
Chapter 82.

    I love the dress but never had in mind to wear because I believed it was looking abit busy for a casual movie show.

   "Thanks for picking a dress for me"I said bunning my hair.

  "You are welcome just hurry up it's few minutes to the movie time" she said.

       "I'm almost done," I said, spraying perfume all over my body.

"Do you plan to choke people sitting around you? she asked.

   "Yes, something like that," I said jocosely.

"Just remind me not to sit next to you to avoid having my breath obstructed," she said, closing our door as we set out.

The lodge was filled with students playing and chatting since the exams were over loud music could be heard from all angle of the building, The lodge had never been this boisterous since we resumed I was so stuck with amazement, Seems everyone had an event to attend as we were going out some having a lodge chat while some while just dancing and singing to the music being played. Even as we walked to the talent hall where the movie was to be shown the college environment was lively and vigorous. Most eateries were filled to its brim while some students were partying separately by the side.

  As we got to the talent hall the place was looking different I had never being into the building but I had passed there on several occasions the outer look was different and more conducive flowers were planted around the building more like a circle around it, Also few tent's had being affixed to the environment for more comfort and safety for college students who will be using them. We quickly bought two tickets before going to sit by one of the tents with the numbered card we were given while waiting patiently for our number to be called, then walk in to be given the permit slip on our wrist.

   The movie started five minutes after we all sat down in the viewing hall. A prologue was said by one of their lecturers who will be in his early thirties. He was brief about it after which the movie started. It was a more than an hour movie which was captivating and entertaining. It had this absorbing feature that did not allow us to notice it was not an hour movie. The movie was all about college life and the difficulties students face before getting acquitted with the system. It was more like a documented orientation program. It was more good than harm to us, especially the first year students. After the movie was rounded up the cast and crew all came out as we appreciated them for a job well. They all were fourth year students who took it upon themselves to educate the rest of the students on college life.

  I and Gabriella left immediately. The movie was over before most students started coming out to avoid the crowded environment which will happen because everyone will want to leave at once also some people will be taking pictures to reminisce.

" I love everything about the movie. The cast and director did a good job. This would have been used as an orientation program for us all when we resumed order than the speech that was delivered to us" Gabriella said as we left the talent hall environment.

    "I also enjoyed it. I hope to see more captivating movies. The theater students are doing a great job with writing scripts and also coordinating themselves to interpret them into pLay "I added.

    "Yes I agree with you on that" she said looking dazed to a particular side.

  Noticing she had been looking at that place for long "What seems interesting to you in that area? I asked.

    "I just noticed some students are already moving with their stuff so early out of college. Are we allowed to leave that early? she asked.

  "Yes I think so but in a second though they can be fourth year students you know" I suggested.

  "Yes that's true" she accepted.

As we were talking my phone rang. It was far in my bag. I had some things above it which was disturbing me from picking it easily. Immediately we got home before changing from the dress I wore out, I quickly brought the phone out from my bag checking who the caller was , Laura.

   "What could Laura be calling me for? I asked myself.

   "Try calling her back, She could be calling in respect to the issue she is having with Noah" she said.

   I called her twice but no response so I kept my phone on my bed to change from the dress I wore out when my phone rang, I rushed to pick it without checking the caller after picking I noticed it was Laura.

   " Hey girl sorry for missing your call" she said immediately I picked the call.

 "Hey, that's not a problem, I missed your call also" I replied.

      "I was calling in regard to the issue you are aware that I was having with Noah, He called me a hour ago saying is it would be possible for us to see and resolve the whole issue I replied him that I will be giving him feedback, Paris when will you be free so you can also be joining us in resolving the issue? Laura asked.

    I was quite on a reminder to give her, Can that be tomorrow? I asked her.

   "Yes it can,anytime will be convenient for me" she replied. Bye I will call you tomorrow to fix a time with you" she said ending the call.





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