
Chapter 210 - Give and Take Sight


Something exploded in Belladonna at that.



She blindly sent her dagger that had been tucked away in her dress, flying behind her, making the witch stumble back a little, the dagger missing her as ice formed around the weapon and it squashed into broken pieces of ice in the air, then rained on the floor behind them like snow.

"Foolish child." The Soul Witch gritted but before anything could be done, Belladonna staggered to her feet and swiped the wet twig she had grabbed from the mud puddle in front of her, across the Witch's face.

What was a wet piece of twig going to do?

But she was desperate to fight and was using just anything she could grab on.

Her sight was blurry, her calculations might have been off, but something had happened at that moment.

She felt the pull and finally, she was in her unconscious mind.

The crashing waves.

The calm breeze.

The beach.

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