
Chapter 51: The Teacher Arrives

Although it might seems like a lot have already happened but in reality only a few moments have passed. The moment Lukeas save the two siblings only took half a second.

And the Aura release took even lest as it didn't even fully registered in everyone's mind. But still.

The temple went ear shattering silent after that. Although the aura that welled up vanished instantly as if nothing even happened everyone still have a looked of pure horror on their face. Even the temple demon itself.

'Wh-what the fuck was that??!!' the demon screamed in his mind but he wasn't even sure where it came from. Since that aura was so big and so spread out he couldn't find its source.

'Enough of that! I'll get rid of this bugs first!'

With that thought the demon who was still in mid action from attempting to kill Tanjiro earlier just shifted his target easily.

He was still in mid air witb his arm winding up behind him. 'This should have went to that kid's face but i guess you're good too!' the demon smirk and unleashed his most powerful punch.


With a powerful boom the dust inside the temple was shifted by the air that the shockwave of his punch made. Making the entire place hazy with dust clouds.

'.... Thats unusual... I didn't feel the feeling of my fist breaking through... Its like I-

The dust cloud dissipated... And the demons eyes went wide.

".... Its like I punch a solid metal....." he finished his word as he looked at Lukeas who was standing tall without a hint of harm...

'Holy crap.. That's so freaky! I could have sworn I almost felt nothing from his attack.. But it's obvious that its a strong one base on the shockwave it did.. If the previous me got hit by that I would have been sent flying out the temple!'

Lukeas who was busy checking out his body didn't even noticed the shaken expression of the demon. He was too busy checking out his chest which where the punch landed.

'No damage what so ever!' Lukeas beamed.. Then he turned his eyes to the demon this time..

"Now... Shall we go for the strength test?" he asked.. A wide smile plastered on his face.





Outside the "Dungeon". A Nightmare inducing scene are shown. Guts, carcasses, bones, limbs and organs littered the ground.. The one chaotic forest have turned still and silent.

While a single person with a fair skin, black hair and a handsome face sat on a gigantic corpse of a troll.. He was covered in blood and some bits of organs from all the monster he slained with his sword, which is still stabbed in the one he's sitting on. Then he sighed.

"Well at least I gained a lot from this..." He said with a calm expression.. The madness in him just a while ago was gone. Replaced by a cold, condescending stare.

"With this, fucking up that dog would be easier dont it?" he said as he looked up in the sky and slowly closed his eyes as he inhaled the putrid bloody air around him as if he's smelling a flower.

Then he opened his eyes and stands up as he felt someone approaching.

"... Are you the one who have been holding back the monster tide from the start?" a deep voice suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing this he warily turnes around. And he saw someone wearing a magnificent armor with a giant battle axe on his back.

"Yes.." Arthur replied as that's what he have been doing till now. 'although I'm not the first one here..' he thought as he clenched his fist.

"You dont look like a B rank student" The man in the domineering armor said.. Although he was wearing a helmet that covers his face Arthur cod feel that the man is watching every inch of him.

'This old scum... Wait.. B rank? Wasn't that?'

"No.. I faked that I'm only a B rank.." he said lying through his teeth. "Cuz I'm pretty sure if i do that the school will most likely sending more people in here just to keep me safe... And I know the kingdom need many of us men right now.." he added while smiling warmly at the man.

"Hmm... I like your guts, brat... Come with me.. You dint have to be here any longer.. The kings army will take care of the next wave.." The man said as he started walking away.

"The king will be ecstatic to hear a student being as powerful as you.. So how about you meet with him your self? You've also done a huge help for the kingdom.. So you will also be rewarded dearly"

"Thank you sir!... You have no idea how much that means to me!" Arthur replied laughing cheerfully but inside he's grinning like a mad man.

'Hehehe.. The shcool would probably find that Lukeas canceled his quest midway just to run away from me! .. And i also get to keep all his credits! Not bad! not bad!'

But the general also have a different thought. 'There's two kinds of corpses in here.. One sliced cleaned probably by this guy's sword... And another is beaten up with skull pretty much broken to bits... Probably a mace? No.. The would is too narrow.. A staff?.. That cant be right...'

