
Caleb Hellblazer

Cain was happy to see the old man deactivate the Hellblazer shield. He would kill many people in the coming days, but the Hellblazer Duke was not one of them, and there was no need to diminish Gaia's power without a reason.

The Hellblazer Duke didn't have a real choice, as Cian would not hesitate to attack him if needed, and it was clear who was strongest. However, the world was full of irrational and foolish people who chose to continue fighting due to arrogance and the belief they were superior.

"Bring your son, Caleb Hellbalzer. This will not be an execution but a clash between him and Levi, and by what I have learned about your son over the last few days, it is much more than he deserves.

Once this ends, as long as you don't interfere, we will leave the Hellblazer Sector without any more violence."

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