two bottles of sake I had drank.

I lunged forward, knocking Kurenai onto her back, before slamming my lips onto hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth. For a short while, we laid there, tongues swirling together.

Kurenai placed her hand on my back, snaking it down under my pants. Gasping, I drew away from her, feeling her fingers enter me. Staring down at her, the blush was gone, and a smirk was on her face.

"My my, when did you get so naughty Koko~ If you don't get off me, I'll take that as permission to go further. And I want to got further~"

Saying so, her fingers started moving faster and faster, creeping deeper into me. Moaning, I caught her lips again, tasting the sweet sake on her tongue. Kurenai responded by pushing me off of her, separating us.

Dazed, I gave her a confused look. Smirking, she sat on the table, before she moved her dress out of the way, quickly sliding her underwear to the side.

A long, erect cock greeted my vision. Staring at it, I moved closer, lowering my head to get as close as possible. On my knees in front of her, she looked down at me. Smirking, she took one hand and started hitting my cheek with the tip.

"Come on Koko, you know what to do~"

Hearing her sultry voice, I opened my mouth and started licking the shaft, going up and down rhythmically. Using my free hand, I started gently massaging her balls, staring up at her face. She was narrowing her eyes, staring at me with a heated gaze. Licking up to the tip, I opened my mouth as wide as possible before taking in the tip. Hearing her gasp, I started to go further down, felling her tip hit the back of my throat. Pulling myself back up, I started swirling my tongue on the tip, before bobbing my head back down. I repeated that, slowly taking her cock into my throat. She was moaning, and after grabbing the back of my head, she started thrusting her hips, forcing her cock all the way down my throat. Pistoning her hips, eventually she gave a loud moan, and I felt her cock tremble before a warmth shot deep into my throat. As she was cumming, she forced my head as deep into her crotch as she could, guranteeing her cock was as deep as it could be. When she finished, she let go of my head. Pulling back, I started coughing, some of her seed leaking from the corners of my mouth, while more was being hacked up onto the floor. Both of us were panting, but when I looked up at her, I could still see that her cock was hard, throbbing, and glistening with my saliva and her seed.

"Koko... damn... that felt great..."

I gave her a weak smile, before moving my mouth back to her cock, licking off the seed that was gleaming on her cock. Moaning, she looked down at me.

"Koko, if you don't pull yourself off me I am going to take you here and now. I'd rather not be banned from this place."

Reluctantly, I pulled myself away. "Th-Then I guess we just gotta go to your place, huh?"

Taking one of the cloths provided by the restaurant, she wiped her self off, before quickly dressing herself.

"Yea, we gotta go to my place. Like, five minutes ago. Clean yourself, then lets go."

Taking the offered cloth, I turned around and wiped the mess on the floor, shaking my hip slightly. Kurenai groaned, and turning slightly I saw her looking away, her eyes screwed shut.

Smirking, I finished up, left a stack of bills on the table, before kissing her. Drawing away from her, I gestured to the door. "Let's go~"

We both rushed out the restaurant, before we started running. Following Kurenai, we arrived at a small house close to the Academy. After she opened the gate, and then the door, she shoved me inside. After making sure her door was locked, she scooped me up, rushing up the stairs. Slamming a door open, she tossed me on the bed, quickly tearing her clothes off. I followed, throwing my clothes and underwear onto the floor.

Her gaze was palpable, as she traced every curve of my body, before she slowly crawled onto the bed, mounting herself above me. I was laying on my back, staring into the raging inferno of her eyes. She leaned down, gently kissing me. I could feel her cock on my stomach, and after a few minutes of kissing, she pulled away.

"Koko, are you sure? I won't be able to stop myself."

Her voice was hoarse, and. her eyes were displaying a seriousness I hadn't seen before.

In response, I grabbed her cock, leading it towards the wet opening of my pussy. Feeling that, she widened her eyes, before slowly thrusting into me. Feeling her long, warm cock reach deeper and deeper, before kissing my womb, made me shiver. She leaned forward and started kissing me, before slowly removing herself from me. When it had felt like she was about to pull out, she slammed herself back into me, making me moan loudly into her mouth. She repeated that action a few times, before I wrapped my legs around her waist, and started grinding my hips on hers. She started moving faster, matching my grinding, until she pulled away from our kiss, moaning in my ear.

"Koko~ I-I'm cumming!"

She started slamming her hips into mine, going as fast as she could, before pressing herself as deep into me as she could. Feeling her cock throb, I started kissing her neck, tightening as I heard her moan in pleasure. Her cock twitched, shooting rope after rope of her seed into my womb. After she finished cumming, she slowly pulled out, panting above me.

Before she could say a word, I flipped onto my stomach, raised my ass into the air, and started swaying my hips side to side. "Nai~ I need you to fill me more~"

Looking over my shoulder, I could see her staring at my ass, before she moved behind me, ramming it all the way to the hilt inside me. Gasping for breath, I couldn't get my breath back before she grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking my head back.

"Very well, I'll take you all night, Kokoro. I'll fill you to the brim."

I couldn't register her words, as she yanked my hair harder, before using her free hand to slap my ass. Still ramming her hips into mine, she gave me no rest, as she would alternate between slapping my ass or grabbing my breasts.

And so, the night concluded, and a new day began. However, Kurenai didn't let me rest, continuing until just a few hours before sunrise, only stopping after she had came multiple times.


So uh... yeah. Let me know if that was good or not. Cause this is my first time writing a lemon, so I have no idea if it is passable? Let me know. Like always, if you see somewhere I can improve, let me know.

Well, either way, I am seriously surprised. 6.3k views and almost over 50 collections. Thats all in just over 24 hours. I don't know what makes a view, but still. That's awesome!

Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy my Fanfic!


So yeah, lemon done. Probably be a bit before the next one, cause some plot stuff is going to happen soon. Well, I've had fun with this so far, and can't wait to continue!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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