Then he found a land drake from afar.. But with his senses he can see all is details as if it's in front of him..'... Yeah.. No way it's a staff.. A land drake have the toughest bones in the rank A monsters..no way a simple staff could break a whole on its skull..'

'whats more.. There's alot more percent of monsters that have been defeated by that blunt weapon user than this brat over here... But where is he? And who's this guy? Is he just taking that person credits? Or did he just switched weapon mid fight? ' he wondered as they slowly build distance from the battlefield.

"Hey kid.." he turned to Arthur.


"what do you think of those stupid staff users?" the general asked.

'hmm? What is this senile oldman is on about?' Lukeas raised his brows. 'Does he thinks staff are a dumb choice of weapon?... Well i agree.. Why beat something if you can just slice em'

" Heh.. I think it's dumb.. Not only cant they inflict damage much lesser than a sword. It's also not a good choice when fighting most of the monsters with their thick hides.." he explained.

"Only fools who think highly on them selves would use them" then he added.

"That right.. They are dumb fuckers that will just die in vain" the general replied with a deep voice. "Lets move"

'That confirms it... Someone else is here... And this liar might have missed that person and arrive only when the staff user have already left. Considering the fact that this guy doesn't even pretend to be a staff user. That also means he didn't know the previous person here uses a staff.'

' So... Should i still reward him for this? ' the general sigh.'What a dilemma'

'whats more.. The monter tide isn't done.. It only have been 3 hours since the attack.. It is expected this entire thing will last more than a week or so....' he sigh once again 'I'm too old for this shit..





Back to the old temple at the top of the hill.

The demon stand shocked in front of Lukeas as he realized that his strongest attack didn't do shit to him. What's more the person infront of him acted as if nothing even happened.

'Maybe it's his specialty? Now that I take a look at him he's a demon too right? Yes.. Maybe it's his blood demon art that allowed him to survive... I'm not strong enough yet to unlock mine so...'

The demon suddenly shifted and without any shame he jumped to the side and broke easily broke through the wooden wall of the old temple.

Then he easily traveled dozen of meters in a span of a second.

"Heh! Eat shit you fuc-" He turned around to curse Lukeas but he didn't expect a fist inches away in his face. He was so shocked that it feels like the time has stopped for him.



As Lukeas's fist connected with the demon's face, a powerful shockwave erupted from the point of impact. The ground quivered beneath them, sending cracks spidering outwards in all directions. The shockwave rippled through the air, causing nearby trees to sway and leaves to flutter to the ground.

The force of Lukeas's punch sent the demon hurtling backward, crashing into a huge boulder with a resounding crash. The impact left a visible crater in the stone, accompanied by a small cloud of dust and debris. The surrounding area bore the signs of the tremor, with a few minor fractures appearing on the temple walls and some loose rocks dislodging from their positions.

The surrounding environment slowly settled back into tranquility, the echoes of the shockwave fading away. Lukeas's gaze remained fixed on the fallen demon, his confidence unshaken. He knew that this display of power was just a glimpse of his true potential, fueling his resolve to overcome any challenges that lay ahead.

body at the very end. All mangled and destroyed.

"Woooohooooo!!! Thats a freaking HOOMEE RUUNN" Lukeas cheered as he realized how stronger he have become..

While even not excitement spread through his body as he realized that was his base full power attack.

'What will happen if i used second gear [Magnum??] would j create a powerful smash?? Maybe i should name it after countries??'

He started chuckling.. When he suddenly turned around as he felt a new presence..

A man wearing a blue kimono and a red tengu mask stands between Tanjiro and Nezuko who both have a look of astonishment on their faces.

"This is a quite rare sight.. A demon saving a human and fight another demon for it?? Whats more..." he paused. 'what's more is he's so powerful yet i smell that he haven't even eaten a single human yet.... Just what on earth is this creature?'

Meanwhile Lukeas have a different thought.. 'Urokudaki san! He can teach me breathing! With this i can also expand my collection of martial arts!!'


I hope you enjoy reading! Thanks for your time!!!

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts
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