
Chapter 86 - Coming


  Leah moved to London with me and I was more than happy when she agreed to it. Everything went so smoothly and I started to work again. Leah and Aria hung out a lot and Aria loved her a lot.

  My family all went to London to meet 'the girlfriend' and my mother was just.. all over the place. She almost cried that her youngest son was ready to settle down.

  I haven't even propose to her, Aria and my mother already talked about a grand wedding. My father just agreed with my mother all the time. I always movked him for being stupid but I get it now.

  When you're so in love with someone, everything just make more sense in my eyes. My father gave me the look of 'I told you so'. My siblings love her too, Leah is pretty easy going so she could adapt with them pretty quickly.

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