
Elizabeth's Wrath

[: 3rd POV :]

"Stop hiding, you bitch! Show yourselves!"

The Sect Master's enraged roar echoed through the sku.

The fury in his voice had cut through the air like a blade.

With every passing second, his frustration intensified.

The once-composed master was now in a tempest of wrath.

Faced with the increasing fury, the Sect Master had little choice but to abandon his passive stance.

He chose confrontation, his voice now directed upward, challenging Elizabeth.

"Enough games. Face me!"

He tauntet and the defiance in his tone was like a chaos of thunder

"Fine, if you want me to show myself, then, I will gladly do so."

Elizabeth's voice cut through the tension, a deliberate calm underlining her words.

Her decision to emerge signaled the end of his life.

Moreover, it was a desire to conclude the escalating conflict.

As Elizabeth materialized, a profound silence descended upon the sky.
