
Wanna spar?

  I wake up hungry. The noise from my stomach woke both of us. Ben stretches with a yawn and the cover rolls down his waist to reveal his dick. 

  Heat floods my cheeks from thinking about sucking him off. I don’t know if it’s weird that I like the taste of his sperm but I can’t be the only one who loves giving her boyfriend a blowjob. Ben grins and wiggles his eyebrows when he catches me staring at his erection. He brings my hand over his penis.

  “Food,” I say but I stroke him slowly. “I need food.” 

  Ben helps me with the stroking. His free hand plays with my nipple. “I have food for you right here.”  

  “Real food. Not Benny’s food.” 

  He falls back to the bed with laughter, rolling me over him. My hair curtains our faces and his eyes narrow a bit. His manhood digs into my stomach. 

  “This is real food. With enough protein, I may add.” 

  “Fuck you, Benny.” 

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